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scum bags (gutted)

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  • #31
    Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
    You could always make up a rucksack full of acetone peroxide , break in and leave it on the table, then phone the Anti-Terrorist Branch...

    No need for chemicals,
    Apparently the varnish used on playing cards has a very similar chemical make up to cemtex explosives,and is very difficult to distinguish, just rub the cards on the bag and hey presto ! a bag tainted with cemtex.



    • #32
      Originally posted by shelly
      really good news, just got back from picking my bike up, scum bags were caught screwing it not far from me. they arrested 3boys an a girl. bit of damage, back light all smashed in, both levers snapped, clocks smashed, ignition and petrol lock knackered, but all repairable. can't start it to see how much damage if any to the engine, i'm just so glad to hav it back thanks to those whoe were going to keep a look out THANKS....

      I'M SO HAPPY
      Very glad you got it back, but sad it's gonna cost a lot of time trouble and DOSH to sort it....you dont deserve all this aggro....Hope you can avoid these twerps doing same again, only ideas I got are very painful ones....

      Saw this in "paper" today - yeah I was born a Mancunian long time ago , http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/me...ark_crash.html

      What do others think of this ? Did he get his Just deserts ? or is it - Poor Kid ? there seem to be an awful lot of "unofficial" motorcyclists around at dead of night without any protection or identification all over't country !!!
      Last edited by Uplander; 10 October 2005, 17:14. Reason: updating


      • #33
        Originally posted by Uplander
        Very glad you got it back, but sad it's gonna cost a lot of time trouble and DOSH to sort it....you dont deserve all this aggro....Hope you can avoid these twerps doing same again, only ideas I got are very painful ones....

        Saw this in "paper" today - yeah I was born a Mancunian long time ago , http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/me...ark_crash.html

        What do others think of this ? Did he get his Just deserts ? or is it - Poor Kid ? there seem to be an awful lot of "unofficial" motorcyclists around at dead of night without any protection or identification all over't country !!!
        I live opposite a park in Manchester, I also have a 9 YO daughter who plays in it after school with her friends, I have lost count of how many times she has nearly been hit by one of these idiots on bikes -

        1 - 2.20 am - no way should he have been there

        2 - he was 18 on a kids bike - he would be too heavy for it

        3- chances are he'd nicked it

        4- even at a reasonable hour he shouldn't have been in a PUBLIC PARK ( how much greif do greenlaners get for off roading legally and how mmuch trouble do we go to - I wish i could use the park for playing around in my surf - i think the old bill would have something to say about that!)

        5- no helmet - If he'd worn a helmet prob wouldn't been as bad (his fault)

        6- no licence - If he'd had a licence he wouldn't have gone through the park.. no accident (his fault)

        7- No insurance - If he'd had insurance he'd been more carefull because of the cost (his fault)!

        I know this may sound a bit harsh but whoever put that barrier up would get a drink off me anytime!

        Ok Rant over - kidz racing round on tiny bikes do really *!*! me off though
        Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!


        • #34
          Now THAT'S justice....................... ....NEXT!


          • #35
            self inflicted injuries.
            darwinism at its best
            sorry will not be sending flowers.
            if however a surf convoy pulling up outside shellys new best freinds to point out the error of their ways needs one more....
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Chillitt
              self inflicted injuries.
              darwinism at its best
              sorry will not be sending flowers.
              if however a surf convoy pulling up outside shellys new best freinds to point out the error of their ways needs one more....
              needs one more....
              make that TWO
              Enjoying Life after Cancer


              • #37
                Originally posted by joe112
                I live opposite a park in Manchester, I also have a 9 YO daughter who plays in it after school with her friends, I have lost count of how many times she has nearly been hit by one of these idiots on bikes -

                1 - 2.20 am - no way should he have been there

                2 - he was 18 on a kids bike - he would be too heavy for it

                3- chances are he'd nicked it

                4- even at a reasonable hour he shouldn't have been in a PUBLIC PARK ( how much greif do greenlaners get for off roading legally and how mmuch trouble do we go to - I wish i could use the park for playing around in my surf - i think the old bill would have something to say about that!)

