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Apology to the muslims

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Medieval Dave

    It's a very serious piece of kit.

    think landrover that goes like a sportscar
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #47
      Originally posted by sketty
      how come nearly every off licence post office and news agents we go into is run by asians. that realy ****es me off. also the first surf i went to look at was being sold by an asian. he did'nt only have one he had a hole yard full of them and it was'nt a cosha bussiness there were no reciepts or guarantees. how do they afford all of this. do they all chip in start a bussiness and when thats up and running do the same for another family member. suppose its good bussiness but it ****es me right off and another thing why the sudden rush of polish everywere.
      Can't knock a bloke for working hard and helping family and mates out, maybe you'd just be happier if they loafed around and went on the social. You could always open a business and work harder to put em out of business if you wanted to.

      Anyway, what about short people, ginger people, tall people, fat people, skinny people, anyone that I don't happen to like; how come they nick air that I might need one day.
      Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


      • #48
        Yep, those Gingas. Can't stand em.

        Kick em all out, start with Chris Evans


        • #49
          For some reason i've avoided this thread since it began, until I decided to go through it tonight. Having virtually argued with myself while reading it, and going through a vast array of emotions, I thought i'd add my bit!

          My main fears are that with todays government and ridiculous political correctness, this country is becoming a mine field of minorities. To the extend where being a 23 year old white british working male (like myself) are the only people who don't get any special treatment.
          I hate how people constantly play their minority card to gain a advantage/argument or even caim for compensation. being a single mum, on disability benefit, homosexual, of different race/religeon, overweight, unemployed, old aged, with webbed toes, etc, etc. It seems everyone is part of some minority so therefore feel they should have special treatment.
          I wish we had a big sign on the channel tunnel saying "when in britain, do as the british do". So that everyone can start on a level playing field, knowing how to integrate and get along together.

          My alternative solution for every type of fanatic/extremist is best summed up in the words of Marge Simpson :
          "Shoot them all and let God sort them out"


          Just trying to raise my postcount!


          • #50
            policy? policy? the only one i have seen on here is regarding motor insurance!
            Did I mention I have a BLUE one


            • #51
              pc my ar*e

              Originally posted by B16mts
              My main fears are that with todays government and ridiculous political correctness, this country is becoming a mine field of minorities. To the extend where being a 23 year old white british working male (like myself) are the only people who don't get any special treatment.
              I hate how people constantly play their minority card to gain a advantage/argument or even caim for compensation.
              I'm inclined to agree, PC causes more problems then anything else, now my kids come home singing "baa baa coloured sheep" and teacher wrote stuff on a drywipe board. All for the fear of upsetting somebody, sorry and i'm not intending to upset anybody, but when i was a primary school we sand baa baa black sheep and teacher wrote on the blackboard, we were not being racest its all these loony lefties in lewisham (again sorry to people who live in lewisham) that have started this. A friend of mine was once repremanded in college for saying things were often heard on the "estate jungle drums". also what happened to it ain't half hot mum, and love thy neighbour, now we cant watch them because it's not politically correct.

              does this mean I drive a "non-descript colour,urban, all-terrain,estate car" instead of a grey import, toyota hilux surf?

              We should start a minority fringe group.......... oh we already have

              Normal service will be resumed after a bottle of scotch!
              Bring me the head of a treehugger


              • #52
                B16 MTS and CoolsV650
                You've both managed to say what I think perfectly.
                I agree, Bring back common sense, get rid of anti semic (is that the correct word) laws, and have one, proper sensible law for all.

                Oh its called a dry wipe board, because it uses dry wipe pens, not chalk. It was either something to do with chalk dust, or the fact that my old teacher could hit me with very good acuracy with the chalk (or rubber depending upon his mood) that started the death of blackboards. Now they are moving onto white interactive boards, glad I went to school when I did.
                Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                • #53
                  So what do we call those little flamboyantly dressed characters on the marmalade jars now then? or have I just answered my own question.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                    So what do we call those little flamboyantly dressed characters on the marmalade jars now then? or have I just answered my own question.
                    I thought Robinsons had stopped using those years ago!

                    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                    • #55
                      Well I know what I call them, but then I don't call people the same thing.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by B16mts
                        For some reason i've avoided this thread since it began, until I decided to go through it tonight. Having virtually argued with myself while reading it, and going through a vast array of emotions, I thought i'd add my bit!

