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  • #16
    Inexperience is a symptom of age. Poor driving skills can be, (and are), present in any age group. If they are old enough to be employed, they are old enough to drive a vehicle.


    • #17
      with regards to engine size/age etc, i seem to remember a formula 1 driver being fined for speeding in france, whilst driving a diesel BMW. the reason he was in a diesel was french law prohibited drivers below a certain age driving anything except a diesel...but im not sure.
      Non intercooled nothing.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
        Well why not raise the standard of the actual practical part off the test rather than the theory part? all im wanting is everyone views and how u all think this could change for the better, Whatever way we all look at this everyone has there own view.
        It's the laws of nature, young adults take risks, they show off, they test their limits. Some will get hurt along the way. As Gordon says all we can do is advise and listen to our kids and hopefully some of it will stick with them.

        Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
        to be honset there is a death like that here every week
        boy racers mainly (the chav ones)
        yorkshire well this part has a boy racers problem
        i have never crashed once
        but i have had to dump myself in a few hegdes and grass backs
        to avoid boy racers if i was not willing to lob my car out the way hitting stuff
        many boy racer would be dead
        i drive down a lot of lanes
        the times i have been met by boy racers going well over 70-80 mph
        on roads like that
        like i say its a every week thing here
        and not all are that young realy

        its down to the driver realy
        i do kill my cars all of them
        but iam well known for driving like a grandad on the roads
        i dont mind killing my self for fun
        but no need to risk any one else is there
        You have way to much time on your hands to sit and dream up this shit.
        Last edited by yoshie; 21 February 2009, 15:01.


        • #19
          No point in changing the age, people would still drive irresponsibly, and younger people would still get their hands on motors and drive, just with no license, exactly the same as they do now when insurance companies want £2k to insure a £250 quid motor. Half my friends when i was at college were driving illegally either because they didn't have MOT/Tax/Insurance, or because they just hadn't passed their tests.

          If insurers were forced to bring their prices down for younger drivers, but the test was made harder and therefore a higher standard of driving was expected from all drivers, and those that didn't maintain that standard were penalised it wouldn't cure the problems, but it would go a long way towards it IMO. As already mentioned there is no cure for stupidity.
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #20
            Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
            I know we have all been a young driver passing tests at 17 year old, but my view on passing ur test has strongly changed now for some reason, Heres how it is, a 17yr old died last night on a back road that i travel every day to work, lost control and hit a tree, passenger lived with minor injuries. Poor wee lad he was just a kid, how can the goverment put a killing machine n the hands o a child and tell them to get on with it, Thegoverment should raise the test to 20 or restrict cars for young drivers. Sorry for the rant but everyones view on this would be good to hear. I know we have ll been there being a boy racer and all that, young and daft, dont even realise the dangers in front o u, poor wee Lad, all it probably was, was a bit harmless fun to him. God Rest the Wee Mans Soul
            they restrict the cc of motorbikes so they could do it with cars, or request the age of the driver on purchase and make it law they have to pay and go on a proper learning test to cope with the car. if they don,t pass then the car gets scrapped.
            i x toyoyta surf 1 x toyota supra mk3 turbo auto


            • #21
              My pennoth
              I think it is down to plain simple respect, it apears that a large section of the population have none for others, little for themselves and scarcely more for any authority/rules/regs. I dont believe that it is totally an age issue but looking t what some youngsters have for role models is it suprising that some go off the rails and do stupid things.
              I believe it is an education issue at home by society and at school - teach respect in all forms and a better society will be the result, young people need life skills and basic education to equip them for life.
              I remember cycling profisioncy helped me prepare for the road but I still was a mad begger on a motorbike, because as a youngster I had little respect for the law myself or others - going to sea changed that.....I dont remember using the words 'like,whatever,talk to the hand' etc as a substitute for explanation, reasoning or manners like they are used by many now
              Did I mention I have a BLUE one


              • #22
                Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
                I know we have all been a young driver passing tests at 17 year old, but my view on passing ur test has strongly changed now for some reason, Heres how it is, a 17yr old died last night on a back road that i travel every day to work, lost control and hit a tree, passenger lived with minor injuries. Poor wee lad he was just a kid, how can the goverment put a killing machine n the hands o a child and tell them to get on with it, Thegoverment should raise the test to 20 or restrict cars for young drivers. Sorry for the rant but everyones view on this would be good to hear. I know we have ll been there being a boy racer and all that, young and daft, dont even realise the dangers in front o u, poor wee Lad, all it probably was, was a bit harmless fun to him. God Rest the Wee Mans Soul
                The 17 year old must have proved he could drive safely and adaquate enough
                to pass his test to the examiner.
                Wether he wants to carrry on driving safely after passing his test is entirely up to him, unfortunately he paid the consequences for his decision.
                Nothing wrong with the test or the age.
                Passed my driving test at 17 not killed anyone or myself yet in 43 years.
                Last edited by Taliesins; 21 February 2009, 18:05.
                Trust your Hound.