                5- no helmet - If he'd worn a helmet prob wouldn't been as bad (his fault)

                6- no licence - If he'd had a licence he wouldn't have gone through the park.. no accident (his fault)

                7- No insurance - If he'd had insurance he'd been more carefull because of the cost (his fault)!

                I know this may sound a bit harsh but whoever put that barrier up would get a drink off me anytime!

                Ok Rant over - kidz racing round on tiny bikes do really *!*! me off though

                i couldnt agree more. the plum got what he deserved! shame he didnt think about his family before he acted so dumb.


                • #38
                  sorry to hear about the bike shelly but glad you got it back,the little ----ers,should of had there scrotes cut off,ever though of a distress flare put through the letter box followed by dog phoo covered in newspaper and set alight,catch my drift.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Uplander
                    Very glad you got it back, but sad it's gonna cost a lot of time trouble and DOSH to sort it....you dont deserve all this aggro....Hope you can avoid these twerps doing same again, only ideas I got are very painful ones....

                    Saw this in "paper" today - yeah I was born a Mancunian long time ago , http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/me...ark_crash.html

                    What do others think of this ? Did he get his Just deserts ? or is it - Poor Kid ? there seem to be an awful lot of "unofficial" motorcyclists around at dead of night without any protection or identification all over't country !!!
                    My heart bleeds for him and his family.......................Not. That is the sort of ****** that deserves no sympathy whatsoever. The world is minus one chav. So what?
                    It's only a hobby!


                    • #40

                      Hi mate, Although idont wish death on anyone theres no one to blame but the
                      scroat himself, we are plagued with those small moterbiks round here and the cops do nothin, I said to her indoors only the other day, I's only a matter of
                      time till they kill someone or themself, Lo and behold last weekend one of them shot out of a side st at 8pm (dark) no lights and straight under a no 21
                      low floor single deck bus, Fire brigade had to air bag the bus up to get him out
                      He survived, Come away with a broken leg, jaw, diesil burns to his arse and back and a lifelong respect for busses, Dont know where the diesil come from but thats what it sain in the evening news, (perhaps his head went through the tank, Still better him than knocking down some poor old sod (me)
                      Cheers all
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #41
                        bet none of you had any fun when you were 18!

                        bunch of cunts!

                        hey shelly, glad you got it back... you're better off sending round some locals rather than the old fella's off here!.... wouldn't wanna see any surfers getting beat up by kids!
                        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                        • #42
                          Foul language

                          Originally posted by da SLUG man
                          bunch of cunts!
                          This is a family site . Disgusting , foul word . Sin bin .
                          Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Vagrant No2
                            This is a family site . Disgusting , foul word . Sin bin .
                            Agreed. Keep that kind language on the Chav forums.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Uplander
                              Very glad you got it back, but sad it's gonna cost a lot of time trouble and DOSH to sort it....you dont deserve all this aggro....Hope you can avoid these twerps doing same again, only ideas I got are very painful ones....

                              Saw this in "paper" today - yeah I was born a Mancunian long time ago , http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/me...ark_crash.html

                              What do others think of this ? Did he get his Just deserts ? or is it - Poor Kid ? there seem to be an awful lot of "unofficial" motorcyclists around at dead of night without any protection or identification all over't country !!!
                              thanks 4 all the post, i feel beta gettin my bike bk, stil ****ed off about it thou. i'm not sure this lad deserved to die, but i don't believe any action should be taken against the council, as he shouldn't have been riding the bike without a helmet or insurance. the kids should respect that motorbikes no matter what size are lethal and r not toys, even with experiance. we got 3 bikes and i would never let my kids out that time of night nor in a public place. if he'd been badly hurt he would hav learnt a lesson but as 4 losing his life i wouldn't like to lose 1 of my kids no matter what they've done. those bikes should be band, they r a pain in the backside. if they wanna race them, take em to a track, or pay insurance like every1 else.....i could go on 4ever so i'l shut up now.......
                              thanks to every1 again, i feel you get great support off this site and you all deserve a kiss oh and a hug...
                              lets go get dirty...


                              • #45
                                thanks to every1 again, i feel you get great support off this site and you all deserve a kiss oh and a hug...

                                with or without tongues

