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Wheels stolen 29/9/10

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  • #31
    Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
    cant have nowt fancy coz if the fekers like em they take em
    they must have been nicked to order
    its not something you would nick to sell to joe blogs is it
    some one has ordered them

    is there any way to tell that the wheels are yours
    i have or did if its still on there
    mi post code in marker pen on the inner side of mi wheels before the tyres were put on
    i did this in my mountain bike days to every bike i had
    i still do it to cars

    but one day it will pay off
    i will keep my eyes out mate but could do with knowing how to tell they are your wheels
    email me dont put it on here
    its too public

    who ever had em off must have seen you about before
    think back dude
    it could be over weeks be some fekers seen and odered ya wheels
    they are not the type of thing that getts nicked for a tenner bag of smack now is it

    its bad luck and good in a way tho
    coz around here
    ya get your whole car taken the wheels then taken off and the rest of ya car gets fired
    so at least not all is lost

    still fekin crap tho init
    scumbag mother fekers cant leave fek all alone
    get a job and pay ya way through life ya ya fekin scumbags
    Can't pm you mate! Are you on facebook?
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #32
      email me anytime dude
      GW014v6504@ blueyonder.co.uk
      if they left the jacks some thing has fightend em off

      they aint cheap unless they the 30 40 quiders
      then they can be left if your going to nick 500 600 hunderd quid over night
      and who ever did it was out just to do that
      it maybe a team from anywere that is a pro at this
      leaving tollys like that aint normal is it
      nore is it to take em to a job and leave em there
      most tea leafs use cheap tools and leave it on bricks not leave a tool even cheap coz its worth a bag of smack or a rock of crack
      adds up this is not a petty criminal that nicked ya wheels
      you have seen who did it
      coz they must have seen you dude

      i live in a high crime area and a local land owners son
      who has caurt more people robbing off mi dad then the cops ever have
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #33
        Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
        Can't pm you mate! Are you on facebook?
        sorry mate i dont do face book
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #34
          Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
          sorry mate i dont do face book
          I love you for that.
          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • #35
            Originally posted by slobodan View Post
            I love you for that.
            its a no no for me
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • #36
              Wow, gutted for mate, they were stunning wheels, will definitely keep an eye out for you.


              • #37
                Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                its a no no for me
                n for me too George, too much information !!!!

                I'm not saying it was but it could be the very reason ya wheels went missing Tony or anything else you admit to owning/having the use of eg.. "on holiday" so n so ....etc, etc
                Cos my grandaughter repeated what my daughter told her friends "on faceache" n they had house sitters in while they were away ......
                Hope we see ya smiling again soon Tony

                "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
                Buncefield Burner


                • #38
                  Sorry to hear about the wheels. Hopefully someone on here might see them for sale as they are a fairly specialised set of rims.

                  But as others have said it sounds like they have been stolen to order. Keep an eye out as they prob are not fare away. Don't hold your breath for police to find them.

                  Good luck.
                  If it can be broken it can be fixed


                  • #39
                    Wholy Crap man, realy sorry to hear about your loss words cannot compensate for the feeling of being robbed.

                    Hope it all works our for you.

                    Always room for more power!!!!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
                      n for me too George, too much information !!!!

                      I'm not saying it was but it could be the very reason ya wheels went missing Tony or anything else you admit to owning/having the use of eg.. "on holiday" so n so ....etc, etc
                      Cos my grandaughter repeated what my daughter told her friends "on faceache" n they had house sitters in while they were away ......
                      Hope we see ya smiling again soon Tony

                      "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
                      Advice taken.. I have locked it down so only friends see my info though. My address or phone numbers or anything like that isn't on there and have even tried myself getting info by using my username or real name, but, I will further lock it down and may be remove photos : (

                      On a plus side, I have spoken to my insurance company and they want to get their repair people to take the truck, fix the lock and look at the brakes and replace the wheels and tyres (for same ones). Excess is £50 so all is not lost!
                      Alarm going on is costing a fair bit though :/ but at least it will be difficult for anyone to do this again!
                      Just have to wait to hear back from the insurance co. Still gutted though but at least there is progress.
                      I've taken that facebook advice very seriously, currently at a client office so will do that as soon as I can later.
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by madmanc View Post
                        Wholy Crap man, realy sorry to hear about your loss words cannot compensate for the feeling of being robbed.

                        Hope it all works our for you.

                        The only car it HASNT happened to me on is my fiesta! Although the alarm fitted to that would sound a "warn away" even if you looked through the window and it would also page your keyfob. Similar one is being fitted to the surf.
                        Oh Nana, what's my name?


                        • #42
                          I had a Sigma full Cat1 alarm and a few Clifford additional added to the Auxiliaries on the Sigma giving me full sense and tell, Microwave, Shock and tilt sensors on my Sound off car (MINI). If anyone even breathed on it the alarm would issue a warning then after 3 warnings it would go off. The one extra that I did not get round to adding was the pager function because basically unless you are within 2-3 minutes away there would be nothing you could do, being told that your car is being stolen would just make your day end all the sooner, Personal opinion I might add.

                          An Alarm is only as good as the thief that steeling from you, plain and simple if they want it they will take it,

                          In my Opinion your wheels were nicked to order .....
                          Always room for more power!!!!


                          • #43
                            Really sorry to hear that mate, I remember how much time, care and attention you took in choosing those wheels and tyres, not to mention how much they cost!

                            I had an Orion Ghia S (Mk6) and believe it or not it was a lovely car. Despite alarms and immobilisers it got nicked 3 times! The last time it ended up as a total write off as they set fire to it.

                            You pay for something nice, some ba$tard wants it for nothing!
                            'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                            • #44
                              Tough luck mate,Know how you feel,had an uninsured RS1600i stolen when I was a few years younger than you.Walked around like someone had ripped me guts out for a few days!!!

                              Hope the next 4x4 they nick the wheels off f**king falls on them and squashes em!!!!

                              Bring back the guiloutine




                              • #45
                                Really sorry to hear that Tony. #######s. Can't believe they will have the cheek to do something that will take so long!

