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  • #46
    well after driving up and down the a32 wickham/west meon area looking at a new motor today, it has to be said that the motor cyclists along there are complete feckin idiots.

    in general i agree that the biggest threat as a biker on the roads are car users but alot of these guys were driving like complete tits today. i know you usually get a few in the crowd in areas where bikers ride at the weekend, but i counted 7 of the ####s pulling wheelies, 4 of these while other cars followed which is worse.

    that aside there were a few examples of what can only be called 'i want to die' speeding/overtaking on blind bends and just general @rse hole driving.

    anyway, letting the side down there guys.
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...


    • #47
      Don't they have a safer system in New zealand?
      Youngsters can only take one passenger and have a night driving curfew/speed restriction on them, and Zero alcohol consumption, from what I can make out, it seems to work well there.

      From my own experience with my eldest son (now 20) I think kids should be limited to 1.0 ltr or less. We got him a Suzuki Swift 1.0....it was still good for 100+ mph!! He went through two sets of tyre in 1WEEK!!.I can see the only way to safely restrict youngsters/inexperienced drivers is the fitting of a "Black Box" which knows the speed limit (based on sat-nav) and restricts speed accordingly, whilst recording the drivers actions at the same time.
      I think one insurance company was offering this sort of device linked with lower insurace premiums, but don't know what the take-up has been.
      What have I told you about thinking Erroll


      • #48
        Originally posted by meooo View Post
        I can see the only way to safely restrict youngsters/inexperienced drivers is the fitting of a "Black Box" which knows the speed limit (based on sat-nav) and restricts speed accordingly, whilst recording the drivers actions at the same time.
        I think one insurance company was offering this sort of device linked with lower insurace premiums, but don't know what the take-up has been.
        But things that restrict speed can be dangerous if you have to 'floor it' to avoid an accident. ie: someone pulls out on you on a dual carriage way. You have to move over to the right hand lane and there are vehicles approaching behind you at a faster speed. (maybe an artic that cannot brake as hard as a 'normal vehicle'

        I think the current laws are fine tbh..



        • #49
          I passed the point where the young lad died today, flowers, football strips cards and everything. Felt a wee bit gutted for him and his family, the accident made the newspapers, there was another accident the same night somewhere else in Scotland with a young driver and it was a mirror accident to the other one, basically, same again young driver hit a tree.


          • #50
            Originally posted by logey79 View Post
            well after driving up and down the a32 wickham/west meon area looking at a new motor today, it has to be said that the motor cyclists along there are complete feckin idiots.

            in general i agree that the biggest threat as a biker on the roads are car users but alot of these guys were driving like complete tits today. i know you usually get a few in the crowd in areas where bikers ride at the weekend, but i counted 7 of the ####s pulling wheelies, 4 of these while other cars followed which is worse.
            i happen to be a "biker", so can give an opinion on these ####s. which leads to an opinion on the main subject of this post.

            iv'e 30 years experience riding bikes. 26 of them on the road. i ride 180mph superbikes, and i have been known to speed. (its hard not to!) pulled the odd wheelie etc etc. but like anything in life, theres a time and a place. and the time and place certainly aint in front of other people. thats why ive got a clean licence and lots of no claims, and have had for a long time.

            limiting capacitys a waste of time. a few 250cc bike can hit 130mph!

            same goes for cars.

            sad fact of life is, until all the cars stop moving, all you can do is get on with your day to day life, drive round that corner you drive round every day, keep your fingers crossed, and hope today isnt the day #### on the bike hasnt lost it coming the other way, or chav in his micra isnt chatting up the girl on the back seat, or 88 year old mary hasnt had a stroke...
            Last edited by blakarm; 25 February 2009, 18:38.


            • #51
              Originally posted by yoshie View Post
              It's the laws of nature, young adults take risks, they show off, they test their limits. Some will get hurt along the way. As Gordon says all we can do is advise and listen to our kids and hopefully some of it will stick with them.

