Hi, we've got a 3.0L kZN 130 '94. Been absolutley perfect since we bought it. However it cut out with no warning and wouldn't restart. We sent it to a toyota dealer outside London and was messed around with for a month with a different story each time we called.The main excuse was that they couldn't find anything wrong when they did a diagnostic. Eventually we gave up and went to collect the car and was informed that they didn't have the neccesary ECU leads and so nothing had been done!! Nice.On advise from a mech. friend he reckoned that there was no fuel getting to the injectors.We swopped out the injector pump with no joy. We then had the ECU checked-still no fuel to the injectors Before we do anymore-can anyone recommend a garage that has the facilities to complete a proper diagnostic around the london area-or has anyone got any advise as to what to try next!