freeing stuck valve
hi guy's regarding freeing valve ben told if set timing remove cam lift pot out either use block wood and hamer tap enough not to hard just enough so that it moves better idear press if make one to bolt on to cam press it dowm gently enough maybe some lubricant blow out? with glow plugs removed and injector ? what you think good idear
towed round to george mechanic place put on gas analyzser he said all the combustion escaping out the engine into sump? reckons hole in the pistion something debrae must have blown out the second hand turbo ? into air intake manifold to cause this sort of damage never even borrowed to check the compression test so am in soppie buble
wip head off tmw find out exactly what am dealing with and to crown it all off lost me glasses on the way down to garage #### know's am gonna write a song about this i allway's make the best of bad situation what a title fancy donateing towards hit single ha ha
Originally posted by Sancho
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