                • #23
                  The lad was 17 and he lost control and hit a tree thats all the post says. Who said he was speeding or driving irrisponsably? Are we all steriotyping here or have I missed something?
                  Restrict the speed of cars for new drivers I say, they do it for trucks.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Phantom View Post
                    The lad was 17 and he lost control and hit a tree thats all the post says. Who said he was speeding or driving irrisponsably? Are we all steriotyping here or have I missed something?
                    Restrict the speed of cars for new drivers I say, they do it for trucks.
                    If he had been driving safely he probably wouldnt be dead, losing control or not.
                    If you are suggesting it wasnt caused by speed or irresponsibility, could I ask how restricting the speed of new drivers would changed anything?
                    Trust your Hound.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Taliesins View Post
                      If he had been driving safely he probably wouldnt be dead, losing control or not.
                      If you are suggesting it wasnt caused by speed or irresponsibility, could I ask how restricting the speed of new drivers would changed anything?
                      I never suggested anything my question was who said he was speeding?
                      As for your question the slower you are travelling on impact the less likely you are to die.


                      • #26
                        As for your question the slower you are travelling on impact the less likely you are to die.[/QUOTE]

                        He was probably going too fast then
                        Last edited by Taliesins; 21 February 2009, 19:08.
                        Trust your Hound.


                        • #27
                          One off my work mates was involved in an accident last week, an OAP had gone way off track because the M5 was shut due to a lorry on fire, they cut through the country and came to the Wellington bypass at a staggered junction, my friend was on the other side of the junction waiting to pull out, the OAP just pulled out right in front of a 17 yr old drivier (no chance of stopping) and a big mess was made, the first thing the cops said was "suppose the youngster was driving too fast" NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! They always get the blame before the facts are out.

                          Not saying that OAP's or Youngsters or Middle aged are better!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                            i think yr wrong,common sense is common sense,i know where yr comin from,but when i was that age i would have done anything to pass my test,and although a bit looney on the road i never went to far beyond my limits,we see just as many accidents with oaps tbh
                            Originally posted by beverley68 View Post
                            One off my work mates was involved in an accident last week, an OAP had gone way off track because the M5 was shut due to a lorry on fire, they cut through the country and came to the Wellington bypass at a staggered junction, my friend was on the other side of the junction waiting to pull out, the OAP just pulled out right in front of a 17 yr old drivier (no chance of stopping) and a big mess was made, the first thing the cops said was "suppose the youngster was driving too fast" NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! They always get the blame before the facts are out.

                            Not saying that OAP's or Youngsters or Middle aged are better!


                            • #29
                              Well found out as the day went on i actually knew this young lad, He was a good lad from a good family. I know the bit of road he crashed on and there is a small bend with a little hump on it that even taking at 60 would be a little scary, i think clearly he was driving to fast for the road and road conditions, still though, poor wee lad, and i really feel for hs family, fingers crossed the passenger makes it through.Cheers for everyones opinions, there is probably not 1 i would debate against


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                                I'm in favour of limiting the engine sizes of the cars new drivers can have - and banding based on age - and maybe making insurance even more ridiculous price wise (although I suspect this will just stop them insuring their cars) until you get to a certain age. However, like has been said, you can't regulate levels of stupidity, give someone a 1.0 Fiat Uno, and they will go around a blind right hander, while an equally stupid person comes the other way, on the other side of the road - just one of the times my old mate Phil nearly killed me as a passenger in his car.

                                Young lads usually want to show off, and not pay attention, it won't matter what they are driving, and even if they are 20, and they have just passed, it's still the same - it's too exciting for a while, and you are still showing off - so you'll mostly make mistakes - some just silly curb clipping, a mirror here and there, but hopefully, and as the case is with most people on the road, no trees, people or other cars are involved.

                                It's sad and unfortunate, but it will happen if they are 17 or 20, 900cc or 5.0L - people are dumb

                                Sorry to hear this Chris...
                                I Think ya got it in one there Andy...
                                Like when ya start learning to ride Mopeds/Bikes you are restricted until ya pass the relevant part... until the final Test, oh n a Road respect test wouldn't go a miss either !!
                                Likewise this should apply to cars today, not forgetting a little 1.0 is somewhat faster today than our 1300 or 1600 in our Day, when we thought they were fast .....

                                There's always a Payback .... It'll always takes longer than five minutes !!!!
                                Buncefield Burner

