now i know am going to cause a revolt with this statment there is a lot of blokes out there that have paid fortunes for the intercooled surf's simply because its regarded as the top dog and there are not as many around and you are expected to pay more money 'fine but how many owners can say they are worth the extra dosh ? the stats say ther is a 17% diferance in power and a diferance in mpg or somthing like that not sure exactly what it's soposed to be? but i for one have driven loads and loads of the two diferant engines intercooled and standerd can any one realy tel that mutch diferance ?because i can't no chance at all ` and i must have driven at least 16 intercooled ones including my own ` i think this subject suld be up for dibate but i get the feeling it wont' and am going to get shouted down` ok i could just about tel the diferance with one or two but that may have been due to the pump being turned up not sure am sure when they was tested brand new in the factory on a pc they could say there is a diferance fine but our's are over ten years old and used' so by now i realy dont think there is mutch diferance
i think it's a misconception and people stil fall for it` now wher did i put my tin hat` lol
