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Help. Where do I go now!!!!

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  • #61
    Just a thought Roy and i know moneys tight but as that head's already been on another engine might it not pay to get it skimmed, and yup it looks like it did'nt seal properly, when you get the new bolts check em against the old ones, i know they aint been in long but these bolts do stretch a bit, shove the bolt through the head and carefully measure what pokes out the other side, then check that against the depth of thread in the block make sure the bolts aint bottoming out before the proper torque is reached
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #62
      Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
      Just a thought Roy and i know moneys tight but as that head's already been on another engine might it not pay to get it skimmed, and yup it looks like it did'nt seal properly, when you get the new bolts check em against the old ones, i know they aint been in long but these bolts do stretch a bit, shove the bolt through the head and carefully measure what pokes out the other side, then check that against the depth of thread in the block make sure the bolts aint bottoming out before the proper torque is reached
      I did check them before i put them in so i know they were slightly smaller than what came out, but ill check the holes in the block tomorrow, I've ordered new genuine head bolts and gasket this time, so we will see if that makes any difference.
      When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


      • #63
        I'm bamboozled!!! Every time someone comes up with a possible issue or reason for your problem, you've already tried it or checked it. Even right down to measuring bolts against bolt hole depths (which in 30 odd years in the trade I've never ever done)!

        You really don't ned to be asking us as you seem to have either done or checked absolutely everything that could possibly be wrong.

        It's a sad conclusion, but from what I can see, your engine has sucumbed to some wierd, previously unknown problem, and is esentially gubbed!

        Get rid and buy another one...
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #64
          I reckon the bolt holes weren't cleaned out with an airline and the bolts were hydraulicing, causing the torque wrench to give a false reading and the head not screwed down tight enough.


          • #65
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
            I reckon the bolt holes weren't cleaned out with an airline and the bolts were hydraulicing, causing the torque wrench to give a false reading and the head not screwed down tight enough.
            That's what I think, but he's checked that.
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #66
              Originally posted by Albannach View Post
              That's what I think, but he's checked that.

              Oops, oh yeah, just read that on a previous page. Couldn't be arsed before.


              • #67
                Sorry, bolt holes cleaned out with industrial cleaner/degreaser and air line block cleaned with gasket scraper and alcohol, couldn't find the gasket solvent at the time. found it now though, all been cleaned again.

                But agreed, that would have the effect what is strange is that it is by all of the bores not just one
                When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                  I'm bamboozled!!! Every time someone comes up with a possible issue or reason for your problem, you've already tried it or checked it. Even right down to measuring bolts against bolt hole depths (which in 30 odd years in the trade I've never ever done)!

                  You really don't ned to be asking us as you seem to have either done or checked absolutely everything that could possibly be wrong.

                  It's a sad conclusion, but from what I can see, your engine has sucumbed to some wierd, previously unknown problem, and is esentially gubbed!

                  Get rid and buy another one...
                  Checked the bolt sizes to make sure i had the right ones, as the pack i got had 20 bolts in it, so wasn't sure if they were for this engine.
                  When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by roylittle0 View Post
                    But agreed, that would have the effect what is strange is that it is by all of the bores not just one
                    Is it beside all the bores on the side of the truck nearest the ground when you changed th gasket? Remember water will alwsys flow downwards, no matter how shallow the angle.
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • #70
                      Did you dip the bolt holes?
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #71
                        Never had to do the surf head yet touch summat but i've always scrapped down the bottom of block holes with a pointed scriber or similar, looen up any shoit then blow out, before i got a compressor i used a fairy liquid squeezy bottle, poke it in and squeeze quick plus i've always wondered whats right, oil the head bolt threads or fit em dry, alwys put a dab of 3 in 1 oil on mine but never sure which is correct, long as ya don fill the hole with oil guess it dont matter, always thought you got more turn from an oiled thread,
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                        • #72
                          Oiling the threads is OK, as long as the oil doesn't pool in the bottom of the hole.


                          • #73
                            I was always told to wipe the bolts with an oily rag before fitting, i didn't do it but have been told to in the past.

                            Cleaned the holes out with a scribe and found a build up of what i can only describe as a glazed material (looks a little like slag from arc welding)

                            I have also put a steel rule across the head and all looks fine along the length but on the width it looks as though there is clearance in the center, ill check again in a bit and compare with the old one but i thing the head requires skimming. any idea on price
                            When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                              Did you dip the bolt holes?
                              Not sure what you mean?
                              If the question is did i oil the bolts, then no i didn't.
                              Or, did i check the hole for depth, then no to this as well.

                              Ill check the bolt holes in a bit and look for a tap to clean out the threads, I did find a hard deposit in 2 or 3 of the holes looks a little like arc welding slag, took a bit of persuasion to get it out though.
                              When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


                              • #75
                                Just as a guide Roy i had a 3.0L head p/tested skimmed and rebuilt ready for refitting and all in it cost me £265.They had to strip the head right down aswell mind as i couldn't be bothered

