Originally posted by ian619
Being in a car is no fun. Was a passenger in the sis-in-laws car yesterday,
and that's the first time in years I've had to bend DOWN to get in a vehicle.
Give me the Surf any day. Free runabout is tempting though.
Must admit, I really was cr*pping myself when I pulled off the drive.
But, I thought Vince has been running round like this for a while, so I
should be okay. Drove like a granny to the first call. Popped bonnet,
checked everrything was still where it should be. Everything okay. Then
spent rest of afternoon driving like Mansell. Must admit, though, I did
pop the bonnet after coming out of every place I stopped, just to make
sure everything was still in place and that it wasn't wobbling on the mount
like John's. Being 2.4 owners, we're used to the smell of fear every time
we leave the drive in the Surf. Can't say for definite, due to the viscous
fan being a bit louder and the fact that my front exhaust pipe sounds like a
wet fart at the moment, , but I can't say as I've heard the electric fan
kick in today, even in this heat. So, I'm chuffed enough. Oh, by the way,
did I mention that my fan's now BRIGHT BLUE.