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  • #46
    Originally posted by Apache
    Would I refer to you like that Matt?!?!

    Neil, didn't know there were even more trolls around! What a sh1t!
    thats why i started this thread as it could of got out of control with out the help of rod.

    @mattf no worries mate


    • #47
      Phew... all this does suck the fun out of it doesn't it...
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #48
        Originally posted by Apache
        Phew... all this does suck the fun out of it doesn't it...
        just a little majority of the members are good nice people but then you get the ones that want a war which for a new member would not be good, and would bad name this forum


        • #49
          Originally posted by sledge
          thats not the point tho is it, what if rod had not of been on, where would the argument have got to, what would of been said. thats why i think we need some more mods
          I think that was the post , that made me P.M. rod to pull it


          • #50
            This is a GREAT site but recent posts have undoubtedly detracted VERY seriously and since I have not yet become closely involved I've found that my interest has diminished because of the flaming. Also, while I recognise that flamers are harmless tw@ts others may actually find the posts disturbing. While I hate to acknowledge or give ground to tw@tness in any way, shape or form (because that's usually the reaction the tw@t wants) I think there is a responsibility on those who run / administer the site to ensure that nobody feels threatened or even placed in a position where they subconsciously avoid a thread because a tw@t has joined in.


            • #51
              Originally posted by sledge
              thats not the point tho is it, what if rod had not of been on, where would the argument have got to, what would of been said. thats why i think we need some more mods
              there were PMs flying all over the place, the thread and the person that said it would have been dealt with. The argument was already well out of hand when that comment was made.

              It takes two to tango, i think even on that thread before it was deleted someone had posted that it actually ended up pretty much being a 6 on 1 bitch fight.

              I agree it wasn't a nice thing to be said, but it was said in the heat of an argument the mods had no control over, as has already been said over moderation will do just as much harm as under moderation, the mods unlike me have a life outside the forum. If we act like adults, and can accept that occasionally out of order stuff is gonna be said when there isn't someone around that can stop it then there'll be no harm done if we let the blatantly unfounded insults go over our heads.

              All the time people react there will be arguments, if you don't want an argument to get out of hand check the members list to make sure there's a mod online before you buy into it and post.
              =SOLD UP!=


              • #52
                Originally posted by Woodzie
                that was the post , that made me P.M. rod to pull it
                thats the one and thank you for doing that. as i will have no one insult my wife or any of the good people on here


                • #53
                  Originally posted by nero279
                  All the time people react there will be arguments, if you don't want an argument to get out of hand check the members list to make sure there's a mod online before you buy into it and post.
                  Arguments are perfectly normal. I'm sure we've all been in one on here at some point, and possibly even warned to cool it if a Mod happened to be online at the time. However, personal or random abuse is not warranted, and has no excuse, on any occasion.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by MattF
                    Arguments are perfectly normal. I'm sure we've all been in one on here at some point, and possibly even warned to cool it if a Mod happened to be online at the time. However, personal or random abuse is not warranted, and has no excuse, on any occasion.
                    well said that man. no one should have to deal with insults such as that


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by nero279
                      there were PMs flying all over the place, the thread and the person that said it would have been dealt with. The argument was already well out of hand when that comment was made.

                      It takes two to tango, i think even on that thread before it was deleted someone had posted that it actually ended up pretty much being a 6 on 1 bitch fight.

                      I agree it wasn't a nice thing to be said, but it was said in the heat of an argument the mods had no control over, as has already been said over moderation will do just as much harm as under moderation, the mods unlike me have a life outside the forum. If we act like adults, and can accept that occasionally out of order stuff is gonna be said when there isn't someone around that can stop it then there'll be no harm done if we let the blatantly unfounded insults go over our heads.

                      All the time people react there will be arguments, if you don't want an argument to get out of hand check the members list to make sure there's a mod online before you buy into it and post.
                      There may have been wrong things said, i did let the fact that i was called a whore go over my head but sometimes comments aren't that easy to let go of, especially when you suffer from an illness like mine. I was nothing to do with that arguement yet was brought into it wrongly and i believe that if there was someone to step in and say look, this is getting out of hand, it could have been dealt with quickly and keeping the insults and nastiness to a minimum!
                      I don't know you and i mean you no offence, i'm not looking for an arguement, just trying to keep the peace and stop others from seeing racism, rudeness and general nastiness when they look at this site.
                      GO TEAM SLEDGE


                      • #56
                        If no one replies to him
                        If his comments are ignored
                        If his requests go unanswered
                        He will get bored and join the boys with cycle clips and hand pumps forum


                        • #57
                          I do agree with all of the last 3 posts (edit: mattf, sledge, and Dori's), but i'm sure we've all said that this place feels like more than a forum, it feels like a community or a family, with over moderation we would lose that. It's the freedom to say what you think and what matters to you that makes this place feel like that, and makes us feel as though we know some of the people on here we've never met.

                          I have already said i've been as guilty as anyone, and if i were to go back through all of the posts i've made and some that others have directed at me since i joined i've no doubt there's some i would want to forget.

                          The fallout from these posters and threads is what these people thrive on, they have one soul purpose and that is to cause upset and dischord which quite clearly they are succeeding in at the moment.

                          I agree there is no place for the likes of some of the personal abuse which we have seen lately, but i don't think that more mods would've stopped that happening without also affecting other parts of this forum.

                          The 'ain't this a members truck' thread the mods and admin may well not have seen at all, even if there were more mods that thread and argument may not have been seen til saturday AM it happened on a friday night, does anyone want to commit to patrolling the forum every friday night?

                          I don't think it's down to just one thread, i think a few people have been riled by a combination of many threads / people / arguments over the last couple of weeks, i'm almost certain if there had been a bit of breathin space between them people would have looked back on them in the cold light of day and taken very little notice.
                          Last edited by nero279; 9 November 2007, 03:19. Reason: yoshie replied while i was typing
                          =SOLD UP!=


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Apache
                            I'm signed all evenings but I dont think I'd like to decide what people can and cannot say,

                            It really is like the pub. If someone is talking shoite, you turn away and talk to someone else. They get fed up and go away.

                            I didn't see the comment about you. How did you react? Turn away and talk to someone else? Way to go!

                            Fair point, but when the bloke constantly butts into other peoples posts/conversations with rude/malicious/offencive comments, in a pub someone would have knocked out by now!

                            Still working for the man!


                            • #59
                              Voted no, Too many cooks and all that, as said, just dont reply to people if their being nobs, plus sometimes it's quite funny

                              Anyone remember ssrx3ltd or woteva, (sometimes they come back, so be afraid, be very afraid)
                              Last edited by POPEYE; 9 November 2007, 08:31.
                              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                              • #60

