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Uh Oh We're In Trouble.......

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  • #46
    Originally posted by wishbone View Post
    Why are they in need ? - they're just wandering uninvited onto private property. I'd tell them to fxxx off. If they stayed I'd use force.

    Sorry, but if you'd lived where I live for the last 5 years we would not be having this conversation.

    well thats your opinion and i can understand that what with that list of things that has happend to you from one of your earlier posts.
    however it doesnt quite sound the same case as this one does it?
    they hardly just waltzed into their backyard whilst the farmer and his misses are having a BBQ and sunbathing nude.
    they were on a track which the farmer had NO problem with them continuing down, it was only when they wanted to exit via his drive he put up a fuss.
    he didnt careless about them struggling down a track which could damage their trucks, thu making him an arsshole.
    if it were someones drive in a town then yeah id understand if he got the hump but he is out in the sticks where i doubt this kinda things happens for him on a daily basis.
    its a bit byass to put your experiences as the same as his. for all we know this could be the first time it ever happend to the farmer.
    to me living in the countryside couldnt be anymore British. so id expect people to act in a decent helpfull British manner.
    understandable in your case tho. i wouldnt want people littering on my property.
    but this case is different.


    • #47
      Originally posted by wishbone View Post
      Why are they in need ? - they're just wandering uninvited onto private property. I'd tell them to fxxx off. If they stayed I'd use force.

      Sorry, but if you'd lived where I live for the last 5 years we would not be having this conversation.



      I don't think many people understand the vulnerability of living in the country. There are no neighbours to notice if you're being burgled / assaulted etc.. You have to be on your guard. When I 1st moved here I had random people knocking on windows / doors asking if Sid / Bob / John etc.. were in.. Just people trying to find out if the house was empty. After a couple months it died down. (and yes I know the names of the people who lived here before me)
      how is Bob anyway?


      • #48
        i would have just carryed on myself
        no matter how bad the track got if the farmer was happy to let them they should have gone that way
        if its damage or scratchs you dont like
        dont go green laning in the first place
        damage you avoid i understand that bit but if your in a stickel like that and the land owner says that way out then its that way out no if or buts
        cant do with ooohhh i dont want damage owt or scratch my paint work ?
        why go out in the first place if you not willing to except it kills ya truck at times
        i except it fully
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #49
          Bob is doing fine, just a little irate from all these bxstards banging on his door..



          • #50
            Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
            i would have just carryed on myself
            no matter how bad the track got if the farmer was happy to let them they should have gone that way
            if its damage or scratchs you dont like
            dont go green laning in the first place
            damage you avoid i understand that bit but if your in a stickel like that and the land owner says that way out then its that way out no if or buts
            cant do with ooohhh i dont want damage owt or scratch my paint work ?
            why go out in the first place if you not willing to except it kills ya truck at times
            i except it fully

            I think I'm agreeing with that..



            • #51
              Originally posted by wishbone View Post

              I don't think many people understand the vulnerability of living in the country. There are no neighbours to notice if you're being burgled / assaulted etc.. You have to be on your guard. When I 1st moved here I had random people knocking on windows / doors asking if Sid / Bob / John etc.. were in.. Just people trying to find out if the house was empty. After a couple months it died down. (and yes I know the names of the people who lived here before me)
              Just get one of these, nobody bothers us.

              Edit: We used to have two. R.I.P. Jess.


              • #52
                Originally posted by wishbone View Post
                I think I'm agreeing with that..

                well i see no problem other than they did not do has asked by the land owner
                he gave them a way out they took a different route and tresspassed there way out
                should not have done that
                i posted earlyer about proving you knowingly tresspassed
                and there it is they know and they made a choise not to do has asked
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #53
                  edit: yes they shouldve carried on.
                  plus it wouldve been more fun getting more stuck!
                  just let the landy go first to clear a path for the surfs


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                    Just get one of these, nobody bothers us.

                    Edit: We used to have two. R.I.P. Jess.
                    One of my favourite dogs (my mate had one called 'Sam').

                    Sadly my wife and I both work, and my missus is allergic to dogs and cats (and we do need a mouser in these parts )

                    Just have to rely on a dodgy looking 4x4 owner to scare the peeps away


                    Last year on a summers day I was working on the truck. I'd popped into the garage. My garage door is opposite my back door. Both were open. My missus was standing at the back door talking to me (in the garage) when 3 people stood at the bottom of my drive (on my drive) staring at her while she talked to me..

                    She's looked at them and said 'can I help you' ? to which she got a ' oh, oh er , we were just admiring your beautiful house'. Now our house ain't that pretty....

                    My missus said ' yes it's lovely isn't it ? now can you bugger off ?'

                    They got really stroppy with her . The bloke there was giving it ' goodness how rude'. Yes mate how fxxking rude is it to stand on someones drive staring at them while they have a conversation.....

                    My missus lost it and approached them whilst shouting a lot of 'stuff'

                    As soon as I walked out the garage they 'buggered orf'

                    That's country living for you


                    • #55
                      we used to own a farm down in the New Forest that we would goto on the weekends.
                      there were daffidils and blue-bells, chickens, ponys and cows running around the place. it was a gay old time i tell you.
                      must have been a different country?


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                        . it was a gay old time i tell you.
                        must have been a different country?

                        Sounds like a different place to me .... not seen many 'gay times' going on..

                        I wish life was like the 'Darling Buds of May' round here...



                        • #57
                          saying that i think we did get robbed once?? not sure. was only a kid. ill have to get back to you on that one! lol


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                            Ah, but did you throw your truck in his hedge?
                            Actually although you continually take the micky over one of his comments, I have been forced many times while in Yorkshire to use alternative surfaces in order to avoid oncoming traffic, so please give it a rest. He was not talking rubbish.
                            I have also on occasions needed to find escape roads in Scotland as the locals aim at the visitors. now I play chicken back.
                            Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                              i know me for one would drive up it if not marked up has private
                              if ya want resect get a sign
                              there will allways be the odd t1t head but a saign stops us that do care mate
                              not careing to let us know its private is the start of the whole problem
                              Good to know. We can tell every p1sshead and t0sser to use the frontage to your house as if it was their own then. Unless you have a sign up stating that it is private property, that is?

                              That's the most tossy attitude I have ever heard. It's nobs like you who speed up the removal of any public routes.


                              • #60
                                I guess the day fishing instead was the wiser option then Jim?

