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  • #76
    Originally posted by beaufighter
    Motor cyclists are like smokers. So defensive about what they do that blame is quickly shifted on to someone else. In other words you don't have to breath in my smoke! You don't have to use the same road as me! It's all your fault not mine

    Ooh, another debate coming on here?
    Not another debate. Merely a lack of patience with a blinkered f*ckwit. Get a f***ing life.


    • #77
      Originally posted by MattF
      Not another debate. Merely a lack of patience with a blinkered f*ckwit. Get a f***ing life.
      How to win friends and influence people eh Matt?
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #78
        Originally posted by marky
        I used to pull the fuse on a Limiter on MERCS
        Ooh, i'm impressed. Ok until you have that accident. How would your conscience be when a family you have just wiped out are being extracted from their vehicle. Hopefully it won't happen but this trick is well known to the traffic police and the insurance companies.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Apache
          How to win friends and influence people eh Matt?



          • #80
            Originally posted by beaufighter
            You're not one of those that just swerves out without indicating are you?

            I have had my licence since 1988 (car),my class one since 1994 and my bike licence since 1998. I drive 5 days a week and apart from my 5 weeks off, all year.

            I have driven god knows how many miles, and still have a clean licence. In fact I've had a clean licence since passing my test in 1988.

            I have to go through a driver training programme every two years at work including a full day theory and a road test with a DOT driving examiner. I also have to go on anti skid and roll over training. All this just to make sure I am driving safely and doing things right.

            No, I'm not one of those drivers. My record speaks for itself.

            How many car drivers go through similar progressive road safety training???

            I also think that once you reach 70, you should have to re-take a driving test.

            What you need to do is get a day out in London with a truck driver, then you will see what we have to put up with. That includes bikers, taxis, buses, cars and yes fellow truckers.

            But the worst offenders are cyclists. They seem to think hanging onto the side of your trailer so that they don't have to peddle is a good idea. They also haven't seen a traffic light, as they all ignore the red lights. All cyclists should be made to pay for insurance too.


            • #81
              Originally posted by MattF
              Not another debate. Merely a lack of patience with a blinkered f*ckwit. Get a f***ing life.
              And your point is? I take it you like the occasional smoke? Touched a nerve maybe. Sorry but I thought we were having a sensible debate but someone has lost it!


              • #82
                Originally posted by beaufighter
                And your point is? I take it you like the occasional smoke? Touched a nerve maybe. Sorry but I thought we were having a sensible debate but someone has lost it!
                I think we lost the sensible on page 2.

                4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                • #83
                  Originally posted by M35A2

                  But the worst offenders are cyclists. They seem to think hanging onto the side of your trailer so that they don't have to peddle is a good idea. They also haven't seen a traffic light, as they all ignore the red lights. All cyclists should be made to pay for insurance too.
                  See? I told you everyone hates a cyclist.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by beaufighter
                    And your point is? I take it you like the occasional smoke? Touched a nerve maybe. Sorry but I thought we were having a sensible debate but someone has lost it!
                    Not at all. Seriously, I'm not one to complain about someone being opinionated, (even though I personally am not), but you merely have the views of someone who, to be totally honest, really needs to get a life so that they can stop obsessing over other peoples. Poking fun at people, all well and good. Even going on a wind-up, again all well and good, but the vehemence with which you attack every corner of existence, that is not normal. Even by my standards, (and it's an extremely weird yardstick I measure by, according to most), you are just chuffing weird.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by beaufighter
                      This is just the reason why they have limiters. They are not made for high speed, but to be driven responsibly. With all that weight they need to be able to stop rather than crush everything in their path in the event of an emergency stop needed.

                      These are brand new 56 reg trucks. Limited to EU directives. They are a few km's an hour faster than most trucks, that's why we overtake everything.

                      Doing 58mph on the motorway is hardly driving fast or irrisponsible.

                      You will also find that a truck half loaded has probably got better brakes than your car!

                      On single carrigeway roads the legal speed is 40mph. What's worse, doing 50mph (10mph over the limit) and keeping with the flow of traffic, or doing the speed limit and having every car driver behind willing to risk everyones life just to overtake???


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by M35A2
                        On single carrigeway roads the legal speed is 40mph. What's worse, doing 50mph (10mph over the limit) and keeping with the flow of traffic, or doing the speed limit and having every car driver behind willing to risk everyones life just to overtake???
                        I agree. I work near Fawley refinery, and travel the A326. This is the only road in and out of the area, but is single carrigeway. Sitting behind a lorry doing 40 is dangerous, because eventually some car driver will try to overtake, and the road just isn't safe for that. Unless your on a motorcycle of course.

                        For the record the attack on motorcycles did touch a nerve, just the same as the poor uninform idiots who attack 4x4s get my goat too. I hate micra drivers, but I tend to leave them alone (as long as I can brake hard enough after they've taken my braking distance).
                        Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by MattF
                          Not at all. Seriously, I'm not one to complain about someone being opinionated, (even though I personally am not), but you merely have the views of someone who, to be totally honest, really needs to get a life so that they can stop obsessing over other peoples. Poking fun at people, all well and good. Even going on a wind-up, again all well and good, but the vehemence with which you attack every corner of existence, that is not normal. Even by my standards, (and it's an extremely weird yardstick I measure by, according to most), you are just chuffing weird.
                          Thanks for the advice Matt but I have to say that I have a life and it is extremely good. However, I'm always open to suggestion so what would you advise?

                          I don't attack every corner of existence, how could I the world is spherical so has no corners! Remember, I did defend the foxes but recieved attack myself so again what is your point?

                          Chuffing - what is that, a coloquial term?


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Maverick
                            I hate micra drivers, but I tend to leave them alone (as long as I can brake hard enough after they've taken my braking distance).
                            Just deviating off slightly, finally saw a traffic car getting ready to pounce earlier for one of those muppets who races to the end of a dual carriage-way where it converges into one lane, and rams their vehicle into the slightest space imaginable. He went across the chevrons as well, and the coppers followed him and dropped in a few places behind ready to pounce. Nice to know they do occasionally get nicked for that trick.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by M35A2
                              These are brand new 56 reg trucks. Limited to EU directives. They are a few km's an hour faster than most trucks, that's why we overtake everything.

                              Doing 58mph on the motorway is hardly driving fast or irrisponsible.

                              You will also find that a truck half loaded has probably got better brakes than your car!

                              On single carrigeway roads the legal speed is 40mph. What's worse, doing 50mph (10mph over the limit) and keeping with the flow of traffic, or doing the speed limit and having every car driver behind willing to risk everyones life just to overtake???
                              Sorry my mistake I thought that you earlier said they were as fast as f*ck and could take anything on the road. I know that air brakes are more responsive than fluid brakes but when in a skid it is still down to the tyres which are due to economy, often remoulds. As for the second point I still maintain that speed limits are there to be adhered to. If someone wants to overtake then that is there choice. You go faster they go faster.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by beaufighter
                                Thanks for the advice Matt but I have to say that I have a life and it is extremely good. However, I'm always open to suggestion so what would you advise?
                                You really don't want to know what my advice would be. Besides, I doubt you'd do me the courtesy of taking it.

                                Originally posted by beaufighter
                                I don't attack every corner of existence, how could I the world is spherical so has no corners!
                                What has the planet to do with existence?

                                Originally posted by beaufighter
                                Remember, I did defend the foxes but recieved attack myself so again what is your point?
                                As did I. What relevance does that have?

                                Originally posted by beaufighter
                                Chuffing - what is that, a coloquial term?
                                It's a more subtle term than another I could have used.

