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Manual boost controler

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  • #16
    In fact because it's an automatic I'm never going to rev into the red anyway because it'll change gear and on overdrive I'm certainly not going to go that fast! So why not bring the boost to 12psi @ 4000 revs?...


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mr Malleenos View Post
      Thanks for all the info! I did read somewhere that sometimes people simpley remove the ball and spring, I could see what that does. I never rev into the red anyway, this is the most I've ever revved her - to check I'm not putting in too much pressure. It could be that boost pressure comes in earlier when driving because of everything being under load. Just a guess though.
      makes it pointless if you remove the ball and spring LOL

      yes, you need to drive it and have it under load to check boost levels.
      free reving it in neutral will never show proper boost.


      • #18
        haha, ok, I'll forget the spring removal thing I read and see what happens when I go for a drive. Hopefully boost will kick in earlier - fingers crossed!


        • #19
          ah sugar, sorry, missed the fact you tested at a standstill. Sorry. Yes you will need to be under load for a real idea of whats happening. My guess is you will come onto boost at 1800rpm.

          I moved mine as it wasgetting vibration interfearence. its mounted onto the brake master cylinder now. youers will be on the other side though I understand? Being a 2nd?


          • #20
            The controler I added is over by the brake master cylinder too, but not even quite as far. I'll try and find time to make a bracket for it today.
            How's about this filter looking thing from by the turbo sensor? Worth a clean to help boost flow?
            Attached Files


            • #21
              here are a couple of pics of the boost controler instalation. Appologies for the lack of microsoft paint skills.
              First picture shows the smaller turbo pipes and the others are the water and oil pipe removed to allow access.
              Second picture shows a simple bracket I quickly made to hold the controler.
              second picture needs rotating 90 degrees but I'm new to windows 10 and I'd rather be outside than learning that cr@p! I did try though
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Mr Malleenos; 25 September 2015, 12:24.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mr Malleenos View Post
                Appologies for the lack of microsoft paint skills
                Download PhotoScape. It's free and simple to use. Been using it for years.



                • #23
                  After the Hilux flying through it's MOT after two tears off the road she flew down the road!
                  Foot about 2/3 to the floor like normal, the boost needed turning down because the ecu was cutting out the fuel (no engine warning light). Now with the same 2/3 to the floor and about 10psi there's a real difference to what was probably 8psi before. Happy days.

