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New Road Tax - Wot's Your Thoughts ?

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  • #16
    Another great idea from this government Same old s**t, another day

    Cheers, Nick
    "The force will be with you, always!"


    • #17
      You all need to go here.....

      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #18
        Well it looks like i`m gonna be the first to rock the boat here cause i`m not dead against it.

        I know this government car`nt be trusted and Blairs blatent and constant lies are turning into his own trademark,But the initial details about this were that it was to replace road tax AND fuel duty, is that so bad??(Is it about 80% tax on fuel? Car`nt remember exactly).They`ve come up with this £1.43 a mile max figure, that could be for anything,like an artic travelling through a city center at rush hour.

        And as for tolls,I drive to the French Alps on a regula basis,Every now and again you stop and pay a toll,not that bad or expensive,and their roads are a damn site better than ours,In many years travel there i have never been held up in road works or have seen a mysterious line of cones that dissapears after a mile with no explanation of what they were there for in the first place.

        I already pay £320 a year taxing two cars, and do about 20000 miles a year,i know thats very low compared to the majority, but is it not fair that people who do more miles than me should pay more than me.

        Anyway off the political soap box just my view,and No , i did`nt vote labour!!
        Stella Artois


        • #19
          Originally posted by jackster

          I already pay £320 a year taxing two cars, and do about 20000 miles a year,i know thats very low compared to the majority, but is it not fair that people who do more miles than me should pay more than me.

          Anyway off the political soap box just my view,and No , i did`nt vote labour!!
          Everbody who does more miles than you already pays more, they buy more fuel, therefore more tax on fuel, then VAT on top of that!

          Motorway tolls work OK, but it won't end there, and you know in this country you're gonna pay more than you should.

          The government isn't interested in conservation/congestion. If they were, public transport would be available to everybody and cheap which it isn't is you live more 2 miles from a city center. All they want to do is get more money from us.

          I'm sick of this countrys tax this, tax that mentality, how about making something cheaper/easier to encourage people to use it if they can, instead of penalising people who don't have any alternative.

          Some knobhead on the radio was going on about how people who are driving in to town just to go shopping or drop kids off somewhere should pay a extra tax!!!!

          SINCE WHEN HAS THIS BEEN ILLEGAL TO DO THIS???????? It's not a crime, jesus, what hope is there for this country?

          :pi$$ed off:
          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #20
            Oh, and by the way, the representative for britains car drivers dosn't own a car, and uses his bike!

            What fawking good is he than!
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #21
              i wouldnt mind pay as you drive if you could move as you drive....

              hang on a minute, they want to tax us on miles travelled.. so they get nothing while we are sitting in jams. at the moment we sit there burning money, erm fuel.
              does this mean they have an incentive to keep us moving? does that mean less jams?
              Last edited by Chillitt; 6 June 2005, 13:21.
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #22
                Usually when they come up with crap like this its to slip something else by while we are all ranting. If you start to think about the organisation required...how to police it.....how to implement GPS (new cars fist? Have to do by certain date?) I work for Local Authority and they tried to implement the "pay for parking at work" (remember that little gem?) They couldnt understand why they had empty car parks and loads of complaints from locals because of Council employees parking in their streets. As far as they were concerned £30 a month was a fair charge for parking. Everybody else saw it as a £30 wage cut.
                Gonna stop now as I'm starting to grind my teeth......................... ........


                • #23
                  round here the council have a whole car park to themselves, passes for the other car parks and STILL park on the side of the road 'cos its closer to the offices'
                  if i park outside my shop to load heavy things to deliver i get steve the traffic warden jabbing a finger at me and swearing....
                  time for one of my powdered frog tablets...
                  it's in me shed, mate.


                  • #24
                    Pass em on Chillit ....I've ran out


                    • #25
                      I think we all know if they get this up and running the initial charge will just be your starter for 10, with regular increases in the cost year after year after year until many many people are costed out of driving.

                      This country is fooked..........public transport is useless & far too expensive
                      The roads are crap
                      The whole state of the place is a disgrace.......litter, graffetti, larger louts, violence, ignorance, self self self attitude makes me sick.

                      And the increasing tax burden is just getting too much to handle......and it's going to get much worse in the next 18 months.

                      Just got back off holiday so am totally peed off looking around this dump of a town i live in & reading the new ways off ripping us all off.


                      • #26
                        Just found this on MSN



                        • #27
                          Slightly different rant, but related - Just read today that Govt is bringing in new legislation to ensure waste cooking oil is disposed of to "approved" waste management facilities (who are charged astronomically to register their premises). Effectively as they are tied to keeping tax on Bio low for 7 years under EU directives, they will just make it impossible for us ECO friendly types to get hold hold of waste oil to recycle as bio fuel!!!

                          Gawd - what is the world coming to?




                          • #28
                            you say people will be costed off the road.. that is exactly what the aim of this is. they call it reducing congestion, but all it means is clearer roads for richer people!
                            there is talk of 20 million more cars since 1980.. are there 20 m more drivers?
                            it's in me shed, mate.


                            • #29
                              Scrap all skools........................ the roads are clear when they are on Holiday


                              • #30
                                The major problem is anything that incresses the cost of transport incresses the cost of................EVERYTHING.
                                When they produced a white paper (why is it called 'white paper') about this idea a couple of years ago, it was not to totally scrap fuel tax, the wording was "a reduced fuel duty". So do you trust that they have changed their minds here?
                                I personally holiday in the UK, driving with seven dogs, towing our trailer. That just can't be done with public transport. If a mileage tax was created I probably would not be able to afford to go on hols, work would probably not be cost effective, and I'd probably not have a license for the few times I may have slipped over the limit which I'd bet their GPS system would alert them to.

                                No not a good idea, so we'll be seeing it soon then!
                                Gone from 4x4 to 1x2

