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Bl@@dy biker.....

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MattF
    Actually, just reminding them that 'GIVE WAY' signs actually mean sodding well stopping and giving way, full stop......

    I've no time of day for a large percentage of drivers these days. The level of ignorance seems to be rocketing skyward, and impatience, need I say more.......
    i have to pee on your parade...but...

    147: You MUST stop behind the line at a junction with a 'Stop' sign and a solid white line across the road. Wait for a safe gap in the traffic before you move off.
    Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10 & 16

    148: The approach to a junction may have a 'Give Way' sign or a triangle marked on the road. You MUST give way to traffic on the main road when emerging from a junction with broken white lines across the road.
    Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10(1), reg 16(1) & 25


    • #17
      Originally posted by sparkz
      i have to pee on your parade...but...

      147: You MUST stop behind the line at a junction with a 'Stop' sign and a solid white line across the road. Wait for a safe gap in the traffic before you move off.
      Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10 & 16

      148: The approach to a junction may have a 'Give Way' sign or a triangle marked on the road. You MUST give way to traffic on the main road when emerging from a junction with broken white lines across the road.
      Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10(1), reg 16(1) & 25
      I just said that, I say, I just said that!
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Chillitt
        I just said that, I say, I just said that!
        gold star for you Fred!


        • #19
          Does anyone ever actually listen to what I write/say? How can one give way to something which is not there? Now, to p1ss back on your parades, one cannot stop and give way to empty space, thereby one will carry on as normal if no other traffic is apparent. However, when other vehicles are oncoming, one stops, (or as close as required to stopping), to give way. Now, is that clear enough? (Bl00dy peasants).


          • #20
            I'll get the popcorn.

            Someone else get the drinks. I'll have Coke!


            • #21
              Originally posted by MattF
              Does anyone ever actually listen to what I write/say? How can one give way to something which is not there? Now, to p1ss back on your parades, one cannot stop and give way to empty space, thereby one will carry on as normal if no other traffic is apparent. However, when other vehicles are oncoming, one stops, (or as close as required to stopping), to give way. Now, is that clear enough? (Bl00dy peasants).

              hmm..sounds like a change of tune to me...

              black and white..

              Originally posted by MattF
              Actually, just reminding them that 'GIVE WAY' signs actually mean sodding well stopping and giving way, full stop......
              a 'give way' sign DOES NOT mean stopping......full stop



              • #22
                Originally posted by sparkz
                a 'give way' sign DOES NOT mean stopping......full stop

                I'm living in a world gone mad. How often is one in a position to crawl forward at a give way sign whilst not impeding the flow of traffic to which one is supposed to be giving way? Whilst the theory that one does not have to stop at the aforementioned sign is perfectly viable theoretically, due to their placement in reality, it seldom is. The cattle prod will be coming out soon.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MattF
                  I'm living in a world gone mad. How often is one in a position to crawl forward at a give way sign whilst not impeding the flow of traffic to which one is supposed to be giving way? Whilst the theory that one does not have to stop at the aforementioned sign is perfectly viable theoretically, due to their placement in reality, it seldom is. The cattle prod will be coming out soon.
                  I'm not suggesting that you are not permitted to stop....im mearly stating that it is not compulsory to stop as implied by your previous post....

                  Shell we just agree you have changed your mind and we are now in full agreement :P


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by sparkz
                    I'm not suggesting that you are not permitted to stop....im mearly stating that it is not compulsory to stop as implied by your previous post....

                    Shell we just agree you have changed your mind and we are now in full agreement :P
                    I'll rephrase slightly, then. One must alter ones onward speed at a give way sign to a level suitable to allow the unimpeded progress of traffic. There, hows that?


                    • #25
                      ice cream, choc ices, pop corn, fizzy pop.Sorry sir no smoking in the front please


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by stormforce1067
                        ice cream, choc ices, pop corn, fizzy pop.Sorry sir no smoking in the front please

                        No smoking at all now in Wales, as from 6am yesterday..................and we get free prescriptions, which is nice.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by MattF
                          I'll rephrase slightly, then. One must alter ones onward speed at a give way sign to a level suitable to allow the unimpeded progress of traffic. There, hows that?
                          that statement is more accurate to the highway code and therefore i will concur assuming your mean unimpeeded progress of traffic on the major road to which you are atempting to join.


                          • #28
                            woooo, this is getting good, didn't expect to get such a response

                            will there be a sequel???

                            ice cream vendor coming round?? mines vanilla please
                            My other cars a QUAD
                            (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


                            • #29
                              and it was just getting good



                              • #30
                                i'll have a hot dog and a coke

