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  • #61
    Originally posted by goodcat View Post
    that suggestion is near on genius mate!! totally agree!
    ive never thought of that.
    The whole thing is a stupid idea mate.

    We've all made mistakes where we pull out infront of someone an we need all the power we bl**dy have to get out the way.

    restricting cars to 70mph is fine an dandy but at 30mph you can kill yourself so its a massivly expensive waste of time.

    If they ignore what there taught an rag the sh!t out of something an crash an die then what the f**k do they think is going to happen?!

    You've admitted in other posts you drive to fast! Maybe before suggesting new laws and sh!t you need to address your own driving..

    Everyones in control of there car an all that shit.. untill they lose it! then they crash an in this lads case...die!


    • #62
      so the 90% that are law abiding and not gonna screw with the restrictor are the ones that are racing and driving like muppets i assume?
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #63
        Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
        coz your being a tool for no reason
        iam going off line before this is made into a hand bag bash again
        its not the first time is it
        Are you incapable of a debate without abuse?
        I posted because I doubt if you have "often had to throw the truck in a hedge" "or loads of boy racers would be dead"

        Sorry but it screams drama queen bullshit to me.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Gaspode View Post
          plus if you have spent a few months scaring the bejezes out of yourself on a skidpan, you tend to be a bit more retrospect when actually driving!
          I'm sure you mean circumspect

          I think the 'black box' idea that logs how a car is being driven is a good idea. The technology is currently available (and in some form already on some high performance cars as a kind of warranty guarantee, so the dealer knows if the car has been ragged) and would be cheap via economy of scale if it was obligatory to have one fitted to new drivers cars in order to get insurance. Insurance could also be cheaper, as the risk would be lower due to drivers behaving themselves if they knew everything they did was being recorded and transgressions could result in suspension of licence / retest / higher insurance cost.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #65
            Originally posted by nero279 View Post
            so the 90% that are law abiding and not gonna screw with the restrictor are the ones that are racing and driving like muppets i assume?
            good point mate.
            in some cases tho there are just people who crash due to speeding unitentionally and just being dumb insted of deliberately reckless.
            obviously its not perfect but i was just going under the impression that if it would only help just a small perecntage of people then its a worthy cause?
            every little thing counts and all that jazz.

            Hello Rod. yeah i know what your saying mate nad agree belive it or not.
            like you say though, if someone drives too fast and crash what do they expect? true?
            but one could argue the same reasoning to someone who isnt speeding and like you say,.... pulls out on someone putting themselves in a testical twisting situation and causes a crash, that you could again say "what did they expect".
            had he/she looked at what was going on around them properly and judged oncomming traffics speeds correctly, then they could've avoided putting themselves in a position where they needed the extra speed to get them out of it.......which can sometimes lead to more disaster if they panic whilst with their foot down on the accelerator.

            not having a go mate at or trying to argue, just debating the subject and bringing up any possible pros and cons.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Apache View Post
              I'm sure you mean circumspect

              I think the 'black box' idea that logs how a car is being driven is a good idea. The technology is currently available (and in some form already on some high performance cars as a kind of warranty guarantee, so the dealer knows if the car has been ragged) and would be cheap via economy of scale if it was obligatory to have one fitted to new drivers cars in order to get insurance. Insurance could also be cheaper, as the risk would be lower due to drivers behaving themselves if they knew everything they did was being recorded and transgressions could result in suspension of licence / retest / higher insurance cost.
              Now that is an idea worth listening too!!


              • #67
                i havent read all of this thread yet but i like the sound of the black box idea!


                • #68
                  Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                  Hello Rod. yeah i know what your saying mate nad agree belive it or not.
                  like you say though, if someone drives too fast and crash what do they expect? true?
                  but one could argue the same reasoning to someone who isnt speeding and like you say,.... pulls out on someone putting themselves in a testical twisting situation and causes a crash, that you could again say "what did they expect".
                  had he/she looked at what was going on around them properly and judged oncomming traffics speeds correctly, then they could've avoided putting themselves in a position where they needed the extra speed to get them out of it.......which can sometimes lead to more disaster if they panic whilst with their foot down on the accelerator.

                  not having a go mate at or trying to argue, just debating the subject and bringing up any possible pros and cons.
                  I agree with your point mate, But then it just falls back to learning how to drive.

