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lift x

  • d_cavana
    started a topic My Gen 2 Surf

    My Gen 2 Surf

    My Lifted Gen 2 on her new 33's
    Green Surf is my old one which suffered fuel pump failure.

    http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/d_cavana/media/IMG_2707.jpg_zps8zvitejq.png.h tml?sort=3&o=4

    http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/d_cavana/media/IMG_5110_zpsmy59xsdv.jpg.html? sort=3&o=2...
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  • tuperman
    started a topic is a 4"rear 2"front lift ok?

    is a 4"rear 2"front lift ok?

    i tried lifting 2"rear and front coils and shocks with 2" coil spacers but the knuckles are grinding my coils, i have to take the spacers out but not sure whether i keep the rear spacers...
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  • Shaft120
    started a topic Bike rack for lifted 3rd Gen rear slung wheel

    Bike rack for lifted 3rd Gen rear slung wheel

    I am having a crisis that perhaps somebody has found a solution to already...

    I'm taking the truck camping up to Blair Atholl in a couple of days. I'd like to take a couple of bikes as the family is in tow (not literally - I do allow them in the surf on occasion!). Trouble is I need a...
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  • boma23
    started a topic old newbie with Qs

    old newbie with Qs

    Hi there,

    Been registered here for years, after working on my mates old pickup, but now I've finally got myself a tidy 3.0D, I've just re-appeared...

    I'll be exporting my truck back with me to the Caribbean, and there's some BIG steep hills on my island. Naturally I'm...
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  • Shaft120
    started a topic Offset and rubbing 3rd Gen

    Offset and rubbing 3rd Gen

    Am about to order wheels and tires for the 3rd Gen.

    It will be 305/70/16s either MT Baja MTs or Cooper STTs

    The wheels will be steel mods in black 10" x 16"

    What I need to make sure though is which offset to go with.

    They come in...
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  • leighh
    started a topic Pictures, sort of...

    Pictures, sort of...

    Probably about time I put some pictures up of my 3rd gen lift up, as kindly fitted by Tony!

    Sorry about the silly angles, it was wedged in at the back of the drive between a C1 and a Saxo, and it was all I could do to keep them out of shot.

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  • Shaft120
    started a topic 3rd Gen Lift

    3rd Gen Lift

    Righty ho chaps,

    The Service and MOT is coming up on the Mistress in August, and I don't want to have to replace any tyres on her for the MOT that I'll have to replace again, so the time for the summer lift is now!

    The Mistress is a 3rd Gen 3.4 V6 N reg 1996/7
    1. I
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  • VidaMusic
    started a topic @ Yoshie, Dieselboy....

    @ Yoshie, Dieselboy....

    If I just put the LC springs on, are +2" shocks enough or do I need to buy +3"s ?

    Don't want to waste money on somethin that'll need changing in a month.

    Yoshie you posted a pic of your truck mega stuck in one of my threads and the truck looked awesome, I want...
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  • Wanted late 2nd Gen or 3rd Gen 2.4 / 3L Manual Surf

    Guys / Gals

    Loving home available....

    Am looking to replace my Surf, which was pinched and torched by gypsies.

    Has to be a well looked after prime example. Would consider one that has had a professional lift job done on it up to 2...
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    Last edited by Shaft120; 14 December 2010, 00:04.