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  • wibblywobbly
    started a topic HID Headlights problem

    HID Headlights problem

    This may sound weird but I have owned my current KZN130 for 4 years, but last night was the first time I have driven it anywhere in the pitch dark. I am driving along thinking these lights are good, and then switch to full beam. The dipped beams were then activated, with the full beam remaining on?...
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    Last edited by wibblywobbly; 24 May 2024, 17:31.

  • KZN130 No Glow Plug Light, No start

    Hi, I've found two older posts about this, but the links in one of the posts don't work and just want to check the solution before splashing out.

    Car worked fine then suddenly wouldn't start.
    No glow plug light on ignition - car turns over fine but doesn't start....
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  • Reidzap
    started a topic loss of boost!?

    loss of boost!?

    I have a 90 hilux surf 2.4 td automatic. here is my problem, I just noticed today that my turbo only hits 4 psi when I have it set to 10 psi. I was getting my 10 psi all weekend until I let the surf sit for a day in the rain, when I took it out this morning my boost gauge only read 4 psi and i noticed...
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    Last edited by Reidzap; 15 July 2013, 04:18.

  • Strange Headlight fault! (On when engine off)

    I had recently been on holiday for two weeks. Surf worked fine when I left.

    Got back and batteries were flat. Didn't think much of it at first until I went round the front of it and saw a faint orange glow in the headlights...

    Checked inside and, no, the headlights weren't...
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