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Places to buy cheaper parts

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  • #16
    Just to be crystal clear, I was asking for a part number, which the seller already had, so zero additional work to be done on their part. By doing this it would have allowed me to source the lamps a bit cheaper thus giving me more immediate funds to buy other needed parts from RT, that would have been helpful and that was my intention. Due to RT's reluctance to do that I have felt I needed to take all of my immediate and future business elsewhere and actually last night after some deep digging on this site I found the part numbers that RT previously provided to another user on this site!!! SO WHY THE RELUCTANCE NOW????? Their argument has no substance.

    My beef is that rather than speculate to accumulate and keep a long term customer (who still needs plenty of parts) the retailer has decided to take a stance of 'take it or leave it, we don't need your business'. So how significant is the small loss of profit on one item to that of a total loss of profit from any future sales from a customer (and potentially others)? My opinion is it's greed and pettiness and it's backfired spectacularly. Clearly RT think the loss of my custom is of no consequence to them, all it's done is put me on a mission (and I'm a tenacious mofo)to find high quality parts at a far more competitive price, which I have done and will share all of them as and when I find them. So I'd say that rather than shooting themselves in the foot they've really blown their legs off.


    • #17
      And to also be clear to those who haven't read my post properly, I wasn't asking anyone to buy anything from anywhere, I WAS ASKING FOR A PART NUMBER WHICH THEY ALREADY HAD.

      @mudsurfer, are you Barry in disguise lol! Almost all of the points you make in your post have zero bearing on anything I've said in mine, it's like you've kind of made it up as you've gone along and adapted it to suit your mate Barry's interpretation of events. To be absolutely crystal clear for the hard of reading and those in the cheap seats, I HAVE NOT ASKED FOR ANYTHING TO BE PURCHASED FOR ME, ONLY 20 DIGITS TO BE PROVIDED FROM LONG STANDING INFORMATION THEY ALREADY HAD. Doesn't get too much clearer than that, but I'll try in SUPER BOLD next time if anyone's still having trouble.
      Last edited by the silver surfer; 7 August 2014, 13:43.


      • #18

        i think the sun has got to him
        the old git


        • #19
          Thinking is clearly not your strongest trait.


          • #20

            well u are being very petty nowt wrong with RT
            the old git


            • #21
              Well we're all entitled to our opinion and express our own experiences, be they good or bad.


              • #22
                Well you can all bicker amongst yourselves now , but nice to see confirmation that my interpretation of your post was correct.
                Сви можемо


                • #23
                  Originally posted by the silver surfer View Post
                  Well we're all entitled to our opinion and express our own experiences, be they good or bad.
                  I welcome the fact that we can discuss this and other matters in an adult fashion.
                  I think that now we have heard from RT we can all understand your opinion and your view.
                  It helps to have the other side put through as clear as it was.

                  I think we can all learn from this and other experiences when they are shared in a mature and sensible way.

                  I will still get my drop links from KS and will report back.
                  Would I get a thermostat from KS hmmm probably not, but that is an opinion not based on fact more of a suspicious inkling.


                  • #24
                    I've had great service in the past...

                    Admittedly not always the cheapest, but I value my personal time, and knowing I'll get what I orders promptly, and if there is ever an issue there will be no aggravation sorting it out is worth more than the odd pound here and there.

                    I've said before that the service is fantastic, and Barry has gone out of his way to help me out before so I'll certainly continue to return as a customer and recommend them to others.

                    In fact I ordered more stuff just last week!
                    More Lift.
                    More Tyres.
                    More Engine.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by the silver surfer View Post
                      And to also be clear to those who haven't read my post properly, I wasn't asking anyone to buy anything from anywhere, I WAS ASKING FOR A PART NUMBER WHICH THEY ALREADY HAD.

                      @mudsurfer, are you Barry in disguise lol! Almost all of the points you make in your post have zero bearing on anything I've said in mine, it's like you've kind of made it up as you've gone along and adapted it to suit your mate Barry's interpretation of events. To be absolutely crystal clear for the hard of reading and those in the cheap seats, I HAVE NOT ASKED FOR ANYTHING TO BE PURCHASED FOR ME, ONLY 20 DIGITS TO BE PROVIDED FROM LONG STANDING INFORMATION THEY ALREADY HAD. Doesn't get too much clearer than that, but I'll try in SUPER BOLD next time if anyone's still having trouble.
                      Just to aid the point on clarity. I am not Barry. I suspect a disguise, should I be wearing one, would be superfluous online as you wouldn't see it. I have never met Barry either, I am however, a long term and satisfied customer.

                      No. I was not making things up, and I accept that the point I made was not directly related to your specific example of how appallingly you feel you have been treated to lead to to make potentially defamatory remarks against an individual and the business he runs.

                      The point was simply that as a business owner myself, if I had to invest time, effort, energy and ultimately money into setting get that business up and all the research for relevant material that is a part of that, why then would I divulge this to someone who could have found it out themselves and also someone who had been offered to purchase the same item from me, but clearly felt aggrieved at the price or had a similar issue.

