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scum bags (gutted)

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  • #61
    Originally posted by fatfires
    how do you hug with tongues?....mine aint long enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    mine is!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #62
      Originally posted by shelly
      i won't b lookin 4 trouble, i'l just wait 4 about a year, they got a nice shinny silver car on their drive as the sayin goes 'sometimes its not what u know but who you know' wink, wink. if i get compensation for the damaged they caused to the bike, i'l leave it at that, but if they get away with it i won't b a happy bunny.

      Pleased you got your bike back Shelly - you got the right idea - wait a while - revenge is sweet! Once whacked a yobbo with a tennis racket when he fell over the pram with my youngest in it (he was larking about) and gave him a black eye and he cried.



      • #63
        the two boys they arrested 4 nicking my bike got remanded 2day on a different charge, so does any1 no what happens to the charges with my bike when they get sentance 4 this orther charge??? not really up with all this law stuff, even thou i fancy changing my career 2 bein a police woman will u all stil speak 2 me if i do????
        lets go get dirty...


        • #64
          Dammit! There ya go with the uniform thing again......


          • #65
            Originally posted by shelly
            the two boys they arrested 4 nicking my bike got remanded 2day on a different charge, so does any1 no what happens to the charges with my bike when they get sentance 4 this orther charge??? not really up with all this law stuff, even thou i fancy changing my career 2 bein a police woman will u all stil speak 2 me if i do????
            I'll still speak to you. Our eldest is a police woman. She doesn't (officially) agree with some of my ideas on instant justice.
            It's only a hobby!


            • #66
              Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
              I'll still speak to you. Our eldest is a police woman. She doesn't (officially) agree with some of my ideas on instant justice.

              Tell her 'instant justice' saves a lot of paperwork, time and money.


              • #67
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                Dammit! There ya go with the uniform thing again......
                yea but u gotta admit, there is something about a uniform, recon i'd look pretty cute as a copper. and i'd be a rite bitch to all the scum bags.
                lets go get dirty...


                • #68
                  Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
                  I'll still speak to you. Our eldest is a police woman. She doesn't (officially) agree with some of my ideas on instant justice.
                  good 4 her... i really fancy doing it. i wouldn't hav dreamed of it a few yrs back, but as u get older your views change.
                  lets go get dirty...


                  • #69
                    Hmmmmmm. Y'see, the thing about police women in uniform, is what they're wearing under......................... ......I'll get me coat!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                      Hmmmmmm. Y'see, the thing about police women in uniform, is what they're wearing under......................... ......I'll get me coat!
                      lets go get dirty...


                      • #71
                        strangely, most of my mates are coppers... and they do dispense a bit of the old instant justice...bless em
                        and the stab vests the wear round here doesnt do anything for the figure...
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Chillitt
                          strangely, most of my mates are coppers... and they do dispense a bit of the old instant justice...bless em
                          and the stab vests the wear round here doesnt do anything for the figure...
                          at least it'l make me boobs look bigga
                          lets go get dirty...


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by shelly
                            at least it'l make me boobs look bigga
                            flater bigger nooooooo
                            my missus was a copper in peckham....del boys patch, got sensible and packed it in
                            Did I mention I have a BLUE one

