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Apology to the muslims

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  • #16
    As a muslim, I'm also sorry for the many thousands of muslims who came to this country during the economic boom to fill the gaps in the british workforce. I'm also sorry for all those ragheads who make up many of the doctors nurses etc. of the NHS. I'm also sorry for my fellow sheet heads who couldn't give a rats arse over a few cartoons and really just want to get on with life, working and raising a family.


    • #17
      Originally posted by M35A2
      Hear, hear....... And so say all of us!!!!
      If we had half the laws they do, we'd only have half of the buggers over here for starters & the rest would be one armed or one legged if we dished out there own punishment to em !!!!
      Buncefield Burner


      • #18
        May God Bless you all my children, and fattama and her five fingers. and a fish to keep you fertile and safe.
        I like Orientals


        • #19
          Originally posted by ferretmanabu
          As a muslim, I'm also sorry for the many thousands of muslims who came to this country during the economic boom to fill the gaps in the british workforce. I'm also sorry for all those ragheads who make up many of the doctors nurses etc. of the NHS. I'm also sorry for my fellow sheet heads who couldn't give a rats arse over a few cartoons and really just want to get on with life, working and raising a family.
          Totaly agree. I live in a town that has been taking imigrants for the last hundred years. It started with the white russians at the turn of the century, the Poles and slovaks in the thirtys and fortys. We then had imigrants from the Indian sub continent in the 50s 60s and 70s. All of them have come to our town and, whilst keeping their own culture, have intergrated to a greater or lesser extent. Some of the young second or third generation asians have a chip on their shoulder but they are very much in the minority. The vast majority are too busy working, bringing up kids and worrying about bills to give a toss about cartoons. The people that shout the loudest never reflect the views of the majority. Personaly I think we're now letting to many migrants in to the country but what worries me more is the fact that anyone from the new enlarged europe has a right to come to seek work with no limits on numbers.


          • #20
            Originally posted by ferretmanabu
            As a muslim, I'm also sorry for the many thousands of muslims who came to this country during the economic boom to fill the gaps in the british workforce. I'm also sorry for all those ragheads who make up many of the doctors nurses etc. of the NHS. I'm also sorry for my fellow sheet heads who couldn't give a rats arse over a few cartoons and really just want to get on with life, working and raising a family.

            I also find it mildly amusing that after all the fuss from the original cartoon, and most western nations saying its not a big deal, muslims shouldn't get upset, we then go and get all upset over some guy (who turned into a whole funny story on its own!!!) dressed as a suicide bomber.

            I think the world needs take a step back and look up 'parody' and 'humour' in the dictionary and then get on with life.
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #21
              Must admit there have been a couple of posts which have worried me here.

              I and any sensible person cannot condone the response to the cartoon from *a minority who call themselves muslim*, however, reacting to their response in an inflammatory way is likely to make the situation far worse. It is a minority, and I suspect their reaction is less to do with their religious beliefs than an excuse to stir unrest, for any excuse at all.

              Most fanatics will react harshly to anything that goes against what they believe, this goes for any religion, some footy fans, probably even some Cliff Richard fans - well maybe not... One only needs to look at the history books to see fanatical slaughter and subjugation on the basis of even Christianity. However, thank God (or Allah or whoever your personal flavour is) the huge minority can see that reacting with violence makes little sense.

              British (and indeed European) people must try to avoid being drawn into this, as I suspect parties like the BNP are rubbing their hands with glee at the 'kick out the ragheads' type remarks - and it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find a certain amount of 'encouragement' in the latest unrest from them or their european counterparts.

              Kneejerk reactions such as what we've seen are the sort of reactions that cause wars such as Gulf Reprise etc and Great Britain as an intelligent world leader *should* be able to rise above it.

              Cheers folks!
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #22
                far too much hot headedness going on i think from all sides.

                I know this, in all my life I have never been bullied, abused or antagonised by any person from Asian, African or other ethnic background not originally British... I have however been repeatedly harrassed, bullied and snarled at by angry caucasion british people in the past. ( and I am a caucasion Brit)

                Im not a fan of any religion, including those mad religious catholic fanatics Bush and Blair. They always seem to cause war and hatred.. thats both religion and fanatical world leaders

                All religions are bad when people get fanatical... even if your religion is footy or some other sport.

                I say live and let live. but freedom of speech should always prevail. Those cartoons have served a purpose, and that is to expose all those fanatics giving the muslim religion a bad name.
                she's no angel


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Apache
                  Must admit there have been a couple of posts which have worried me here..................
                  Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Morr
                    Ta! Been up since 5am - always happens first day in a new time zone - need something to occupy my wide awake mind before everyone else gets up...
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Apache
                      Must admit there have been a couple of posts which have worried me here.

                      I and any sensible person cannot condone the response to the cartoon from *a minority who call themselves muslim*, however, reacting to their response in an inflammatory way is likely to make the situation far worse. It is a minority, and I suspect their reaction is less to do with their religious beliefs than an excuse to stir unrest, for any excuse at all.

