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Uh Oh We're In Trouble.......

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  • #76
    Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
    Are they forum members?
    Being my normal highbrow self, the brothers in the picture are what used to be known (genuinely, scientifically) as cretins.

    It comes from having a problem with your thyroid. So next time a fat person tells you that they've got a thyroid problem, feel free to call them a cretin instead.


    • #77
      Its hard to describe but Ill try:
      As you came out the lane you merged into his road with his house on the left and forward a bit. To continue to the other side and pick up the lane again you went on this road past his house on the left and picked up the lane again. To scidadle out of there you took a very sharp left (before his house) went down the side of it and to the main road.
      There wasnt enough room to turn round without using his driveway, which was between the road and his house on the left.
      I think his land has a right of way to this lane for all using it and that probably annoys him. So when we asked to use the road to get out he probably thought, sod you, and carry on down the lane.
      私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


      • #78
        you must define your line of your property
        end of
        i have been to court over this stuff twice
        its nothing to do with ignorance
        i tryed to posicute over tresspass before no sign no defineing line its was no go
        now if you wonder on to ower land you will be prosicuted you can define the line of what land is owers and whats not
        but i suppose you lot will still keep shouting me down
        but the above was said to me in court by a judge
        i had to pay for her damage she did to her self on my property
        and i could do nothing coz no sign no defining line to ower property
        give ya something to think about in case one of these wonders hurt them selfs on your property
        and its not signed or a defining line to your property
        then you are resonsable for there safty
        but i will be wrong there too
        but again a judge told me that i payed the price
        you dont own land and thats that you must hold up the law or the law cant not help you
        that was all so said to me in court by a jugde
        ignorace? who? makes ya wonder
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #79
          Well, to clarify, if you do not take reasonable steps to prevent people from accessing your property, you are indeed responsible for their safety.

          Equally, you cannot prosecute someone for trespassing. You can prosecute them for not leaving when asked to, and you can prosecute them for breaking an injunction that prevents them from trespassing in future.

          A sign saying 'private' is not enough to prevent you from being responsible for people's safety on its own, but would certainly be a consideration. If you want to prevent people from creating a right of way (which in itself needs to go somewhere else public) over your land, you need to actively prevent access for a long period of time. This is normally achieved with a chain or gate and a correctly worded sign stating that it's not a right of way and is private land. This still doesn't prevent people from being able to access it, but does stop it from ever legally becoming a right of way.


          • #80
            Trespassing is not a legal offense, its a civil matter
            私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


            • #81


              • #82
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                best post yet dude nice 1
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #83
                  Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                  best post yet dude nice 1
                  You're only saying that because you know you're wrong.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                    You're only saying that because you know you're wrong.
                    if iam wrong then i was posicuted wrongly by the law
                    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                    • #85
                      Okay, I started so hopefully I'll finish. (But I doubt it!)

                      1. Dropped a bollock.
                      2. Learned a lesson.
                      3. Took on board all your comments.
                      4. Won't do it again.

                      Basically it was a mountain out of a molehill kind of thing which I posted as a story and as a warning.

                      We all make mistakes, it's learning from them that's important.
                      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                      • #86
                        私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                        • #87
                          damn bmw drivers


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Maverick View Post
                            Actually although you continually take the micky over one of his comments,
                            Continually? I thought it was the first time I'd said that? Maybe not, sorry...
                            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                              Continually? I thought it was the first time I'd said that? Maybe not, sorry...
                              your right tiz the first (for you)
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                              • #90
                                Good thread. Pitty I was stuck in the roof of the Millenium stadium. Missed my say, Dam.

