Your welcome Tony, glad it arrived ok, stick a pic up when it's fitted, and any probs let me know,
theres a few more switches in there since that pic, forget what some do
time and dementure's takeing their toll
as for the lights on the instruments, the idea was/is that i could change the colour of the dials by the small bank of toggle switches, and have either blue, red, green, amber, ultra-violet (big wast of time as ya'd need so many just to see em) white, and colour changing led's or any combination of colours, as these ultra-bright leds have a very limited forward arc of light i had to stick loads behind each dial, dam near one for each number on each dial, so you can imagine how many i needed to cram in there for both big dials and the four engine function gauges, it's still works ok but some of the leds have gone down and it's impossible to replace em, when so many have gone that it looks duff i'll replace the whole unit and fit indiglo dials assumeing i'm still breathing and still have the truck
theres a few more switches in there since that pic, forget what some do

time and dementure's takeing their toll

as for the lights on the instruments, the idea was/is that i could change the colour of the dials by the small bank of toggle switches, and have either blue, red, green, amber, ultra-violet (big wast of time as ya'd need so many just to see em) white, and colour changing led's or any combination of colours, as these ultra-bright leds have a very limited forward arc of light i had to stick loads behind each dial, dam near one for each number on each dial, so you can imagine how many i needed to cram in there for both big dials and the four engine function gauges, it's still works ok but some of the leds have gone down and it's impossible to replace em, when so many have gone that it looks duff i'll replace the whole unit and fit indiglo dials assumeing i'm still breathing and still have the truck
