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I figured it out!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Toyney
    ""i'm not a squaddie, never will be! they are better men than me..""

    that is entirely my point...
    why do people think squaddies are somehow either superior because they choose to fight... or inferior because they are war mongers...
    Soldiers tend to go where they are told and do what they are told - the war mongers tend to be the people in suits who never go near a combat zone.

    its all rubbish, they are just like you and me. human. no human is more or less equal.
    More or less equal... (pulls fuse out of pedantry circuit)

    Sorry - I really can't accept that statement 'as is': maybe all humans start out equal, but they don't end up that way. Or maybe I've just encountered more than the average number of scrotes and scumbags recently

    Hmm - having done colour (of paintwork), 2nd Gen/3rd Gen, North/South, we are now starting on hippy/redneck...

    M: Look, I CAME HERE FOR AN ARGUMENT, I'm not going to just stand...!!
    Q: OH, oh I'm sorry, but this is abuse.
    M: Oh, I see, well, that explains it.
    Q: Ah yes, you want room 12A, Just along the corridor.

    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


    • #32
      what I have said, if you read carefully to what I wrote previously... without jumping to angry conclusions, is the fact I am a peacekeeper...
      I know plenty of ex service people and I have no anger towards them, they are friends, family etc. you dont need to try and insult me by telling me I dont know what im talking about because I can only talk from experience.

      I simply pointed out that if there was no war and mindless aggression ( as some have displayed at me for simply speaking my mind), then people wouldnt have to spend their evenings on the plain in the rain and mud and cold, being driven about in utilitarian vehicles.

      see how sensitive some of you are that have replied to me... relax, its just a forum and I will say it again, we are all equal, we are all human beings with blood in our veins and hopefully love in our hearts for each other.
      she's no angel


      • #33
        Originally posted by Toyney
        dya think ive swung the heat off my back now?
        nothing like a bunch of arsey squadies on your case...

        like the 4 drunken ones in windsor that attacked my car with me in it one late saturday night...
        FAIR COMMENT as you have now got a reason to comment. I was in CYPRUS when certain Squaddies raped a girl & Murdered her Boyfriend.
        But don't Condemn them all.

        POLITICS & RELIGION are always used as an excuse it seams.


        • #34
          as for the history of women starting wars, I can honestly say I didnt expect anyone to take my rhetorical question seriously. it was just a quip. I really dont know history so accurately to be able to say much about previous queens or boudica

          my preferred bed time reading is a haynes manual.
          she's no angel


          • #35
            once worked as a dominatrix, I have no regrets
            No comment then as you obviously enjoyed inflicting pain


            • #36
              only if they wanted pain...
              some just wanted humiliating.

              suppose I could have driven them around in an old defender in the cold wind and rain... that would have served both requests!
              she's no angel


              • #37
                Originally posted by Toyney
                only if they wanted pain...
                some just wanted humiliating.

                suppose I could have driven them around in an old defender in the cold wind and rain... that would have served both requests!
                (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                • #38
                  Women starting wars: I nominate blood-crazed lunatic Thatcher for starters.

                  Anyway, most know that I am one of the more liberal people on this forum so I expect to be shouted at (in typing) as always.

                  I object to all war, there is never a good reason. I object to armies, air forces etc too. I don't know any ex-servicemen although I grew up in a garrison town. Certainly, the squaddies had a fearsome reputation but I never personally got into any trouble with them (other teenage kids was a different matter ).

                  I would personally never take a job that expsosed me to all those bad things and I don't know why anyone would, but they do and to be honest they have my sympathy. The point I think Toyney was originally making was that its our governments who are sending people out and expsoing them to very traumatic experiences, usually for their own politicial agenda. That's what's a a disgrace. I caa honestly say that if I got shot at or saw someone's limbs blown off once, I would be an alcoholic for ever.

                  I would never point the finger at individuals, or squaddies in general, but there is something very wrong with a culture (I mean across the world here) where it considered acceptable for people to give their lives for something other than defence of themselves or their family.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Toyney
                    what I have said, if you read carefully to what I wrote previously... without jumping to angry conclusions, is the fact I am a peacekeeper...
                    I know plenty of ex service people and I have no anger towards them, they are friends, family etc. you dont need to try and insult me by telling me I dont know what im talking about because I can only talk from experience.

                    I simply pointed out that if there was no war and mindless aggression ( as some have displayed at me for simply speaking my mind), then people wouldnt have to spend their evenings on the plain in the rain and mud and cold, being driven about in utilitarian vehicles.

                    see how sensitive some of you are that have replied to me... relax, its just a forum and I will say it again, we are all equal, we are all human beings with blood in our veins and hopefully love in our hearts for each other.

                    Peacekeepers are the troops on the ground facing the hostility of two opposing sides to try and keep the peace.

                    Your experience is obviously very limited to some over watered squaddies in Windsor after a night out on the lash. As far as insulting you goes, you need to think before you start implying every squaddie is a drugged up alcoholic waster who goes around kicking peoples heads in shouting he is the best.

                    As far as war and mindless aggression goes, get used to it. It has been around since we were apes in the forest. Take a look around you. EVERY living creature on this planet is in some way responsible for acts of aggression. It's called the food chain. You only have to see a safari programme to see how violent nature is. The fact that the human race is at the top of the chain changes nothing. We are like every other animal except we use bigger weapons to club each other with than the usual tree branch.

                    I haven't got a problem with how you feel about the world or its people. You have an opinion and you are entitled to express it. If you don't like squaddies or ex-squaddies , like me, then fine. I'm not going to loose any sleep over it.

                    But you need to understand that people like me, who have been in the forces, do so for different reasons and do not appreciate people like you making broad negative statements that tar everyone with the same brush. There are soldiers on the ground, dying as we are typing this out, who are dying because the political masters of this country (of who I thought Tony Blair was supposed to be the biggest CND supporting left winger) told them to go.

                    As the MP's sit down with their families this Christmas opening their presents, the people they ordered to Iraq and Afghanistan (and all other theatres) are having to spend theirs away from home, under fire, while their kids and wife’s and families don't know whether they will see them again.

                    That's why I'm pi**ed off with what you had to say.


                    • #40
                      [QUOTE=Sancho]Women starting wars: I nominate blood-crazed lunatic Thatcher for starters.

                      That's the best laugh I've had all day. Well done that man.

                      Viva la Thatcher..... We love you....


                      • #41
                        please read what I wrote VERY carefully...
                        you will see that I have NOT said I dont like armed service people.

                        dont assume a negative when im merely trying to say i dont like war.

                        humans are NOT like other animals. humans kill for fun, they kill for power, They kill for fossil fuel, they kill in the name of a religious belief, they are organised and plan ahead, they have the capacity to completely destroy the planet many times over....
                        animals kill for food, they kill to assert power over a small group of the same species not the entire species!

                        except cats... they kill for fun then play with their food.. the evil little critters!
                        she's no angel


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Toyney

                          except cats... they kill for fun then play with their food.. the evil little critters!

                          Thats it ,blame it all on cats then


                          • #43
                            I would blame the cats too if I was a pigeon fancier!!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by M35A2
                              I would blame the cats too if I was a pigeon fancier!!
                              And what happened to the last pigeon that landed in your garden


                              • #45
                                020 7865 8100
                                Fox Hunting is Dangerous

