i must have been good, santa brought me a rory gallagher DVD, a new wallet, the usual chocolates, pants and socks (i'll try not to mix them up) and some money to spend in the sales........... yippeeeee
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wot did we all get then
I got some dive stuff and a couple of dvd's and Terry pratchett's "Thud" (in hard back) some shampooooo (why I have no idea cos there aint a lot left to wash)and some beers.......oh yeah and this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from Bunny.Last edited by sumo; 17 August 2007, 08:27.If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.
I got toothache !!
Also got a doggy fuel camera and printer dock thingy. Also a nodding British Bulldog in Union Jack trousers for the parcel shelf of the car ( I wont put that in the car as it would not be appreciatted by the 'locals' round here) , some CD's , chocs , and slippers .Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!
Got nothing surf related, the Momo steering wheel hints seem to have fell on
deaf ears, Got dvds ermm some more dvds, some running shoes (like matt
said, there comfortable) and the eartha kits, the running shoes are coming in
handy!Too young to die and too old to give a toss
Originally posted by ian619and the eartha kits, the running shoes are coming in
handy!. Then my other brother in law turned up and eat some of the same turkey , even after being warned it was moody . He was on the bog most of last night !
Question is why the turkey was not in the bin when it was known to be bad ? I never had any cooked meat at their house as did not want to take the risk in case it was the other meats on offer that were to blaim .
I just got toothache insteadRick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!
Four cd`s that I already have, the Star Wars trilogy from wifey, Four flat surf batterys and a 15mth old toddler with food poisoning!
Apart from the Wifeys DVD trilogy a bit pants then realyOk nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!
Originally posted by Vagrant No2ALL my in laws were on the bog Christmas night due to under cooked turkey. Then my other brother in law turned up and eat some of the same turkey , even after being warned it was moody . He was on the bog most of last night !
Question is why the turkey was not in the bin when it was known to be bad ? I never had any cooked meat at their house as did not want to take the risk in case it was the other meats on offer that were to blaim .
I just got toothache instead
in which case hehe) Dont think my little problem is down to bad food, Just
too much of it especially the cider, Not used to eating (and drinking) well,
and its all too much at once!, Its at times like this i wish i'd never changed the bathroom around, The sink used to be next to the bog, dead handy! Now
its the other side of the room, It's a case of either or,Too young to die and too old to give a toss