                        My main fears are that with todays government and ridiculous political correctness, this country is becoming a mine field of minorities. To the extend where being a 23 year old white british working male (like myself) are the only people who don't get any special treatment.
                        I hate how people constantly play their minority card to gain a advantage/argument or even caim for compensation. being a single mum, on disability benefit, homosexual, of different race/religeon, overweight, unemployed, old aged, with webbed toes, etc, etc. It seems everyone is part of some minority so therefore feel they should have special treatment.
                        I wish we had a big sign on the channel tunnel saying "when in britain, do as the british do". So that everyone can start on a level playing field, knowing how to integrate and get along together.

                        My alternative solution for every type of fanatic/extremist is best summed up in the words of Marge Simpson :
                        "Shoot them all and let God sort them out"



                        This is how i feel ,but its been going on for so long that i dont think that the political correctness will never cease.
                        With the bill being processed at the moment through the commons even humor will be classed as incitement ,does that mean that the Life of Brian will be banned?????????And i find humor is the best way to defuse some of the tension , At least a good way to put accross a opinion without resorting to violence.
                        We must remember that our great country has had a regular influx of immigrants since Stonehenge was built (the amesbury archer was from europe )


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by dave.j.robbo
                          They way I see it, is that it's the asians that aren't afraid of hard work and long hours! That's also why there are so many Asian/Indian doctors etc.

                          Live and let live, I say, with the emphasis on LET LIVE!!!

                          Neither are tha vast majority of English people.

                          The reason there are so many Asian doctors is because they train in India or where ever and flock here for the better money. I've seen some asian doctors that can hardly speak English. The NHS takes them on because this goverment makes it too expensive to train here.

                          I'm a 36 year old professional truck driver, and also qualified landscape gardner. Both of which are in short supply in Australia. But can I emigrate there? Not a chance. Even though they are in short supply, they still wont take on foreigners. I take my hat off to them, they have the right idea.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by M35A2
                            Neither are tha vast majority of English people.

                            The reason there are so many Asian doctors is because they train in India or where ever(INTERNET!!!) and flock here for the better money. I've seen some asian doctors that can hardly speak English. The NHS takes them on because this goverment makes it too expensive to train here.

                            I'm a 36 year old professional truck driver, and also qualified landscape gardner. Both of which are in short supply in Australia. But can I emigrate there? Not a chance. Even though they are in short supply, they still wont take on foreigners. I take my hat off to them, they have the right idea.
                            But as said previously yes there are good and bad in ALL races, including our own but my point is why do we have to cope with other illegal immigrants - good or bad..????


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by ianwoodzie
                              This is how i feel ,but its been going on for so long that i dont think that the political correctness will never cease.
                              With the bill being processed at the moment through the commons even humor will be classed as incitement ,does that mean that the Life of Brian will be banned?????????And i find humor is the best way to defuse some of the tension , At least a good way to put accross a opinion without resorting to violence.
                              We must remember that our great country has had a regular influx of immigrants since Stonehenge was built (the amesbury archer was from europe )

                              I loved Alf Garnett, where the f*ck has he gone. The Communist Police State has locked him up in the Gulag, never to be seen again.

                              Other countries must laugh their t*ts off at us. Lot's of people have been saying "live and let live", well that's fair enough, I haven't got a problem with that. But try and live how you want in Saudi Arabia, or any other Muslim country (apart from Turkey maybe) and you will soon find out, that they are no where near as concerned about your "minority" rights, as this goverment is with the "minoritys" that live here.

                              Denmark, muchos respect!!


                              • #60
                                I have read this thread with great interest as it holds true to the pattern of most of threads on here. Firstly someone asks the question,then the replys start with humour, then a light hearted bit of urine extraction,and finaly the answer to the original question. The perfect example being "wots the little red button for"
                                It just goes to show dispite what face we put on it we (we being the forum)are infact a sensible and realistic bunch of people,who reprecent a cross section of society.I have come to the conclusion that most folks out there are just like us and only want to get on with their lives as best they can,which makes us the Majority,and if anyone else wants to live here they are most welcome,they can have what ever religion they want and they can be any colour or creed but they must play by OUR rules.This is after all a free country(thanks to the brave men and women of both world wars) and I hope I didnt go all the way to the Falklands for nothing,and the guys in the Gulf aint there under false pretenses (although it look like we were lied to)
                                So why cant the minority who want to cause trouble leave decent folks alone.To them I say"find yourselves a huge open space well away from the majority and get stuck into each other or justGROW UP

                                Ah thats better,
                                got it off me chest,normal sumo sevice will now be resumed.
                                If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.

