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Engine ticking problems

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Sneakthief View Post
    Ps I realise it is a bank holiday but I only came upon this idea after talking to you, also I did say I'd be doing it myself and you suggested you could help me with the electrics side of things. but looks like I got the wrong end of the stick. Won't bother you about it again and i can see I have been a pain.

    Whoa, hold on there a cotton pickin' minute!

    What I was trying to say after another night of no sleep was that you seem to be rushing into something you haven't research enough about.
    Look through the build threads just to see what you're taking on first.
    It's not a case of removing the diesel lump and wedging a V8 in the hole! I read loads of info over several weeks before I took the plunge with mine.

    These conversions are not fit and forget, there's always teething problems to iron out and buying just an engine, you have no idea if it even runs or the transmission works properly.

    I'm assuming that you hope to get the conversion done before you go to Glastonbury? ?
    I told you to get that 3rd gen for £600 and sell it when you get back, now that chance has gone.

    p.s. My phone is just for work, I don't touch it on week-ends.


    • #32
      Alright Vince sorry I ain't been in contact, I've had a few family problems. I wasn't being funny just wasn't sure if I had pee'd you off with all the questions!lol hope All's good and will be getting a full IS400 shortly so I can used all bits from it.

      Will give you a call tomorrow when back from the hospital.


      • #33
        Alright Vince. If you need any parts off my jeeps I'm breaking it or if you know anyone that wants to buy it as whole for parts let me know. Hope All's well, been flat out with work, Glasto n Vegas in 2wks

