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F.A.O Koi or other mods. with special powers.

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  • F.A.O Koi or other mods. with special powers.

    Could you please make the search button ten times bigger, bright, flashing red and place it in the middle of the screen, which is only visible to people who write the word 'Help', 'Question' or 'Problems' in their threads?

    Thanks awfully.
    Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 22 September 2009, 20:10.

  • #2
    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
    Could you please make the search button ten times bigger, bright, flashing red and place it in the middle of the screen, which is only visible to people who write the word 'Help', 'Question' or 'Problems' in their threads?

    Thanks awfully.
    Personally Vince I thing there should be a "HELP button with Q's n A's (where can I find this, how do I do that ) leading to the Problem in Question ...simples

    There's always a Payback.... Don't know where n ya won't know when tho !!!!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      As with 'Choose to refuse' on the phone system you don't have to contribute if someone makes a request for Help ? I am really surprised and disapointed that 'A Few' have taken such a stance. As I said before i have always found this forum friendly,supportive and most helpful, and I for one have asked loads of stupid questions, to that end I made an above average contribution in my subs, however I will now take my leave Good luck to you all John h
      Death rides a Black Horse


      • #4
        why???? cant you find it then bushy


        • #5
          John, dont get the hump. Bushy, I agree to an extent.

          The FAQs and the search button, are there for that reason and it's only laziness or being unaware that the above are there that means literally every day these days the same questions get asked.

          I've even seen questions be asked that have been answered on the page before!

          Whenever I see something like 'will LC springs fit a Surf?' or 'does anyone go offroading?' and the like, I find myself heaving a sigh, and often know the answer but just cant be ar$ed trotting it all out for the tenth time over.

          So yes, a much more prominent FAQs / Search facility would be welcome, with a small hint to use them would be welcome, not because I'm miserable (even though I am) but because it just makes sense.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            At risk of sounding like a stuck record but wouldn't a brief 'how to use the forum and search facility' email sent to new members on registration solve a lot of this?


            • #7
              Many who visit fora such as this are possibly new to the net and computers in general, as such they are stumbling through and possibly find it a lot easier to simply ask the ?, apart from that the search on here, when I've used it, comes up with a lot of irrelevant answers so you have to trawl through to find anything of use. H


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hazzo View Post
                Many who visit fora such as this are possibly new to the net and computers in general, as such they are stumbling through and possibly find it a lot easier to simply ask the ?, apart from that the search on here, when I've used it, comes up with a lot of irrelevant answers so you have to trawl through to find anything of use. H
                i TOTALLY agree with this! and the first part.

                personally i think it would be nice to see a couple of stickies dedicated to LIFTS as the most common questions on here usually fall under this subject.
                there have been some great write ups on the subject but they are very disspersed around the forum and it takes AGES to find it all.
                perhaps a mod or even a member who knows the site like the back of their hands, could gather up the appropriate write ups into ONE section and make it a sticky. that way all you need is in ONE thread. wouldnt that be SO much easier for noobs?
                i cant think off the top of my head but i know that POPEYE has done some great write ups. especially in regards to BJ spacers. you take this write up along with someone elses write up on springs/shocks and the different ways of doing them and then someone elses write up on body lifts and the things needed to extend etc etc and so on and so on.
                it wouldnt take long for this PROPER list to be gathered and put into a sticky would it?

                i dont even mind doing it myself. ill spend all day gathering the bits and bobs and ill put a prototype thread together and see what you guys think? let me know and ill start doing it now!


                • #9
                  well get on with it then


                  • #10
                    well i will if more people want me to. dont want to spend all day seaching and for it not to be approved! lol
                    i know ive asked LOADS of questions in the past (ok present aswell lol) but im think i know the drill well enough now to search for the right info and give the right info back to people............just! lol
                    but regardless of the writes up i gather to go into a sticky, the best thing about it is that it will ALL JUST BE IN ONE THREAD! ill meerly be starting it off!
                    any bits i miss out or if people want to add stuff about more complicated bigger lifts then by all means add it to the sticky!
                    then people only have ONE place to search!


                    • #11
                      The thing is it needs to be put in the relevent section aswell e.g technical/mechanical section where these types of threads should be.Alot of the trouble is most stuff gets posted here in General so nobody bothers going to the correct sections to look for stuff.If they can't find it in General section the Q's are then being asked.
                      I know Koi stated a while back about threads being posted in the correct sections as people were getting stroppy cause others including myself were taking the threads over by taking the #### in the general section.

                      I think that everyone needs to start posting in the correct sections and maybe we won't have so much of the bitching and #### taking in threads that are in the wrong sections


                      • #12
                        rich your in the wrong section then should have a stormforces moaning thread


                        • #13
                          Some people on here really need to go and get themselves a life. If a post bores you because youve seen it all before, ignore it. All this harping on about search buttons is a load of drama about nothing, and if seeing the same questions asked over and over annoys you, you really have some issues. Theres thousands of members, some have been here forever, some have just joined, some read every post in every thread, some dont, some answer everything, some answer nothing. Stop being such a bunch of drama queens. What do you want? A website or a forum? Those of you who have been members for years need to accept the fact that you will see stuff repeated. Theres a finite number of Surf things to post about for goodness sake. Some of you need to learn to resist passing bandwagons. Theres worse things happening in the world. A bit of perspective would help.
                          How many people do you think enjoy hearing about members problems with wind or bowels? We see that repeated often enough .
                          What does it cost to be nice to people ??

                          Сви можемо


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                            well i will if more people want me to. dont want to spend all day seaching and for it not to be approved! lol
                            i know ive asked LOADS of questions in the past (ok present aswell lol) but im think i know the drill well enough now to search for the right info and give the right info back to people............just! lol
                            but regardless of the writes up i gather to go into a sticky, the best thing about it is that it will ALL JUST BE IN ONE THREAD! ill meerly be starting it off!
                            any bits i miss out or if people want to add stuff about more complicated bigger lifts then by all means add it to the sticky!
                            then people only have ONE place to search!
                            Yes, do it. It's the first good idea you've had!
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                              Some people on here really need to go and get themselves a life. If a post bores you because youve seen it all before, ignore it. All this harping on about search buttons is a load of drama about nothing, and if seeing the same questions asked over and over annoys you, you really have some issues.
                              Some? I have lots, but constant repeats isn't one of them.

                              Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                              Theres thousands of members, some have been here forever, some have just joined, some read every post in every thread, some dont, some answer everything, some answer nothing. Stop being such a bunch of drama queens. What do you want? A website or a forum?
                              A forum. Preferably one where new items appear once in a while. It's like groundhog day sometimes!

                              Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                              How many people do you think enjoy hearing about members problems with wind or bowels? We see that repeated often enough .
                              Me for one! Woodzies internal machinations have become a central part of this site.

                              How many people do you think want to read your incessant moaning and bitching about members moaning and bitching? I cant remember you posting something where you weren't having a go at someone.
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