              You have way to much time on your hands to sit and dream up this shit.
              dreamed up?
              i drive for fun and to pass the time on
              nothing else to drive for

              not my problem if you cant take in what i wrote
              its all true
              so dont realy give a flying fluk what ya think mate realy
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #52
                To be honest, I think the test is too easy. I had a few near misses when I was a new driver and the resulting brown pants has put me straight. It seems perverse to have advanced driving courses/tests and not make the compulsory. If that's what you need to be a good driver, that should be the standard.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                  dreamed up?
                  i drive for fun and to pass the time on
                  nothing else to drive for

                  not my problem if you cant take in what i wrote
                  its all true
                  so dont realy give a flying fluk what ya think mate realy

                  Why the reply then?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                    Why the reply then?
                    Behave You LOL


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                      Why the reply then?
                      coz your being a tool for no reason
                      iam going off line before this is made into a hand bag bash again
                      its not the first time is it
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                        coz your being a tool for no reason
                        iam going off line before this is made into a hand bag bash again
                        its not the first time is it
                        Your still on LOL


                        • #57
                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                            Nuffin, got stopped just after it started, shame really


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
                              I know we have all been a young driver passing tests at 17 year old, but my view on passing ur test has strongly changed now for some reason, Heres how it is, a 17yr old died last night on a back road that i travel every day to work, lost control and hit a tree, passenger lived with minor injuries. Poor wee lad he was just a kid, how can the goverment put a killing machine n the hands o a child and tell them to get on with it, Thegoverment should raise the test to 20 or restrict cars for young drivers. Sorry for the rant but everyones view on this would be good to hear. I know we have ll been there being a boy racer and all that, young and daft, dont even realise the dangers in front o u, poor wee Lad, all it probably was, was a bit harmless fun to him. God Rest the Wee Mans Soul

                              that suggestion is near on genius mate!! totally agree!
                              ive never thought of that.
                              the goverment should make a law that anyone who has under 2 years driving experience can only buy a car that has been ristricted to 70mph AND has had the ECU (providing it has one) re-maped to give a lesser rate of acceleration.
                              if the car is second hand then they have to (free of charge) take it to a garage (paid by this new government scheme) to have the car restricted and re-maped.
                              then the cars registration will be put onto a DVLA database (by the garage, required by the government) stating it has been restricted and re-maped.
                              then to get insured, the insurance company will have to run a check on the registration to confirm the car has had this enforced.
                              if not then they cant get insured.
                              also as a result the insurance companies should offer the driver a lower rate of insurance. (only fair)
                              i know there are ways around this, as with any/most laws.
                              I.E they can get a dodgy mate who is a mechanic to de-restrict it and re-map it.
                              something to help enforce this stays in place would be to make garages check the car whenever it comes into a service that it hasnt been altered.
                              Again there are ways around this of course.
                              I.E they can either not service their car, or they can service it themselves or with thier dodgy mechanic mate.
                              not a 100% flawless scheme but what laws are?
                              although "some" will decide to break the law, the "majority" of people are decent law obiding citizens. also most young kids have to do what their parents tell them and if they are aware of the new scheme then im sure they would do their part in making sure their kids obide by it.
                              its only natural that a parent would make their childs saftey as a must/priority!

                              (the re-maping part may not be possible with older cars so there will be the odd axception. however most kids these days drive reasonably new cars or atleast within being 15 years old where all or 99% of cars have ECU's. soon there will be a time where older cars without ECU's wont be on our roads anymore so this glitch will only be tempory in the grand scheme of things)

                              by estimating that 90% of new drivers will legally obide by this new scheme (along with other roads users saftey) would benifit greatly from such a scheme being improvised.

                              there we have it. a new saftey scheme by GOODCAT aimed at young drivers and other road users safety!

                              what do you guys think about this idea????


                              • #60
                                Finland has the right idea, you have to have lessons for three years, and drive on test tracks, skidpans, loose gravel, etc, the take it very seriously over there which means that even if a kid does get into trouble, they have the skills to hopefully get out of it, we all know sometimes you have to take the decision to either floor it to get out the way or brake hard, yet you only learn this kind of thing after you have your licence, which dosnt make much sense, if you have the skills to avoid trouble then you ve got more chance.

                                plus if you have spent a few months scaring the bejezes out of yourself on a skidpan, you tend to be a bit more retrospect when actually driving!


