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  • I wasn't actually talking about my motorcycle experiance. But your right, I learnt very quickly on the bike which bits of the road gave the best grip, and which bits (manhole covers) didn't. Reading the road on a bike is a vital skill.

    I just wish I'd have thought of that, I might have looked clever for a bit.
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


    • Originally posted by Maverick View Post
      I don't know the current standard of the driving test.

      You just answered my next question!

      Everyones sat here talking about the driving test needs to be made tougher..

      Who knows what its like at the moment?!


      • Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
        You just answered my next question!

        Everyones sat here talking about the driving test needs to be made tougher..

        Who knows what its like at the moment?!
        Same as it ever was, with a pointless theory test attached, as far as I know.


        • Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
          Screw you... mines soooo big that i can sit downstairs an take a pi$$ upstairs!!

          leaning back and ####ing on the ceiling is totally differnt Rod!

          and yes Sancho that is true but ONE of the problems is that some of these kids today think their little novas or whatever are ther fastest cars in the world. maybey if they had their cars re-maped/restricted then maybe they would think twice about a silly overtaking manouver.
          wont put everyone off i know but if it works for just a small percentage of kids then there cant be any harm in it?
          and yes what they do in Findland is a great idea. i think top gear did a episode on it once?

          anyway it wont be long before cars will be able to break by themselves when approching other cars. the technology is already out there. will just take some time.
          Clackson test drove an Audi with the technology on once and drove round a town and never once put his foot on the break! pretty cool stuff.
          very simliar if not the same technology they want to enforce on motorways where each car has a computer in it that sends infra-red singnals out to the rear of the car infront keeping them at a set distance all the time allowing them to all cruise along in perfect sync.


          • Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
            You just answered my next question!

            Everyones sat here talking about the driving test needs to be made tougher..

            Who knows what its like at the moment?!
            The cleaner at work, she passed two months ago, and scares me with her questions.
            Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


            • Originally posted by goodcat View Post
              and yes Sancho that is true but ONE of the problems is that some of these kids today think their little novas or whatever are ther fastest cars in the world. maybey if they had their cars re-maped/restricted then maybe they would think twice about a silly overtaking manouver.
              That's the point. They're already driving slow cars and it doesn't help. It's the fact that they don't realise how crap they are that's dangerous. If we're worried about overtaking manouevres, we should give them all Caterhams so they stand more chance of making it round.


              • Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                That's the point. They're already driving slow cars and it doesn't help. It's the fact that they don't realise how crap they are that's dangerous. If we're worried about overtaking manouevres, we should give them all Caterhams so they stand more chance of making it round.
                yes but what im saying is that if they HAVE TO HAVE their cars made slower then surely/hopefully they would change their attitude?
                well thats my theory anyway lol.
                and i hope you were joking about the Caterhams!? lol

                parenting also plays a bit part of it also IMO.
                when i have kids i might take them out in my car when they are about 16/17 and pretend to have a few nasty "near misses". scare the crap out of them for life! muawhahaha


                • Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                  That's the point. They're already driving slow cars and it doesn't help. It's the fact that they don't realise how crap they are that's dangerous. If we're worried about overtaking manouevres, we should give them all Caterhams so they stand more chance of making it round.
                  So they don't have to overtake all the time do they ?
                  Observation comes into it n if not, they'll have to learn to be more patient n slow down like us Surf drivers !!!!
                  A bit much of an ask of Youngsters today I know !!!

                  There's always a Payback .... It'll always take longer than five minutes !!!!
                  Buncefield Burner


                  • [QUOTE=Diezel Weazel;533739]So they don't have to overtake all the time do they ?
                    Observation comes into it n if not, they'll have to learn to be more patient n slow down like us Surf drivers !!!!
                    A bit much of an ask of Youngsters today I know !!!

                    There's always a Payback .... It'll always take longer than five minutes !!!![/QUOTE]

                    thats not what she said......


                    • Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
                      So they don't have to overtake all the time do they ?
                      Observation comes into it n if not, they'll have to learn to be more patient n slow down like us Surf drivers !!!!
                      A bit much of an ask of Youngsters today I know !!!

                      There's always a Payback .... It'll always take longer than five minutes !!!!
                      That's the other point. That's why they need experience and/or better training. Until you've nearly eaten Mondeo, it's hard to be able to judge when you can and cannot overtake, unless you've been prooperly taught.


                      • Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                        That's the other point. That's why they need experience and/or better training. Until you've nearly eaten Mondeo, it's hard to be able to judge when you can and cannot overtake, unless you've been prooperly taught.


                        • Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                          Same as it ever was, with a pointless theory test attached, as far as I know.
                          I dont know, Its supposed to have got harder.. Theres more focus on being aware of your surroundings.

                          I didn't even drive a country lane till i did my pass plus!
                          Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                          leaning back and ####ing on the ceiling is totally differnt Rod!

                          Originally posted by Maverick View Post
                          The cleaner at work, she passed two months ago, and scares me with her questions.
                          Women passing are a nightmare!!! My mate Mel can't drive for sh!t..She called me up an was over the moon she had passed.. called round to pick me up an then did 60 down my road..

                          My sister made a million mistakes but the testers bf had just dumped her so she was pi$$ed at men an my sister agreed that were all 'jerks' so she passed!


                          • Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
                            You just answered my next question!

                            Everyones sat here talking about the driving test needs to be made tougher..

                            Who knows what its like at the moment?!
                            I passed my test back in '83. It was pretty simple test really, drive around to show competence behind the wheel and correctly identify several road signs from a flip chart.

                            Todays test should include a simple physics exam to show that you understand inertia, centrifugal and gyroscopic forces, plus a video showing the aftermath, including the blood and gore of crashes due to careless/dangerous driving.


                            • i lost my liscense once years ago because i got 6 points withing the first 2 years of driving. (woops)
                              when i re-took my test the guy knew i had already got 2 years under my belt and that i was a compitent driver so he passed me after 15 minutes.
                              however when we got back in the carpark where learners depart from to take their test....he said to me
                              "you see that instructor there"
                              "well the day he passes someone ill eat my hat! he has been here for 4 years and has NEVER passed anybody!! your lucky you got me today!"
                              "#### me" i said. (not in that way though! lol)
                              as i left some poor girl was getting into his car for her test! haha i take it she failed lol.
                              test are getting harder these days but they are still possible to pass for any muppet. but having test instructors like that isnt helping anyone either.
                              yes the test should be harder but they shouldnt be employing d1ck heads like that guy!
                              4 years! not one pass! surely someone in the office wouldve thought this to be a tad strange??


                              • They still get paid.

