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intercooled realy worth the extra dosh?? no

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  • intercooled realy worth the extra dosh?? no

    now i know am going to cause a revolt with this statment there is a lot of blokes out there that have paid fortunes for the intercooled surf's simply because its regarded as the top dog and there are not as many around and you are expected to pay more money 'fine but how many owners can say they are worth the extra dosh ? the stats say ther is a 17% diferance in power and a diferance in mpg or somthing like that not sure exactly what it's soposed to be? but i for one have driven loads and loads of the two diferant engines intercooled and standerd can any one realy tel that mutch diferance ?because i can't no chance at all ` and i must have driven at least 16 intercooled ones including my own ` i think this subject suld be up for dibate but i get the feeling it wont' and am going to get shouted down` ok i could just about tel the diferance with one or two but that may have been due to the pump being turned up not sure am sure when they was tested brand new in the factory on a pc they could say there is a diferance fine but our's are over ten years old and used' so by now i realy dont think there is mutch diferance i think it's a misconception and people stil fall for it` now wher did i put my tin hat` lol

  • #2
    Originally posted by mrsurf
    now i know am going to cause a revolt with this statment there is a lot of blokes out there that have paid fortunes for the intercooled surf's simply because its regarded as the top dog and there are not as many around and you are expected to pay more money 'fine but how many owners can say they are worth the extra dosh ? the stats say ther is a 17% diferance in power and a diferance in mpg or somthing like that not sure exactly what it's soposed to be? but i for one have driven loads and loads of the two diferant engines intercooled and standerd can any one realy tel that mutch diferance ?because i can't no chance at all ` and i must have driven at least 16 intercooled ones including my own ` i think this subject suld be up for dibate but i get the feeling it wont' and am going to get shouted down` ok i could just about tel the diferance with one or two but that may have been due to the pump being turned up not sure am sure when they was tested brand new in the factory on a pc they could say there is a diferance fine but our's are over ten years old and used' so by now i realy dont think there is mutch diferance i think it's a misconception and people stil fall for it` now wher did i put my tin hat` lol
    my L200 intercooler gets hot in hot weather and when im not moving. its mounted the opposite side of the turbo and it still gets warm to touch. so this will be doing the opposite effect of what it should do. this probably explains my 24mpg roughly.
    on the motorway i would expect to see the benefit. i had 90 out of my surf and it was still pulling. i was just curious as to what it would do. but ill be going up the m1 on friday night hopefully at a steady 60-70 so i will see the fuel economy benefit if there is one when i do that.

    thinking about it, the intercooler is designed to exchange heat from the air inside to the metal fins so that air passing over can take this hotness away. so in theory i suppose it should be warm to touch as this means its taking the heat from the air and transferring it to the metal fins ??????
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      I'd rather debate how we can improve your english so the posts so arn't painfull to read!

      I've driven both, the intercooler is nicer IMHO, especially when the pressure is on and you've got a big trailer on the back.

      Its noticable on torque, I think you notice the power when pressing the throttle but avoiding kick down, and it pulls smoothly and easily.

      17% more is about 24hp and 45ft/lb, which is not to be sneezed at!

      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        Well, without opinions, forums would be a very droll place and we'd all be stuck with bog standard trucks which all looked and performed the same. Not everyone has an intercooled truck for the same reason. Personally i am doing mine myself to aid cooler engine temps when pulling my boat and to get a little more oomph up hills. It's not that expensive a mod to do yourself provided you can source the parts cheaply enough. I am going for a top mounted FD3s rx7 cooler and ss pipes. Coupled with a colour matched Trooper bonnet scoop, should do what i want it for. Total cost should be no more than £100ish. Wether or not it will make a noticable difference i wont know until it's done. Can't make it any slower can it!


        • #5
          Originally posted by TonyN
          I'd rather debate how we can improve your english so the posts so arn't painfull to read!

          I've driven both, the intercooler is nicer IMHO, especially when the pressure is on and you've got a big trailer on the back.

          Its noticable on torque, I think you notice the power when pressing the throttle but avoiding kick down, and it pulls smoothly and easily.

          17% more is about 24hp and 45ft/lb, which is not to be sneezed at!