                      Most fanatics will react harshly to anything that goes against what they believe, this goes for any religion, some footy fans, probably even some Cliff Richard fans - well maybe not... One only needs to look at the history books to see fanatical slaughter and subjugation on the basis of even Christianity. However, thank God (or Allah or whoever your personal flavour is) the huge minority can see that reacting with violence makes little sense.

                      British (and indeed European) people must try to avoid being drawn into this, as I suspect parties like the BNP are rubbing their hands with glee at the 'kick out the ragheads' type remarks - and it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find a certain amount of 'encouragement' in the latest unrest from them or their european counterparts.

                      Kneejerk reactions such as what we've seen are the sort of reactions that cause wars such as Gulf Reprise etc and Great Britain as an intelligent world leader *should* be able to rise above it.

                      Cheers folks!
                      i think some of the previous posts are (like so often in discussion groups) just someone trying to wind up and get a response from other members.
                      just human nature i guess.
                      But to compare a riot about a cartoon ,with the backlash over a man dressed as a suicide bomber in the climate we live in with terrorism(7/11 ,london tube bombings)...hmmmm
                      now i am no racist(at least i don`t consider myself to be ) i have friends of other nationalities!!! but i have found myself to be getting increasingly annoyed/p***ed off we all the spongers coming to this country and then making demands..if i emmigrated to another country then i would expect to change to their rules/laws..
                      i must admit that i am becoming fed up with the soft government in this country and would (if it was finacially possible) emmigrate...hmmm if the aussies would have me and my surf(plenty of off roading over there).
                      anyway rant over ,feeling more relaxed now..
                      guess i`ll just start thinking about off roading this saturday near whitby


                      • #26
                        Okay - what has this to do with Toyotas ?

                        My lot - the Welsh, the Celts, the original human inhabitants of Britain - are still coming to terms with the Anglo-Saxons taking over!

                        I'm a Christian but I work with Muslims, Hindus and Jews. And also with atheisits. I have no problem with any of these because I believe God made everyone in His image.

                        That's EVERYONE - irrespective of race, religion or creed, whether I like them or not. And that is my belief. If you disagree with it, that's your choice. You will not change it. You can not change someone's beliefs by force.

                        Judge people by what they do:
                        A newspaper that publishes offensive material "because it can" is a newspaper setting out to offend.
                        A Muslim reacting to that with threats of violence is a person making violent threats.

                        Children, expecially in schools, are often accused of knowing their rights but none of their responsibilities. Are we not doing the same here?

                        Now what has this to do with Toyotas? (Apart from the Toyota pickup being possibly the most popular vehicle in the Arab world?)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by NFC
                          Children, expecially in schools, are often accused of knowing their rights but none of their responsibilities. Are we not doing the same here?
                          That's exactly what I wanted to say. I typed a reply to this thread last night, but then deleted it because it was too angry.

                          The right of free speech is all very well, but I think in all decency it comes second to the responsability to consider the effect of our words on others.

                          That goes for danish newspapers, muslim protestors, and posters on web forums. 'They started it' is rarely a good enough excuse in the playground or in life.

                          Turning the other cheek can be had sometimes, but to paraphrase 'sometimes you need to be a hero just to act like a decent human being'.

                          So I hope we can all consider what we are saying. I would hate for a casual reader to come on here and think we are all a bunch of bigots.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Medieval Dave
                            That's exactly what I wanted to say. I typed a reply to this thread last night, but then deleted it because it was too angry.

                            The right of free speech is all very well, but I think in all decency it comes second to the responsability to consider the effect of our words on others.

                            That goes for danish newspapers, muslim protestors, and posters on web forums. 'They started it' is rarely a good enough excuse in the playground or in life.

                            Turning the other cheek can be had sometimes, but to paraphrase 'sometimes you need to be a hero just to act like a decent human being'.

                            So I hope we can all consider what we are saying. I would hate for a casual reader to come on here and think we are all a bunch of bigots.
                            Anyone who believes they have a right to free speech is utterly deluding themselves. The owner of this site could, if he/she so wished, delete this thread or any thread without warning or explanation.

                            I often contribute to an online discussion forum and have had more statements pulled by the moderators than I care to recall.

                            As someone far more interesting than I once said " I will fight for your right to an opinion but I dont have to agree with your opinion".
                            Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


                            • #29
                              what a great forum! i am on a number of forums, and usually threads like this descend into ranting, horrendous over simplifications and bitterness. here, it ascends into common sense, a respect for our fellow man and a look at the bigger picture. fair play chaps!
                              it's in me shed, mate.


                              • #30
                                So people in the Middle East are going to boycot Danish and Norwegian goods. I've been racking my brain and all I can think of is Danish Bacon and those Snazzy thick Norwegian Jumpers, wouldn't have thought either would have been massive sellers over there! Still I suppose its the principle that counts.
                                Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!

