ok had a couple of pm`s so instead of replying ill post here anyone interested in some lanes around grizdale/coniston area theres plenty of lanes and ive done a few my self maybe we could arange a date if enuff are interested or even if a few are the lanes ive done are quite thine in places but ive met a few disoveries on them there a mixture of rocky climbs and water spashes maybe a meeting place could be coniston as the first nice one goes over coniston old man and is called walna scare (nice views) from there theres one that follows coniston lake and comes out at saterthwait near grizdale theres a few round grizdale from there theres one near windermere called garburn witch i havnt done but know ppl that have its suposed to be more extreme so if no one wants to do that one thats fine . so in all theres enuff offroad miles for at least a full day. the grizdale ones are fantastic for the kids as they have all kinds of hiden secrets in the trees
lets see whos interested and how many . dont forget these are all lara aproved green lanes in some of the most stunning area in the lake district
