Hi All
I'm thinking of organising a big meet and greet campout for the weekend of the 30 April. Its a bankholiday weekend.
I've found a couple of possible venues near to Salisbury Plain and would OBVIOUSLY run a few tours over the tank ranges and down throught the test valley.
I would like you lot to to come down and play and it would be great to get a large Surf gathering round a campfire.
This date is not set in stone and the reason its April is to try and get some mud on the trucks before it all dries up (those who have been up there with me in the summer will agree that its VERY dusty eh Bobafatass!).
Can I have a show of hands? C'mon lets make this the biggest forum meet yet!!!
PS None of the area is difficult terrain or scratchy for those with shiney paintwork. But I know where there is some
I'm thinking of organising a big meet and greet campout for the weekend of the 30 April. Its a bankholiday weekend.
I've found a couple of possible venues near to Salisbury Plain and would OBVIOUSLY run a few tours over the tank ranges and down throught the test valley.
I would like you lot to to come down and play and it would be great to get a large Surf gathering round a campfire.
This date is not set in stone and the reason its April is to try and get some mud on the trucks before it all dries up (those who have been up there with me in the summer will agree that its VERY dusty eh Bobafatass!).
Can I have a show of hands? C'mon lets make this the biggest forum meet yet!!!
PS None of the area is difficult terrain or scratchy for those with shiney paintwork. But I know where there is some
