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  • #61
    Originally posted by Bibs
    Not really knowing - an never likey too, so help me out, but god that's gotta have hurt
    It's bad enough if you catch it in your zip..yet alone stabbing needles into it...OOOOWWWWWW


    • #62
      Originally posted by Bibs
      Not really knowing - an never likey too, so help me out, but god that's gotta have hurt
      Well put it this way, if there's one bloke on here who doesn't spend the next hour protecting his gear with his hand whilst having a squeamish look, I'd be damned surprised.


      • #63
        Originally posted by madcampbell
        It's bad enough if you catch it in your zip..yet alone stabbing needles into it...OOOOWWWWWW
        The guy is insane................mind you the pain is worse over bone so would it not be so bad there????
        How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


        • #64
          Originally posted by MattF
          Well put it this way, if there's one bloke on here who doesn't spend the next hour protecting his gear with his hand whilst having a squeamish look, I'd be damned surprised.
          ha ha ha made me squeamish an I ay got any of those bits
          How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


          • #65
            Originally posted by Bibs
            The guy is insane................mind you the pain is worse over bone so would it not be so bad there????
            Liken it to sticking pins in your nipples...you may start to get the picture..


            • #66
              Originally posted by madcampbell
              Liken it to sticking pins in your nipples...you may start to get the picture..
              Not tried that, will go find a pin..........
              How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


              • #67
                Originally posted by madcampbell
                Liken it to sticking pins in your nipples...you may start to get the picture..
                Or to use a variation of the females favourite analogy:

                If you think giving birth is painful, that's nowt compared.......


                • #68
                  Originally posted by MattF
                  Or to use a variation of the females favourite analogy:

                  If you think giving birth is painful, that's nowt compared.......
                  Ha ha Not been there so wouldn't know - found the pin but ya know - just couldn't go quite that far, ya can't hurt yaself the same.
                  How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                  • #69
                    Hi Mate, I've got just about everywhere on my person heavily tattooed, and yes they nip a bit.

                    Anywhere boney hurts (elbows is like having your funny bone drilled), sensitive parts like under the arm hurts and around the wrists is not too cool either as it hits the tendons for your fingers makes them twitch. In fact it twiched my whole body out of the chair lol.

                    Having said that, they are actually not as bad as most people make out. and by about 10 mins into it, adrenaline kicks in and has its wonderful pain relieving effects.

                    Why not try yourself out with a diddy one that you can hide, just to see how you get on? only problem there is that the tat will be done before your adrenaline kicks in so you won't really get a true reflection.

                    Be prepared to get more though, its highly addictive.


                    • #70
                      I will take your word for it
                      www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

