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scum bags (gutted)

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  • #16
    Glad you got it back Shelly. I still see my nephews KMX about nearly four years after it was stolen. Police have been called time and again but only seem interested in trying to nick them when they are stationary (apparantly they are not allowed to follow youths on motorbikes in case they fall off and their caring, loving parents sue).

    I have made a contraption similar to a bola. It is two 1.5" ball bearings with an 18" length of steel cable between. Next yoof on a moto-x machine who thinks it's funny to ride straight at me in a public park gets it in the front spokes.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #17
      fantastic idea phil, but they work better with 3 balls.... alledgedly... a steel bar cunningly diguised as a walking stick, accidently slipped into the front wheel is very effective...
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #18
        piano wire at about neck height is affective for decapitating the little ****ers! So I have heard.
        It's only a hobby!


        • #19
          i have also heard a 458 magnum (elephant gun) also works well, just a shame its illi..ilega.. against the law


          • #20
            Originally posted by Chillitt
            civil restitution!
            get their addresses and we'll restitute the bejezus out of em!!!
            unfortunatley 4 them i hav their address as i had to collect the bike from the front garden, i drive passed it every morning. the police say they r a bunch of drugies, but hey halloween is coming up soon, so i might get some peeps to pay em a visit but they won't be getting a treat and i'm going to try and get some money out of them even if it takes ages to get it to court. one of the chains they broke cost £70, 3 big padlocks, and all the damage they done to the bike, and the stress and diesel i spent driving round fields looking for it.
            lets go get dirty...


            • #21
              surf train through their front window?
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Chillitt
                surf train through their front window?
                they wil b gettin somethin throu their window, just need 2 figure out what yet.
                lets go get dirty...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by shelly
                  unfortunatley 4 them i hav their address as i had to collect the bike from the front garden, i drive passed it every morning. the police say they r a bunch of drugies, but hey halloween is coming up soon, so i might get some peeps to pay em a visit but they won't be getting a treat and i'm going to try and get some money out of them even if it takes ages to get it to court. one of the chains they broke cost £70, 3 big padlocks, and all the damage they done to the bike, and the stress and diesel i spent driving round fields looking for it.

                  A much more 'eventful' day than that is also on the horizon.........November 5th! nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                    A much more 'eventful' day than that is also on the horizon.........November 5th! nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.
                    Ooooo i like that 1, never thought about the 5th. Mmmm might hav 2 wait til then
                    lets go get dirty...


                    • #25
                      You ain't seen me, right?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                        You ain't seen me, right?
                        lets go get dirty...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by shelly
                          unfortunatley 4 them i hav their address as i had to collect the bike from the front garden, i drive passed it every morning. the police say they r a bunch of drugies, but hey halloween is coming up soon, so i might get some peeps to pay em a visit but they won't be getting a treat and i'm going to try and get some money out of them even if it takes ages to get it to court. one of the chains they broke cost £70, 3 big padlocks, and all the damage they done to the bike, and the stress and diesel i spent driving round fields looking for it.

                          If they are a bunch of druggies let's hope they all overdose on smack.
                          That would be for the best i think, theiving scumbags.

                          You could always put a parcel through the door (anomonously of course) with a white powder in it. Sodium Chlorate should do the trick , I bet you they would give it a try.



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by bobafatass
                            If they are a bunch of druggies let's hope they all overdose on smack.
                            That would be for the best i think, theiving scumbags.

                            You could always put a parcel through the door (anomonously of course) with a white powder in it. Sodium Chlorate should do the trick , I bet you they would give it a try.

                            Better off putting a parcel through the door with a large quantity of serious gear in it, then tipping off the Old Bill - they might not care about a stolen KMX, but a parcel of crack would DEFINITELY get their attention...

                            I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
                              Better off putting a parcel through the door with a large quantity of serious gear in it, then tipping off the Old Bill - they might not care about a stolen KMX, but a parcel of crack would DEFINITELY get their attention...

                              Can't afford the crack , too expensive would pot do ?



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by bobafatass
                                Can't afford the crack , too expensive would pot do ?

                                You could always make up a rucksack full of acetone peroxide , break in and leave it on the table, then phone the Anti-Terrorist Branch...

                                I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!

