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Fuel prices

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  • My my, what a serious thread!

    For what its worth, my personal opinion is that the Government are a bunch of lying, theiving, self serving toe-rags. There is, and can be no excuse for the amount of duty levied on road fuel in this country. Will protesting do any good? Not if its in the way this country usually protests. I'm afraid a Sunday jaunt through the streets of Westminster, ending up in Hyde Park just won't cut it. There is one thing and one thing alone that will drop the price of fuel in this country, and thats when everybody stops buying it. Do it for a prolonged period and the Government will be forced to drop the rate of fuel duty just to stimulate their No1 revenue stream again. We won't do it so its not worthy of further discussion.

    SabreUK, a good job well done on escorting the tankers. You did as you and I signed up to do, act as the enforcer of the will of Her Majesty's Government. What people forget all too often, is that THEY elected the government, either by their action or inaction. 50% of them don't vote and then see fit to criticise or question the actions of the Armed Forces who, like it or not, are acting in their name and for their benefit. For total clarity, the ONLY circumstances under which you can disobey a direct order and get off totally scot free, is if that order is (in time of war/operations) at odds with the Geneva Convention, or genuinely deemed by you to be unjustifiably and morally wrong (moral courage MATT6). Escorting tankers fits neither of these, so the order to do so can not be legally refused.

    I expect neither praise nor punishment for the work that I do, but I will accept both where required without complaint. You either support us or you don't and you must also take the rough with the smooth. You can't with clear head and clear conscience, praise one aspect of our duties whilst complaining about another. It is the same people doing both tasks with equal devotion and unswerving attention to detail. Regardless of Colour, Creed, Corps or Regiment, nobody cares where you came from or where you've been, only where you are now and where you're going. One organisation, one team, and if they don't like it, fcuk 'em.
    En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


    • Originally posted by Vultch View Post
      he was a chancellor
      In the UK?
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • I dont care too much about fuel costs with regard to personal consumption as I have plenty of other choices, walk, bus or simply dont go, but rising fuel costs usually means the costs of lots of other things rise, so its not just as simple as leaving the Surf at home. Rising fuel costs will affect everyone, even car hating bobble hats who never venture out, and some of it in ways where you cannot avoid it through personal choices
        Сви можемо


        • Originally posted by Surfer Ross View Post
          50% of them don't vote
          There is no point in voting. The government always gets in.


          • Originally posted by Surfer Ross View Post
            There is one thing and one thing alone that will drop the price of fuel in this country, and thats when everybody stops buying it. Do it for a prolonged period and the Government will be forced to drop the rate of fuel duty just to stimulate their No1 revenue stream again. We won't do it so its not worthy of further discussion.
            1st point :- Ross I'm not picking on you it's just your quote was closest.

            main point :- If we, as a country, as a whole, stopped buying fuel. The lying, theifing gits in London would not reduce fuel tax. They would sit there and proclaim to the world that they were right, and then move onto the next tax cow.

            In this country there is no working solution (I have already purchased a more fuel effiecient car so I can afford for now to continue working, as there are no buses or trains within five hours of my start times). Because we have no alternative politictions, they are all cut from the same cloth, it always works down to voting for the least worst.
            Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


            • Originally posted by Albannach View Post
              What's Hitler got to do with the UK's tax regime?
              if you read the rest of the posts they had strayed somewhat from the price of fuel, that was part of a reply to a quote about sitting on our ass and doing naff all to help the rest of the world
              Taking part of a statement leaving out the parts that qualify that statement and then using it to make some other point. Are you a politician ?


              • Originally posted by Maverick View Post
                main point :- If we, as a country, as a whole, stopped buying fuel. The lying, theifing gits in London would not reduce fuel tax. They would sit there and proclaim to the world that they were right, and then move onto the next tax cow.
                I remember reading a commentary piece in The Times a year or two ago suggesting that as people give up smoking due to the various tax rises & health campaigns the government will need to replace this revenue stream.

                The next logical "anti-social" thing to put taxes up on are the various things that cause "environmental damage" given that these would be a cause that people have been brainwashed into believing that you can't argue against it. Fuel will be one of these things.

                Or at least that was the gist of the piece anyway.


                • Agree...

                  (i) the desperately need the money, cut fuel revenues and and you need to withdraw something / health spend, benifits, etc
                  (ii) Gov thinking..For the UK there are too many cars on the road, its a sort of self regulating congestion charge

                  Back in the day Baby


                  • Every now and again a (no doubt govt employed) doctor pops his head up and suggests that 99.9% of load on the NHS is generated by alcohol consumption - (which is patently utter b0llocks) and asks for the price of alcohol to be increased.

                    Obviously, the best way to increase the price is via tax increases - we dont want the nasty alochol peddling publican to make any money do we?

                    No matter what anyone says, tax is a fact of life. Remove it from one thing, it goes on something else. Personally, I think they should just bin child allowance for starters, and take the money they save off fuel tax. Why the feck should I pay for someone else's choice to procreate? There's many other examples where the tax payer supports other's choices. (The choice many make not to work for instance)
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • Deja-vu


                      • Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                        all over again
                        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                        • It's simple's really ..... "Robbing Peter to pay Paul"
                          (so called "Control freak" Leaders preach we have all the answers) ha ha ha n get us to give up things in the name of "We know better", PC or some other obscure named product, only to Rob us of more cash somewhere else.....
                          Our Liberty, Freedom n Independence to think/manage things for our selves individually ... is it really in the hands of these people ? n do they care !!

                          Poll Tax = Council Tax, Smoking = non smoking, Oil/Fuel prices = control what everything costs today, do they think we don't know this .......
                          The Robbers have to find other ways to rob us to make up the difference !!
                          They don't realise we (millions of us) do it day in day out, year in year out n I'm a "freeman" Living the "Goodlife" get harder !!
                          Off the get a simpler life

                          nearly 10 years of Surfs
                          "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
                          Last edited by Diezel Weazel; 8 March 2011, 10:16.
                          Buncefield Burner


                          • Jess, Judwak would be proud of that post! It's nearly as impenetrable as his
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • This thread is missing something...

                              Ooh ooh, I know...it's because immgrant gypsys have all the council houses fuels gone up to pay For all their fags and mobility cars....is this it?
                              Non intercooled nothing.


                              • Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                                This thread is missing something...

                                Ooh ooh, I know...it's because immgrant gypsys have all the council houses fuels gone up to pay For all their fags and mobility cars....is this it?
                                Can't we send the army to kill them, Or the queen to give them a shilling.
                                Or house Ulrika next door.
                                Sent from the iPad you "lost"