                  Its all part of it. Read road signs. Make sure its clear when your pulling out. Check your mirrors. All things covered in the test.

                  Maybe showing a video of horrific crashes might help tuck away ideas of being reckless.. maybe it would just be a random freakshow.

                  Either way i think its more about a persons mentality as aposed to what there driving.

                  a mate had a 1.0 micra hire car. He made it his goal to reach over 100mph in it... foolish!! Utter tw*t but thats his mentality! I get in a car an i stick to the speed limits an break if im uncertain about whats unfolding on the road ahead. But thats me... not the next guy!


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
                    I agree with your point mate, But then it just falls back to learning how to drive.

                    Its all part of it. Read road signs. Make sure its clear when your pulling out. Check your mirrors. All things covered in the test.

                    Maybe showing a video of horrific crashes might help tuck away ideas of being reckless.. maybe it would just be a random freakshow.

                    Either way i think its more about a persons mentality as aposed to what there driving.
                    totally agree mate!!

                    a mate had a 1.0 micra hire car. He made it his goal to reach over 100mph in it... foolish!! Utter tw*t but thats his mentality!
                    well if he had my system enforced he wouldnt be able to! hahaha

                    I get in a car an i stick to the speed limits an break if im uncertain about whats unfolding on the road ahead. But thats me... not the next guy!
                    right im off to bed. nite nite all.
                    oh and hurry up and find my parts for me guys!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                      right im off to bed. nite nite all.
                      oh and hurry up and find my parts for me guys!

                      He'd still be able to do 70 on a country lane which is dangerous enough!


                      • #71
                        Give me a car or a motorbike and i garauntee you i drive fast, hence the reason i bought a jeep, for some reason i feel different driving one and dont drive fast. Also the back end kicked out once due to my error and accelerating to heavy coming out a roundabout , and almost lost total control, that scared the living sheehite out off me, nearly ended up in a ditch and took out a couple of ballards, well and truly learnt a lesson there.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                          Are you incapable of a debate without abuse?
                          I posted because I doubt if you have "often had to throw the truck in a hedge" "or loads of boy racers would be dead"

                          you know dude if you had put it that way to start with
                          it would have been more polite to do so now would't it
                          but its not the way to treat others now is it?
                          you had to say things like .[/QUOTE]Sorry but it screams drama queen bullshit to me.[/QUOTE]
                          .[/QUOTE]You have way to much time on your hands to sit and dream up this shit..[/QUOTE]
                          and you reafure to me has
                          ..[/QUOTE]You might be a drama queen George but you don't half get them going...[/QUOTE]
                          now why is it when i dont bite to your silly comments
                          you keep them going till i do?

                          iam not realy intrested in your small mindedness dude iam realy not
                          if you have a problem with me mate get it all of ya chest pal
                          if you want owt else i'll give ya my address if ya like
                          or give me yours
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Apache View Post
                            I'm sure you mean circumspect

                            I think the 'black box' idea that logs how a car is being driven is a good idea. The technology is currently available (and in some form already on some high performance cars as a kind of warranty guarantee, so the dealer knows if the car has been ragged) and would be cheap via economy of scale if it was obligatory to have one fitted to new drivers cars in order to get insurance. Insurance could also be cheaper, as the risk would be lower due to drivers behaving themselves if they knew everything they did was being recorded and transgressions could result in suspension of licence / retest / higher insurance cost.

                            No, you look back and think "holy cr@p"



                            • #74
                              iam not realy intrested in your small mindedness dude iam realy not
                              if you have a problem with me mate get it all of ya chest pal
                              if you want owt else i'll give ya my address if ya like
                              or give me yours

                              But just imagine how many hedges you would have to throw the truck into on a drive that far.
                              I hope that's not a threat of violence on top the abuse in previous posts. I will give you the benifit of the doubt, this one time.
                              Last edited by yoshie; 26 February 2009, 02:38.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by RodLeach View Post

                                He'd still be able to do 70 on a country lane which is dangerous enough!

                                very true. the other side of that arugment is, he can only do 70mph on the motorway insted of anything upto 150mph!

