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My accident update

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  • Originally posted by stormforce View Post
    I have also been told by my solictor to make sure i am actively seeking work aswell so if/when it goes to court then the court will see that i am wanting to work and not sitting on my arse waiting for the compo to pay out. I would advise that you concider registering as dissabled ( even parcial can open all sort of ££££ gateways, grants, retraining, added allowances, benifits - still activly seek work but dont 'undersell your health problems' if for example you are not given a job because of medical grounds it could help in your compo claim, I am not sugesting that you go for rediculous jobs - labourer, farm worker etc that are definately phyical and not suitable but to use your unfortunate situatioin to your own and famillies advantage. Many folks out there are the opersite of the scrounger type that claim for everything and as a result they get short change from the system because they dont want to be a newsence or be looked upon as a benifit layabout....just remember you have a right, you have been injured by an industrial accident and have entitlements
    Rodders i am thinking about the computer side of things as a main job if poss.
    One thing i have had to do and thats change my attitude towards different job roles.Ever since i left school i have always worked outside and always been a outsuide person.I have never been one for being stuck inside working.Since the accident i have had no choice but to work in an office and i have found it hard going for the first 6 months to a year but i stuck with it and i am now used to it.
    I was once told by a solicitor to explain how things are on a worst day/case senario that way by the time the system does you out of what they can you might hopefully get near to your average codition and get fair treatment.
    You could also concider politics...I understand they get paid for all sorts of things (and get preferencial treatment in all sorts of ways)
    Once again, good luck mate
    Did I mention I have a BLUE one


    • I've been to the pain clinic today and had a good chat with the consultant.
      Where the Neurologist said he couldn't fathom out the reason i got trouble with the sciatic nerve down my right leg the pain clinic has stated that where the Femerol Nerve is the sciatic i very close to it and could of got damaged inthe accident.
      I have to go back in a couple of weeks to have a nerve block done to see what damage has been done to the nerve.
      So what a couple of these so called specialist have been saying has be a load of old cobblers,unless its the pain clinic talking crap but the consultant seems to think the Femerol Nerve has some form of damage to it.Hopefully this will give the answer i have been waiting for ,for the last 4 years and thats that the problem with my leg is caused by the accident.
      The Railway Insurers are splitting ends now by saying how come the first sick certs were for groin pain and all the others for groin and leg pain.
      What a bunch of ######s this lot are


      • fingers crossed


        • Originally posted by stormforce View Post
          The Railway Insurers are splitting ends now by saying how come the first sick certs were for groin pain and all the others for groin and leg pain.
          What a bunch of ######s this lot are
          groin ....top of leg
          leg.......bottom of groin
          just down to terminology!
          kick them in the groin - see if they have a pain in the leg straight away!!!!
          you could always say the pain was so intence to start with that you didnt realise your leg hurt untill the groin pain subsided
          Did I mention I have a BLUE one


          • Hi Stormforce, little story that might help you, my daughter is severally mentally and physically handicapped, is doubly incontinent, cannot talk or feed herself, is in need of 24 hour care which we provide, we had to fight tooth and nail to get the benifits she was entitled to, we were told by the job centre staff there was nothing available, except for her to go to college and be ignored. They were wrong, my wife has a Mitral heart valve problem and will be on beta blockers for the rest of her life, she also has chronic stress related problems from 19 years of caring with no help, despite what the goverment says, it is underfunded and mostly unavailable, i gave up work to help care for my daughter and wife, despite paying an awful lot of taxes we are intitled to nothing, as we were told, sorry not our problem, to young to retire, not intitled to anything, you should claim now, as this will give you the time needed to sort through the red tape and untrained people you will come into contact with. You have paid taxes and worked hard, a claim now can help to move you forward, if you wait then it will be the why did you not claim before arguement. Use the system to help you, you have paid for it long enough.


            • cheers GS.I put a claim in on Monday for benefits although i won't be entitled to anything for at least 7 weeks as i got my pay in lieu of notice to come yet.
              I went to the job centre to enquire about putting in a claim and for re-trainning and they just said if you been laid off due to ill health then you can't work anymore so just ring this 0800 number and see what you can get.
              Is it any wonder there are so many on the dole if these so called joke centres come out telling people things like i was told


              • Good on you for getting the claim in, like i said before call the disibility help line, you are entitled to retraining regardless of what the job center tells you.
                its a pity there are not more people like you in the world, who want to work rather than sponge. Will keep my fingers crossed for you, hopefully it will all turn out good in the end.


                • hi richard, just updated myself with your story it just gets sh*tter and sh*tter. I just wanted to say after being injured myself at work because of an accident, due to lack of staff and correct equipment, i have damage to my back which is not entirely diagnosed as yet!! i have been off work for 8 weeks now and have no idea when i will be able to go back, it really sucks. i have been pulling my hair out being stuck here and not able to do anything i would normally do so i have a small glimpse of what you must be going through i just hope i can have half your courage and conviction. good luck getting what you deserve, Michael.
                  it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


                  • This update has been a long time coming but this one has brightened my day up
                    Just had a chat with my solicitor and he has just given me some good news i think.
                    My solicitor was worried about an underlying back problem which i have suffered with in the past.
                    The specialist report stated that 50% of the reason i was laid off was due to the problems from the accident and the other 50% from underlying back problems.
                    The solicitor wrote to the specialist to find out if i hadn't had the accident then i could of carried on working and in 15 years maybe i would of required an operation for the back problem and with the correct rehabilitation i could of carried on working.
                    The solicitor is now going to work through some figures as he wants to claim for at least 15 years loss of earnings and maybe more than that again plus any injury claim etc aswell.
                    Things have certainly brightened up today i can tell you


                    • Good luck with the compensation settlement mate. I hope that things don't drag on too much longer for you.


                      • Hey Richard, thats good news mate, hopefully it won't drag on for to much longer,


                        • It's been going on since 2005 so it can't go on much longer.
                          I'm hoping to get an offer by the end of the month (fingers crossed) and depending on what that offer is whether or not i accept it but we'll see


                          • Hi Rich if you can hang on dont except the 1st, 2nd or 3rd offer then find out what job you can do and put in for "Industrial Injuries", although there are rumours they are stopping it because of the date you had the accident you may still be able to get it.
                            Live Life To The Full


                            • Cheers Bob.I got the details for the industrial injuries here but am waiting for the claim to be settled before trying to claim this aswell


                              • Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                                It's been going on since 2005 so it can't go on much longer.
                                I'm hoping to get an offer by the end of the month (fingers crossed) and depending on what that offer is whether or not i accept it but we'll see
                                hey rich glad things r moving along with yur claim.
                                remember this you only get paid out once.that money has got to last you and make up for 1. loss of earnings and 2. pain and injury[that will get worse]
                                and just another thing,dont want to worry you but you might be being watched.they try owt to get out of paying.
                                i no because they tried sending diff people round to my mrs whislt her claim was going through.[they are very crafty]so always think bwt wat yur doing or saying.when you get your money off them,then you should be ok dude.
                                all best

