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Fuel starvation

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Surfboy View Post
    (can it be 'serviced'?)
    No, but you can pick one up from a breaker for a couple of quid or drill a hole in it.
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


    • #32
      I went the driling route...worked a treat for me.
      Non intercooled nothing.


      • #33
        In over 6 years of SVO/WVO use I've never had a serious problem n I've never filtered down to 10 or 5 never mind 1 micron .....
        I'd also go along with the advice already given, so think ya either have a more serious problem /s than ya think or ya bungling along as n when instead of a methodical process of elimination but appreciate this may be tedious and time consuming....
        Good Luck

        11+ Years of Surfs .... n Faultless to a " T " is my Yota
        Buncefield Burner


        • #34
          Well so far, of the things that I have done, my gut feeling is that the WVO mix has been poorer than my previous ones. My source for this batch was new so perhaps it's an oil type that doesn't work so well. Firstly, I will go back to my mix of SVO that I ran all winter and see what difference there is. The fuel cap is back on properly and all is well so far. Clearing down the lines could only be a good thing and cleaning the ip filter and replacing the fuel filter are all beneficial I'm sure.


          • #35
            If there is any animal fat in your WVO, it'll bung things up in jig time. It's always a good idea to carry a filter wrench and new filter when you run on veg too.
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #36
              Well I thought I was all sorted until today. the truck has been running fine for the last few days. Today I set out on to the motorway and went about 3 miles and my problem returned... Engine light and no power. It's the first time on a motorway run, my daily drive is 6 - 7 miles of urban driving. So I stopped and undid the fuel cap, drove home (wife not amused) and it seemed to be better. So perhaps it is the fuel cap then? What happens? Is it a vacuum build up stopping the fuel from being drawn up?


              • #37
                Well I would say about 60% diesel, 40% wvo. I'll get more diesel in this weekend and test it some more before worrying about pumps.

                I didn't hear any hissing when I undid the cap but I suppose the pressure could have equalised while I came off the motorway and found a place to stop. I'll run with a loose cap for the time being.


                • #38
                  If you have had some dodgy fuel (or even had some biodiesel mixed with your WVO) then there is a good chance that the pick-up strainer in your fuel tank has blocked with whitish thick gunk. You can blow it out with a pump, but it will block again in a few miles. Before buying a new injector pump, which will not fix such a problem as that described above, you may like to drop the fuel tank and check it out. If the strainer is blocked, you would best clean out the tank before refitment. It isn't an easy job whilst on the ground, but if you can get access to a high ramp, or hoist, it isn't all that bad.


                  • #39
                    Well I can rule out the fuel cap. Today the problem returned with a loose fuel cap.

                    If Vince is reading, are you around to help with taking the tank off? I am not confident doing that myself!



                    • #40
                      Took my truck to Vince for a couple of days and the problem has been solved!

                      He had great fun dropping the fuel tank and clearing the lines but the problem still remained so all that was really left was to replace the fuel pump with the spare one I bought 'just in case'. That's what it was! Runs like a dream now.

                      Even cleaned the engine and truck for me! That'll keep me from doing it for another year!

                      A great big thanks again to Vince... Top Man! But you all already know that!

