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4wd x

  • 2nd Gen Front Wheel Drive? Temporary Only?

    Well I'm parting out my old Surf, Then Engine are Gearbox are being put up for sale but will be left in the vehicle which must remain drivable, to allow new owner to easily load on trailer and for me to drive out of garden!
    My question is, this truck has a really good LSD in that the previous...
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  • Electric 4wd on low range knob is a bit dicky

    Hi folks, I've tried looking online for advice on Gen 3 Surfs but not much comes about, mostly Gen 2's, anyway the electric 4wd button on the low range knob, great idea and worked almost instantly engaging and diassengaging when I got it, however this after noon went out for a quick off road blast,...
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  • 4WD - mechanical issue, stuff hanging off drive shaft

    So, the other day, the old girl started making hideous whining, screeching metal on metal noises, hunting around I couldn't find an immiediate cause and then it stopped, I had thought it had maybe been a stone caught in the disc caliper, as it was that sort of sound, anyway I forgot about it, no noise,...
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  • bblue
    started a topic transfer box

    transfer box

    Hi everyone,
    Complete newbie to this forum so hello to you all!
    I have been given details of this forum by roughtrax to help me out. I think I am looking for a transfer box for my Surf KZN185 auto TD 1997. I say "think" as no garage has been able to tell me what is wrong with...
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  • leighh
    started a topic 4wd help requested...

    4wd help requested...

    I'm having a bit of trouble selecting h4h2 at the minute on the lever. I took the transfer lever off to have a look, as it needs straightening up anyway, and it looks like this (see below) with H4L showing on the dash - which seems wrong as I seem to recall the two cutouts lining up before in H4L to...
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    started a topic About ADD

    About ADD

    A big hello to all from the wet and miserable UK!
    OK I have a 1992 (J plate) Surf SSR-X with about 50k miles on the clock, a clean, never abused example. I don't think it's ever really done any work at all. Anyway, I was reading the thread someone made about fitting manually locking hubs, I...
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