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  • #46
    Originally posted by Bunkle
    020 7865 8100
    cannonbury villas?
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #47
      Fox Hunting is Dangerous


      • #48
        Funny but I logged on here and thought I'd transferred to the airgun bbs forum by mistake. This is a forum about our favourite form of transport.

        Can we not close this thread and leave such discussions (arguments) where they really belong please? Lets get back to 4in lifts, stainless exhausts etc.

        Thank you (time to go watch The State Within).
        Mike G


        • #49
          Originally posted by Tallyman
          Funny but I logged on here and thought I'd transferred to the airgun bbs forum by mistake. This is a forum about our favourite form of transport.

          Can we not close this thread and leave such discussions (arguments) where they really belong please? Lets get back to 4in lifts, stainless exhausts etc.

          Thank you (time to go watch The State Within).
          wow been on that site and was banned !!!! thinking the same thing,
          c,mon fellahs everyones got different views
          Only Toyota can get you out of shite


          • #50
            Originally posted by joker??
            wow been on that site and was banned !!!! thinking the same thing,
            c,mon fellahs everyones got different views

            Wot we talkin' 'bout then?

            I aint going through 5 pages to find out!


            • #51
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              Wot we talkin' 'bout then?

              I aint going through 5 pages to find out!
              SOLDIERS-V- HIPPIES ???
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #52
                Originally posted by joker??
                SOLDIERS-V- HIPPIES ???

                oh, in that case,

                Hey man, be cool, chill out, lay back, soak up some rays, have some cheese and enough with the negative vibes dudes. Peace!


                • #53
                  Been watching "Kelly's Heroes" again, Vince?

                  I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                  • #54


                    • #55
                      As I started this thread, I figure I need to add my £10 worth.

                      I'm not a member of any of HM Forces, nor have I ever been. However, I've spent the last 20 years of my life working alongside them (all three), the last 6 years working very closely with the British Army and various 'allied' armies.

                      I can honestly say, hand on heart that I have never worked with a more dedicated, motivated bunch of people.

                      Never have I experienced any abuse or general plonkeriness from anyone from Private to General and I've worked with all. Oh sure, some get a bit loud and OTT sometimes (one occasion in Canada springs to mind) but given the fact that we'd worked bl00dy long night hours for 4 weeks continuous, I dont think it was unreasonable for them to let their hair down. There was never anything that wasn't good natured. I expect (Toyney) you've met the odd plonker, but name a group, society or whatever that doesn't contain the odd idiot?

                      I've never met any member of HM forces who wasn't extremely skilled in their field, or very willing and keen to learn if I've had to introduce new unfamiliar kit or procedure.

                      I wont have anything said against our guys in uniform, the commercial world could learn a lot from their no-nonesense can-do approach. Perhaps then we wouldn't continue our slide towards being the poor man of europe. We should be proud of them, and thankful they are there (and were there when we were in need in the late thirties!)

                      There is nothing wrong with our armed forces that a more pragmatic, less knee-jerk govt couldn't sort out. But that, as they say, is for another day.

                      However, I still dont like the LR Defender!
                      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                      • #56

                        Apache, I would like to echo your comments, my limited experience is very similar. Thankfully a lot of ex-forces bring that can-do attitude into the IT field and make it the richer for it.

                        I don't agree with the decision to send them, I would prefer them not to be there, however, now that they are doing the job that no one else has the stomach for, I whole heartedly support them.

                        The sensational press we have in this country not withstanding...

                        You only have to read the frustrating comments of De La Billiere, Collins and Jackson to see that they are as frustrated as the rest of us with the whole situation.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by AndyLala

                          Apache, I would like to echo your comments, my limited experience is very similar. Thankfully a lot of ex-forces bring that can-do attitude into the IT field and make it the richer for it.

                          I don't agree with the decision to send them, I would prefer them not to be there, however, now that they are doing the job that no one else has the stomach for, I whole heartedly support them.

                          The sensational press we have in this country not withstanding...

                          You only have to read the frustrating comments of De La Billiere, Collins and Jackson to see that they are as frustrated as the rest of us with the whole situation.
                          Like I alluded to, we have an incompetent govt. They are at fault, not the forces.
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world

