went down my dads this morn to find out some focking scum bags hav stolen my kmx 200, i'm gutted. it was well chained up. they cut the lock off the gate, then off the chain that went throu the bike and was bolted to an eye in the ground, lifted the bike sideways to get it out, the other caain must be stil attached to the bike cos can't find it and it was the hardest to cut off, they had to go throu quite a narrow gap which the bikes struggle to get throu. nobody heard a thing, my eldest son was asleep on my mum's sofa, the bike was rite outside........i'm soooo gutted, been looking all day. put the word out with a few local scum bags that i want it back in one piece
. only had the bike for about 2 months, they didn't touch the other 2 bike so they knew what they wanted, the xr had the cr@piest of all chains and would hav been easier to pinch. i got a loan to buy the 200 so i'l be paying it off for months......FOCKING GUTTED. it was insured in my dads name so he'l lose his no claims, bless him....i just want it back.
