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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bogus
    and for what its worth ( basically nothing) I think tattoos are incredibly stupid and im also not keen on earrings on men


    I totally agree mate.


    • #17
      been thinkin about havin a tattoo for over 20 years now...nearly got one lasst year on holiday...but thought..well if you really want one you'll wait and get one back in the UK instead of a drink fuelled one.....just cant decide on one

      tribal, chinese, character or like a full back piece....

      been lookin on the web but its the permanence of something you might like initially but hate later plus the possible pain
      Last edited by Gizmo; 1 July 2007, 19:54.


      • #18
        was looking at something like this on the back, got another wolf one with the wolf on a cliff howlin with the moon in the background


        • #19
          Have to agree with Bogus and Bushwhacker personally. I'll apologise first, but I always think tattoos make one look, well, common. Same with ear rings on blokes.


          • #20
            Originally posted by MattF
            Have to agree with Bogus and Bushwhacker personally. I'll apologise first, but I always think tattoos make one look, well, common. Same with ear rings on blokes.
            I won't tell you about me ear rings then.

            Still working for the man!


            • #21
              Originally posted by plumb bob
              I won't tell you about me ear rings then.
              It's each to their own, really.


              • #22
                just one

                only got one . the loves of my life
                black n tan
                black n tan
                yes i am a dobermann man


                • #23
                  Originally posted by slydog
                  only got one . the loves of my life
                  Awwww, there's lovely.

                  How did you get on at Crufts this year Mark, any rosettes?


                  • #24
                    no show

                    na didnt show any dogs this year . just there doing the dobe stand . not showing anymore mate . and no more puppies since the docking ban. i have 3 now . when there gone il import a cropped docked dog from prob russia or slovakia as a pet . shame the wonderfull breed is now in decline due to our ever growing nanny state . ha blimy im off ranting . hows your dobes vince
                    black n tan
                    black n tan
                    yes i am a dobermann man


                    • #25
                      Got tattoos!
                      Used to have earrings!
                      Yes there is pain!
                      No,they won't wash off!!
                      And no, I am NOT common!!!!!

                      Bottom line is, you pays your money, you makes your choice!

                      Cheers, Nick
                      "The force will be with you, always!"


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by surfenstein
                        go for it andy.i myself hate them and i wouldnt be seen dead with any tattoos.


                        And am I common???? Hmmm - don't think so!
                        Too old to care, young enough to remember


                        • #27
                          i got a W tattooed on each cheek of my butt and when i bend over it spells WOW


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by MudSurfer

                            And am I common???? Hmmm - don't think so!
                            That's what the peasants always say.........


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by stormforce1067
                              i got a W tattooed on each cheek of my butt and when i bend over it spells WOW

                              Those docs must have $$$$ed themselves when you turn up....
                              Too old to care, young enough to remember


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by slydog
                                na didnt show any dogs this year . just there doing the dobe stand . not showing anymore mate . and no more puppies since the docking ban. i have 3 now . when there gone il import a cropped docked dog from prob russia or slovakia as a pet . shame the wonderfull breed is now in decline due to our ever growing nanny state . ha blimy im off ranting . hows your dobes vince

                                My dogs are fine, perfect specimens according to the vets!

                                They're 8 and 6 years old now, Harry the 6 year old and a rescued dog is still acting like a puppy, he chases field mice that sometimes come into the garden!

                                So is that the only way to get a 'proper' dobe now, is to import one?

