How come I seem to be the only one that got overheating problems due to a mud filled rad? <note to self - must rectify this one this weekend. I cant keep driving around below 55mph!>
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Slindon Pics
Damn was that last weekend !!! thought it was this week ! What shall i do with my spare day now. hmmmm I was just down the road a ways so if you go back let me know i have a jet washI always work better wet.
Its why I became a plumber!!!
Originally posted by DannoHow come I seem to be the only one that got overheating problems due to a mud filled rad? <note to self - must rectify this one this weekend. I cant keep driving around below 55mph!>
Did you notice we always let you go first and thus followed in your bow wave, Ha Ha.
Probably tempting fate still on original head and gauge never been over half way. just spent 3 hours removing all the sand from the under side.
SteveShould have bought a 3ltr
Originally posted by Esamedjet washed mine last night all ok, still got a ton of muck in the door jams probably best not to jet wash there though.
got a new fog light yet?
Drummer boy, have the carpets dried yet?
Originally posted by DannoHow come I seem to be the only one that got overheating problems due to a mud filled rad? <note to self - must rectify this one this weekend. I cant keep driving around below 55mph!>
Drummer boy
Next time you will know to let danno go first, cleaned mine up inside and under friday after much moaning from the missus only for her yesterday(saturday) to pile a load of shavings in the back for the horses. why do we bother. as for the carpets wouldn't take long to whip the seats out and the carpets. only prob then is the sound deadening which in mine is glued to the floor pan.
SteveShould have bought a 3ltr