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Fuel prices

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  • going back to the thread title LPG dropped a penny today to 76.9p


    • Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
      Godwins law strikes again...
      Had to Google that......Brilliant!....Cheers ....Mick.
      " Time wounds all heels ".


      • Originally posted by slobodan View Post
        Can't we send the army to kill them, Or the queen to give them a shilling.
        Or house Ulrika next door.
        Ulrika lives a few mins up the road.......


        • Originally posted by schrodingers-cat View Post
          Are you a politician ?
          No, I'm far too clever for that.
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • Taxation is a fact of life, how it is applied is legal (because it is made so) but in many cases immoral.

            Work all your life buy a house pay huge interest and fund a bank, then if you pass it on to your offspring, goverment takes a slice...... WRONG

            Tax on fuel, lots of people use it and buy it... tax it.... WRONG

            I could go on and on but==== snip

            Pretty much whenever money changes hands often or in suffcient quanities the goverment take some of it, right now they are taking more than the value of the fuel, we pay the goverment more in tax per gallon than it costs to drill refine distribue and put into a pump for you to buy, I just think we should cut out the middle man, do a deal with the big oil companies as individuals (or buying groups) and agree a price, if there isn't enough money left for our goverment to pay the upkeep of some chav-tastic breeder fine, don't pay them, maybe after 2 generations of never having a job and doing something other than just leaching the system will kill a few off, where's the damage?

            I'm in it for the species, and I don't think loosing some from the shallow end of the gene pool will do us any harm in the frame work.

            Erm maybe I'm ranting, but come on...WHY....SO....MUCH....TAX?

            Mods delete post if you think it best no hard feelings.

            Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



            • Originally posted by Calos View Post
              Taxation is a fact of life, how it is applied is legal (because it is made so) but in many cases immoral.

              Work all your life buy a house pay huge interest and fund a bank, then if you pass it on to your offspring, goverment takes a slice...... WRONG

              Tax on fuel, lots of people use it and buy it... tax it.... WRONG

              I could go on and on but==== snip

              Pretty much whenever money changes hands often or in suffcient quanities the goverment take some of it, right now they are taking more than the value of the fuel, we pay the goverment more in tax per gallon than it costs to drill refine distribue and put into a pump for you to buy, I just think we should cut out the middle man, do a deal with the big oil companies as individuals (or buying groups) and agree a price, if there isn't enough money left for our goverment to pay the upkeep of some chav-tastic breeder fine, don't pay them, maybe after 2 generations of never having a job and doing something other than just leaching the system will kill a few off, where's the damage?

              I'm in it for the species, and I don't think loosing some from the shallow end of the gene pool will do us any harm in the frame work.

              Erm maybe I'm ranting, but come on...WHY....SO....MUCH....TAX?

              Mods delete post if you think it best no hard feelings.


              Nice rant and I totally agree, but because of the last sentence has no gravitas because you're worried it 'might' be upsetting.


              • A fifth of our society claim benefits. That is one in every five people that relies on others to support them. Sure there are some who need a safety net whether through disability or disadvantage. But it is hard to believe that it should be such a large proportion.
                In the meantime those of us who work ###### hard give about half straight to the taxman. We then give another 20% to him on everything we buy, plus duty on booze, fuel, etc etc. Woe betide anyone who saves anything, because we then get taxed again on any interest from those savings. Oh, and if you have children that you would like to leave any to, that'll be another 40% of whatever is left after all the taxes you have already paid.

                This brings me neatly back to the question of why so many people can't be arsed to work. I wonder?

                And before you socialists start chuntering, I accept that not all those on welfare are able to work or unwilling to work. But some (and I suggest many) are both. And that ####es me off.

                This either makes me a fascist, or a realist. Guess it depends on your perspective.


                • Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  Nice rant and I totally agree, but because of the last sentence has no gravitas because you're worried it 'might' be upsetting.
                  Heh, I would like to remain a member, and that's just a part of it, I... case in point... don't feel I can speak my own mind anymore, anywhere without fear of recrimination, this is the Britian we live in.

                  Lets get down to the pub mate LOL; or better yet are you going the avalanche meet?

                  We can sit at fire, drink and put the world to rights, as all our forefathers have done.

                  Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



                  • To echo whats been said before, it's a funny bit of the British mentality that in a crisis of anger and unfairness we go to the pub (or to a forum) and moan, other countries even our closest neighbours the French have histories of revolution that you can still see today in port blockades, torching innocent sheep etc. and it has an effect.

                    Those of you that have been posting who really need to drive for work, why not spend the time you've spent posting here emailing everyone you know and asking if they or anyone they know might work in a kitchen at a school, college, old peoples home, fire station, office building, hospital or whatever who might have a deep fat fryer and may have the means to give you enough fuel for all your needs for beer money?

                    For those who have no choice but to drive I have every sympathy but theres so many who drive when they have other options. A mate of mine could get the train to work each day in less time than it takes him to drive but won't because he 'doesn't like public transport'. then he moans about petrol costs.

                    To my mind the best solution would be to 'employ' those chavs who are claiming benefits for their myriad children to carry the rest of us around in sedan chairs. Might write to my MP


                    • Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                      To my mind the best solution would be to 'employ' those chavs who are claiming benefits for their myriad children to carry the rest of us around in sedan chairs. Might write to my MP
                      Spot on tho round here i wouldn`t get too far they only know the route to the bargain booze then to the phone to phone the dealer and back home again and there`s no way i`d be carried round six foot off the ground by any of them far too dangerous. The only consolation for me is that they`ve got no life and are ultimately killing themselves and i have to hang onto that cos nothing else is going to change, the french have something when it comes to protesting that we dont, god knows what it is


                      • The french have ...garlic
                        Death rides a Black Horse


                        • Originally posted by John h View Post
                          The french have ...garlic
                          Could be it, just breathe on the government untill they capitulate


                          • Stiff upper lip eh, old chaps? Wot wot.


                            • Is Sarkozy, a french term for Sarcastic ? He is a garlic Pearl of france you know ?
                              Death rides a Black Horse

