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Places to buy cheaper parts

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  • #46
    Toyota Parts

    Originally posted by Sylux View Post
    Ah, hold on...are you saying the UAE prices are also original genuine Toyota parts? That changes my assumption, somewhat . Although I'd be very nervous to trust it. Rightly or wrongly.
    Mine that came were genuine Toyota parts, I was wary about buying form abroad but paypal makes the transaction safe but you have very little comeback.

    I have bought from Milner & Roughtrax on many of occasions and if there has been a problem both companies have helped me out. You don't get that from overseas!


    • #47
      Originally posted by BioHazard View Post
      A beer and a chair ......
      Always good even if things don't quite pan out as they looked like they might


      • #48

        $198 each headlamp (equiv £118)


        • #49
          Originally posted by the silver surfer View Post
          Have you ordered said lights yet from amayama ( what's their delivery and import duty going to be? ) It's the Japanese national holiday so orders won't be processed till the 18th. So will it be a saving of £42 per light after delivery and taxes etc?
          Regarding the USA site -I reckon best case £118 ea plus say £20 delivery plus tax of £50 is £306 total.
          Roughtrax would be £320 delivered. If you ordered other parts you require at same time you're only paying one lot of delivery.
          So after all the tedious searching etc saving a few quid, is it worth it. If there is a problem you have to deal with someone abroad.
          Seems a lot of time wasted and you've offended Barry.


          • #50
            Last edited by the silver surfer; 5 May 2015, 11:34.


            • #51
              Originally posted by the silver surfer View Post
              Not ordered yet as I am waiting for a couple of other email responses to enquiries, hopefully Monday'ish. But I am in no immedaite rush to buy them, I can wait and find the best all in price and I definitely won't be buying from any UK retailer.

              Not bothered about import taxes as I have friends in UAE/Dubai and I can get an invoice for a value below the import duty threshold. Same as for the USA.

              Dealing with someone abroad is not some scary thing for me, I'm quite used to it so I don't see that as any kind of obstacle (I also live abroad!!!). I'm not really finding this searching tedious nor a waste of time, if I can do some free research and save some money for myself as well as others I think it's a win win situation. Why pay more money than you have to? If you have money to throw away then stay in your comfort zone, if not then watch this thread for more cheap places to buy your parts!

              To recap you are now going to have a fake invoice produced to avoid paying import duty.

              All of this so as not to "be ripped off by a UK retailer".


              • #52

                so are you saying you can fiddle the tax then
                the old git


                • #53
                  Last edited by the silver surfer; 5 May 2015, 11:34.


                  • #54
                    It may be fair to assume that the import duty into Spain/EU is less than into the UK, and given he is possibly registered as a Spanish national for tax liability, his tax bill could be lower. If the part is ordered via friends though, wouldn't it be cheaper for them to buy on your behalf in the country of sale, UAE, Dubai, USA then get them to send them to you marked as a gift?

                    Therefore, no tax at point of purchase, no extra charges, probably no import duty, or much reduced, and no need to commit fraud with the invoice.
                    Too old to care, young enough to remember


                    • #55
                      My god it seems just so easy.
                      I will spend hours trawling the internet, tracking down that elusive part, tap up friends and family in the US or Middle East, get them to order the parts locally and then arrange to post them on to me as "gifts" with a fake invoice to avoid any of that nasty legal fraud business then send them the money via PayPal, then wait three to six weeks for the parts to arrive.
                      So I can save nothing in the long run.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by the silver surfer View Post
                        Not ordered yet as I am waiting for a couple of other email responses to enquiries, hopefully Monday'ish. But I am in no immedaite rush to buy them, I can wait and find the best all in price and I definitely won't be buying from any UK retailer.

                        Not bothered about import taxes as I have friends in UAE/Dubai and I can get an invoice for a value below the import duty threshold. Same as for the USA.

                        Dealing with someone abroad is not some scary thing for me, I'm quite used to it so I don't see that as any kind of obstacle (I also live abroad!!!). I'm not really finding this searching tedious nor a waste of time, if I can do some free research and save some money for myself as well as others I think it's a win win situation. Why pay more money than you have to? If you have money to throw away then stay in your comfort zone, if not then watch this thread for more cheap places to buy your parts!
                        Oh believe me, either way I'm keeping an eye on this thread.


                        • #57
                          Ive been reading this thread and have just had a thought. I dont actually care where someone buys their parts from, how long they wait for said parts, or how much it all costs. Unless of course that someone is me.
                          Its nice to see that others care though,
                          Сви можемо


                          • #58
                            I'm probably stating the obvious here but...

                            If your truck's broken you can't always wait three weeks for a new part to turn up, especially if it's your daily drive and not a toy for off road pleasures.

                            Rough Trax have always done me well and will probably (hopefully) continue to do so.

                            I will also say though, well done for pointing out cheaper places to buy for those that can afford (no pun intended) to wait.


                            • #59
                              Last edited by the silver surfer; 5 May 2015, 11:35.


                              • #60
                                There is no objection to finding alternative suppliers, none at all. It's just that once the duty, insurance, and all the other elements that get added on that are not usually included until checkout or receipt, the costs often balance out.

                                We're not all fortunate enough to have people we can use in other countries to assist in getting the parts bought at zero or low tax.

                                Keep up the research, but it's worth adding the landed cost up to make it a more realistic comparison for the rest of the punters who want something cheaper, but if in the UK without the connections, may not get the benefit you clearly are.
                                Too old to care, young enough to remember