                      It's simple business sense I was putting across about why it doesn't seem to be a proportionate amount of dissatisfaction that has been put forward because of one part number not being forthcoming. You have made slanderous comments and some of the actions you have described and those that Barry has stated you made to him, can be construed as threatening and malicious. So, no capitalisation required thank you, as it is clear that your issue with the business extends far beyond this request for a part number. You made it clear that you were likely to source the requested part elsewhere rather than purchase via the supplier you were in discussion with who was happy to provide it, and went on to suggest that it may save you money to buy elsewhere. This to me isn't a 'take it or leave it' approach, and evidently your subsequent response has not made the company willing to provide much in the way of support.

                      As with my previous post and this, I would strongly urge caution on the specific wording and references you use to highlight your dissatisfaction towards a Ltd company and not an individual since you do appear to be the source of the aggressive approach, rather than the retailer. And for your peace of mind, once again, no I'm not Barry nor am I affiliated in any way to Roughtrax Ltd. But I am a business owner and I do see their professional point of view in this specific situation.
                      Last edited by MudSurfer; 7 August 2014, 23:09.
                      Too old to care, young enough to remember


                      • #26
                        Ring Ring

                        "Hello Roughtrax"

                        "Hi I want to buy some LHD headlights but don't want to buy them from you as I want them cheaper, can you give me all the details so I can order them from someone else ? "

                        "No, Sorry"

                        "Ooh You is all 'Bitter Barry' You'll never get my trade again blah blah blah cry cry"



                        • #27
                          Mudsurfer, what exactly is a 'potentially defamatory remark'. That sentence in its own right makes no sense and is ill thought out. And while we're at it, why don't you list these aleged slanderous and malicious remarks you say I've made. Before you do have a go at trying to do that though try re reading my comments, count to ten, then read them again because from what you've writen so far it is evident you've not bothered yet. I've detailed my personal experience and opinion and if I want to start a list somewhere, anywhere, offering cheaper parts information that I find then I'll do exactly that. Nothing slanderous, defamatory, malicious or agressive about that, it's just business.



                          • #28
                            wishbone nailed it.


                            • #29
                              This seems to be a great place to identify those who can and those who can not think for themselves.

                              So now the sheep have all been identified perhaps this thread can go back to its original intention, FINDING AND LISTING CHEAPER PARTS.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by the silver surfer View Post
                                Mudsurfer, what exactly is a 'potentially defamatory remark'. That sentence in its own right makes no sense and is ill thought out. And while we're at it, why don't you list these aleged slanderous and malicious remarks you say I've made. Before you do have a go at trying to do that though try re reading my comments, count to ten, then read them again because from what you've writen so far it is evident you've not bothered yet. I've detailed my personal experience and opinion and if I want to start a list somewhere, anywhere, offering cheaper parts information that I find then I'll do exactly that. Nothing slanderous, defamatory, malicious or agressive about that, it's just business.

                                A potentially defamatory remark is just that - a remark that has the potential to be construed as defamatory in, or out of it's original context when published or discussed. Given this is a public forum, and that in the course of your dealing with RoughTrax Ltd it has been stated that you made further comments that are in emails - should the party your comments are directed towards seek legal advice on the potential damage to theirs and/or their business's reputation, this thread and your emails may be admissible during the course of any civil dispute and the aggrieved parties solicitor may take the comments you made and see them as potentially damaging - therefore potentially defamatory. In court, until the point is proven and agreed by all parties as defamatory, it remains as potentially defamatory. Not ill thought out at all, but justifiable legal parlance:

                                He's more interested in making money out of everything, rather than helping out a customer who's alreday spent over £500 with him and planned to spend several hundred more in parts. To not want to help someone save a little money by buying a part from a different country (and not even a competitor)tells me all I need to know about him. And yes I'm sure he is the dogs balls when you're spending money with him or if you have a waranty issue, but don't expect anything else. He has lost me as a current and future customer.

                                I'm sure the 'Bitter Barry' elements can be added too.

                                I have read through your posts, all of them, in detail, as well as the response from the representative of the supplier you refer to, who points out the emails you sent to them and alludes to their content. I would surmise that you have possibly missed the thrust of my point, and as such provided your response which overlooks the main point - rather than just say you were unable to get a part number, and felt it would be more beneficial to seek alternative supply options, you continued to make comments that were without basis against the original supplier, then continue to post options on alternatives.

                                My point has nothing whatsoever to do about you starting a list, and I'm more than happy that you are doing so, and that I'm sure there are many members of the forum that would benefit from your obvious generosity of giving your time to create said list. You have however, undermined your position a little with a series of comments towards a supplier that are disproportionate to the issue you state you had that led you to want to create a list of alternatives. And you are correct, there is nothing wrong with putting together this list, and yes, it is just business.
                                Last edited by MudSurfer; 8 August 2014, 11:01.
                                Too old to care, young enough to remember

