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Wheels stolen 29/9/10

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  • This thread will just go on and on and on. The only possible way it can be brought to an end, and the very apocalypse prevented, is if a new thread is started which is so interesting, so extraordinary, and so compelling, that everyone reads that.
    I have been thinking long and hard about an appropriate subject, and I believe that "Lexurf VII" is the only possible thing that would do the trick.
    Only Vince can save us now....


    • Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
      this thread will just go on and on and on. The only possible way it can be brought to an end, and the very apocalypse prevented, is if a new thread is started which is so interesting, so extraordinary, and so compelling, that everyone reads that.
      I have been thinking long and hard about an appropriate subject, and i believe that "lexurf vii" is the only possible thing that would do the trick.
      Only vince can save us now....

      Lexurf VII ?


      • Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
        Lexurf VII ?
        Is it VI or VII? Does the one you have rescued count?


        • Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
          Is it VI or VII? Does the one you have rescued count?
          Hell no!

          I just got it running, not putting my name to the fabrication!


          • Yes very wise I suppose!!!

            Lexurf VI it is then!!!


            • I'm having the last word

              Fudgepackingc0ckjugglingthunde rcnut.
              Non intercooled nothing.