          • #6
            yeah i know they are soposed to be a bit smoother when towing ` but in hot weather your draging hot air in ` but aniway i realy canot see any diferance or significant to warant the extra dosh ! regarding the problem with my english is i canot spell ` i can express my self elegantly in person but try writing it all down when your not to good at spelling it aint easy and takes a very long time to express somthing that most people do in minits so you end up trying to say it in the shortest and conveniant way posible and ends up looking like a pigs ear , all those dot's and stuff i would be here until next year
            Last edited by mrsurf; 29 May 2007, 17:36.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mrsurf
              yeah i know they are soposed to be a bit smoother when towing ` but in hot weather your draging hot air in ` but aniway i realy canot see any diferance or significant to warant the extra dosh ! regarding the problem with my english is i canot spell ` i can express my self elegantly in person but try writing it all down when your not to good at spelling it aint easy and takes a very long time to express somthing that most people do in minits so you end up trying to say it in the shortest and conveniant way posible and ends up looking like a pigs ear , aniway i can spell i just have problems with my memory lol
              Don't take it to heart, when you participate here, sarcasm just seems like second nature, we all take and have the p1ss taken, as you can see Tony can't get his words the right way round, and has trouble with the word Aren't and painful:
              I'd rather debate how we can improve your english so the posts so arn't painfull to read
              as far as dragging hot air in, it will always be cooler than air pulled directly from induction as the cooler will have cooled it further. Even if the air pushed through the intercooler is warm air, at speed it gets cooler, and air in the cooler will desipate through the fins. Hope this makes some kind of sense cos it don't to meTry this:
              Last edited by Antshiel; 29 May 2007, 18:11.


              • #8
                yes i know but regarding the hot air intake i got my information from a guy who was soposed to be very clued up but you apear to be even more clued up than he was so i will take your word for it ` and i stand corected also by the time i have given my explanation on how i thort the intercooler works it would be next year by the time i had wrote it all down and so on lol lol lol


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mrsurf
                  i think it's a misconception and people stil fall for it` now wher did i put my tin hat` lol
                  Hi Paul,

                  You're a star - turn up once in a while and lob bombs - you gotta love it!

                  And yes, what would a forum be without opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  I fitted an intercooler nearly a year ago and its worked really well - I think about £120 all in.
                  Another member of the 'A' team


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mrsurf
                    yes i know but regarding the hot air intake i got my information from a guy who was soposed to be very clued up but you apear to be even more clued up than he was so i will take your word for it ` and i stand corected also by the time i have given my explanation on how i thort the intercooler works it would be next year by the time i had wrote it all down and so on lol lol lol
                    M8, if i can understand what you're saying, i don't think anyone else will have a problem. I had a volvo 850r 250 bhp standard, and had a rica 310 chip put in it. That put it up to 310bhp. That was a rapid car, and two weeks later i had a front mount intercooler fitted under the advice of the bloke who did the remap. With the intercooler the bhp went up again to about 330bhp. Not a vast amount i know but with that kind of power pulling a near 2 tonne car you certainly notice the increase. He also explained to me in great detail how the intercooler worked. That was over two years now so i can't remember word for word what he said but all the questions you are asking, i asked back then, the answer was always possitive except for one " you may loose about 0.5 - 1 psi of boost. The cooled air more than made up for that. So there you go "to intercool or not" the choice is yours. I've had one added to a non cooled turbo so i know what road i'm going down
                    Last edited by Antshiel; 29 May 2007, 18:01.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Antshiel
                      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                      • #12
                        [QUOTE=TonyN]I'd rather debate how we can improve your english so the posts so arn't painfull to read!

                        Ahahah top reply that,

                        Re the intercooler i dont really give a f**k if it works or not, i enjoy fiddleing with stuff like thak and "intercooler turbo" on the badge sounds the nuts,
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TonyN
                          I'd rather debate how we can improve your english so the posts so arn't painfull to read!

                          Ahahah top reply that,

                          Re the intercooler i dont really give a f**k if it works or not, i enjoy fiddleing with stuff like thak and "intercooler turbo" on the badge sounds the nuts,

                          It does work Ian. I noticed the improvement straight away when I had mine fitted. The truck seemed to have more grunt for less effort.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ian619

                            It does work Ian. I noticed the improvement straight away when I had mine fitted. The truck seemed to have more grunt for less effort.
                            Thats good to hear, just noticed in my post, "thak" (that), i'm a right one to laugh at someone elses bollok droping
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              could you not just run your air intake inside the heater box and put the aircon on
                              i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)

