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My accident update

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  • Originally posted by galooph View Post
    Yeah, the sciatic pain I had was the worst I've ever experienced.

    My doc has told me I could try some painkilling injections into my spine, but recommended against it. There's a good risk you can end up in more pain instead.

    I'm just looking into disc replacement surgery, but I'm not sure whether it's available on the NHS. Getting all the info I can ready for when I next see my doc.

    Most definitely!

    I had a nerve block done on the femoral nerve and that worked very well compared to what it was like before hand.I had a 60% improvement.
    The injection in the spine is what i had last time and like you there is a risk of being in more pain after.I was willing to take the chance on myself with this one.I suppose at times it is a bit worse than before but as i have had the pain for 5 years i have just ignored it and carried on taking the pills.Hope you get yours sorted soon tho.
    Seatbelt will be sorted and with you by Tuesday


    • i just got home from hospital after going to see the hip specialist again.
      There was a letter from my solicitor on the desk and when i opened it i nearly fell over.
      It says NetworkRail have made an offer of £50,000.00 net of benefits to close the case.What a jump from £15,000.00 3 years ago.
      I am seeing the solicitor on the 23 july to discuss the offer but i need to know if the net of benefits includes loss of earning aswell or is that the total off of the claim
      Hopefully there may be a bigger offer on the table as the court date is in November so NetworkRail must be getting a bit worried now


      • Originally posted by stormforce View Post
        i just got home from hospital after going to see the hip specialist again.
        There was a letter from my solicitor on the desk and when i opened it i nearly fell over.
        It says NetworkRail have made an offer of £50,000.00 net of benefits to close the case.What a jump from £15,000.00 3 years ago.
        I am seeing the solicitor on the 23 july to discuss the offer but i need to know if the net of benefits includes loss of earning aswell or is that the total off of the claim
        Hopefully there may be a bigger offer on the table as the court date is in November so NetworkRail must be getting a bit worried now
        Don't give up Rich! That's great news for you
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • tiz good news dude
          they are bricking it
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • Hi Rich
            I have a friend..no seriously who suffered spine damage as a result of driving one of those huge tippers that didnt have shock absorbers on the seat or cab for periods longer than he should have as a result he cannot work because of pain, inabillity to sit for long - similar to your situation and neglegence as a cause, again, simillar
            He got a settlement 4-5 years ago after prolonged battles with ECC and the union etc, again similar
            I know he certainly got in excess of £100,000 and he is now 61 so quite a bit older than you, so less potencial working life=less loss of potencial earnings, It seems to me this offer in comparison is low - very low, I am seeing him tomorrow am so will see what I can find out from him. I know he is registered dissabled with a mobillity car allowence, would you like me to ask him if you 2 could get together even on the phone to have a chat, I think his experience could be valuable, I dont have a clue as to what his reactions might be but he is a good mate of mine and was a motor engineer (good one too!) so you could have more than just an claim in common, just let me know if you want me to ask
            Did I mention I have a BLUE one


            • all i would want to find out at the moment is whether the amount of £50,000 net of benefits what does the net of benefits mean.I can't get to talk to my solicitor till Monday so i can't ask him yet
              There was someone's wife on here recently that was an injury lawyer or worked for one that gave some advice.


              • Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                all i would want to find out at the moment is whether the amount of £50,000 net of benefits what does the net of benefits mean.I can't get to talk to my solicitor till Monday so i can't ask him yet
                There was someone's wife on here recently that was an injury lawyer or worked for one that gave some advice.
                richard i thought that when all was sorted you would have to pay all benefits back out of the compensation ?.


                • i'll look into it all Steve just so i know what i will actually get in my pocket.If that offer of 50k isn't with loss of earnings then they better make a better offer


                  • The offer of 50k that was made i have now rejected in writting and even though that £50,000 was in my pocket it still wasn't enough as far as i'm concerned
                    My solicitor who i spoke to today is now working out figures of loss of earnings,injury and pension loss and is going to get back to me and see what i think.He is then going back to Networkrail and will put an offer to them and see what comes out
                    He is also putting in for an Interim payment of £10,000.00 to see us through and that will be taken off of the final amount paid.
                    At the moment things are moving along nicely


                    • you hold in there dude
                      my mate got 50 grand for the loss of his finger afer his hand was crushed
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                      • Good luck with it Rich. It sounds like you've got a decent solicitor on the case so you should get what you're due eventually.

                        Like I said before, a mate of mine got a fairly handsome payout for a back injury that was down to a previously undiagnosed degenerative condition that will eventually put her in a wheelchair. Whilst the blame for some of her (actually fairly minor) injury lay squarely at the feet of the supermarket she worked for (on the checkouts) because of the severe implications of what happened and the fact that the employer & line manager had both breached the Health & Safety at Work Act (and in fact treated her very shabbily post-injury too) she did ok out of it in the end.

                        Obviously, she would rather be healthy and able to work in any job she chooses (does a desk job now in local government cos she can't manage the physical aspects of working in a lab anymore) but at least the payout has left her in a position where she has a house and a bit of money to rely on in the future.

                        Once again Rich - good luck and I hope you get every penny you deserve.


                        • Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                          you hold in there dude
                          my mate got 50 grand for the loss of his finger afer his hand was crushed
                          i have fought for 5 years now and i ain't giving in yet,its gone to far now for me to do that.My solicitor reacons the courts would award me 10 years loss of earning and thats with out my pension being counted. Plus i was paying into another part of the pension aswell which i've lost out on but at the end of the day i know i won't get all that pension back.If i get half the value back i would be happy on top of the injury and loss of earnings


                          • Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                            i have fought for 5 years now and i ain't giving in yet,its gone to far now for me to do that.My solicitor reacons the courts would award me 10 years loss of earning and thats with out my pension being counted. Plus i was paying into another part of the pension aswell which i've lost out on but at the end of the day i know i won't get all that pension back.If i get half the value back i would be happy on top of the injury and loss of earnings
                            i feel for ya matey
                            tiz worth standing ya ground for
                            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                            • There's so many people claiming compo these days that don't need or derserve it, and they just foul the dammed line.

                              But you sir; are the exception.

                              Fight on Stormy, because your worth it....sorry if that sounds like shampoo

                              Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



                              • Originally posted by Calos View Post
                                There's so many people claiming compo these days that don't need or derserve it, and they just foul the dammed line.

                                But you sir; are the exception.

                                Fight on Stormy, because your worth it....sorry if that sounds like shampoo

                                and i thought you were taking the p155 about me having a turd gen..
                                cheers mate for the comments

