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  • #31
    Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
    Well found out as the day went on i actually knew this young lad, He was a good lad from a good family. I know the bit of road he crashed on and there is a small bend with a little hump on it that even taking at 60 would be a little scary, i think clearly he was driving to fast for the road and road conditions, still though, poor wee lad, and i really feel for hs family, fingers crossed the passenger makes it through.Cheers for everyones opinions, there is probably not 1 i would debate against
    even at 60?
    What is this on a motorway or dual carriageway?
    私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


    • #32
      keep it all the same and put big spikes on the steering wheels and dashboards.

      then see how many people drive too fast or tailgate.

      restricting engine size wont curea thing either, as mentioned before, a 1.0l car will do 70mph, but you can cause a death at 20mph if things go wrong.

      people do stupid things, not just in cars, and they do it at all ages. people also die pointlessly and needlessly in accidents and misadventure, and not always in cars. its just life, so just get on with it.
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #33
        Chris, sucks living in East Lothian, eh? Something bad happens to someone and everyone knows the begger.

        In Northern Ireland drivers have to display a red 'R' plate (similar to 'L' plate) for 12 months after passing. Max speed 45mph on any road, and all points are doubled, so 2 speeding fines and your banned.

        Seems to work well - limits inexperienced drivers, and gives some warning to other road users.


        • #34
          Sorry to hear you knew the lad!

          It is a shame but i do believe it boils down mostly to the mentality of the driver..

          I used to boot my lil fiesta around.. Jacked it all in when i went to the surf!

          Maybe i should buy a nova an stick a spoiler on it.. live out my lost years!


          • #35
            Originally posted by adpsimpson View Post

            Iand all points are doubled, so 2 speeding fines and your banned.
            they do that here too. a few things will deter a few people but the top idiots that drive like they've just stolen the motor will drive like this no matter what the consequences.
            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


            • #36
              Originally posted by logey79 View Post
              they do that here too. a few things will deter a few people but the top idiots that drive like they've just stolen the motor will drive like this no matter what the consequences.
              Aye! Tis true..

              I got a mate who i would always have said was sensible!! Well hes just got his license back after a drink driving ban.

              so what a to$$er!


              • #37
                Ahhh that's crap news mate.

                Trouble is, at 17, you think you're indestructible, and no-one knows more about driving at speed than you do. As you get older you become more circumspect because you start to appreciate you're mortal. You start to worry about your own kids etc etc. These days, well, I cant remember the last time I went faster than 70!

                I dont see an easy answer other than perhaps some compulsory hazard perception / motorway speed training to build some experience after the normal driving test, and very heavy fines / points for speeding / dangerous driving etc until you reach an age you are mature enough to be a reasonable risk.

                I also killed an early GT-Four many moons ago, due to my enthusiasm outstripping my skill / experience. Thankfully I got away with it, and the person that was with me got away with cuts / bruises, but you learn from it!
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #38
                  A tragic waste of life.
                  There but for the grace etc...I somehow got away with the high confidence low experience combination all those years back.
                  Driving is a bit of lottery for all - time & experience behind the wheel is the only thing that will improve the odds against having an avoidable mash.
                  I don't think there is any legislation that could prevent people driving like f***wits.


                  • #39
                    My 17 year old step son has just passed his test, he got himself a little punto to run around in.

                    So far in the space of 1 month on three seperate occations he has hit the gate posts twice, smashed 2 wheels whilest kerbing it & gone through a garden fence.

                    Little T**T still thinks he's the best driver in the world, hate to say it but its gunna take a nasty bump to bring him down to earth.

                    They seem to think that the flimsy shell of a car is indestructable & they can drive at any speed.

                    I'll give it 3 months before he's banned or worse.
                    If its not broke don't fix it.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                      even at 60?
                      What is this on a motorway or dual carriageway?
                      Country road mate, very narrow


                      • #41
                        As sad as it is i dont really agree with it,

                        I passed when i was 17, an i knew what was silly and what was sensible when driving at that age, i am now 23 with 5 years no claims ... So it can be done...



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Antony_James View Post
                          As sad as it is i dont really agree with it,

                          I passed when i was 17, an i knew what was silly and what was sensible when driving at that age, i am now 23 with 5 years no claims ... So it can be done...

                          But you sold your Surf tonight so you're judgment is obviously flawed


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                            But you sold your Surf tonight so you're judgment is obviously flawed
                            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by adpsimpson View Post

                              In Northern Ireland drivers have to display a red 'R' plate (similar to 'L' plate) for 12 months after passing. Max speed 45mph on any road, and all points are doubled, so 2 speeding fines and your banned.

                              Seems to work well - limits inexperienced drivers, and gives some warning to other road users.

                              What about on motorways ? - Are they banned from using them or do they crawl up the inside lane at 45 ?



                              • #45
                                Originally posted by wishbone View Post
                                What about on motorways ? - Are they banned from using them or do they crawl up the inside lane at 45 ?

                                That's the one problem with the system - they can crawl up them at 45. Which isn't exactly safe... But since there's a total of about 40 miles of motorway in Northern Ireland that's not the end of the world!

                                Friend of mine on R plates visited Scotland recently and got serious hassle from the police for it - don't know why, they didn't like them at all. Odd how different the law can be in different parts of the same country.

