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Trouble starting

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  • #16
    Originally posted by andyverran View Post
    Thingy in the middle - wheel cylinder?

    So if I'm reading that right, hard brake peddle? In which case look at the servo and vacuum systems...probably got a leak.
    Isn't there a balancing valve or something underneath the truck? It often locked up too easily which a colleague of mine said could be a tell tale of this unit being faulty, so I was thinking that this is a development of that fault.....but I do need to check the shoes, master cylinder etc....


    • #17
      There is a brake proportioning valve above the rear axle that controls rear brake pressure...more pressure under load is how that works..


      • #18
        Originally posted by andyverran View Post
        There is a brake proportioning valve above the rear axle that controls rear brake pressure...more pressure under load is how that works..
        Thats the chappie. I basically have enough wrong with my Surf to keep me busy for weeks to be honest, door locks, Aircon, fan switch, leaky rad, rear window, brakes, pitman arm, ball joints.........ho hum!!


        • #19
          Yeah...old cars...
          I'd prioritise brakes, fan and radiator.


          • #20
            Tonka, if there's so much wrong with it, it could become expensive...have you thought about putting the cash towards a newer surf? Maybe a 3.0L?...live dangerously...



            • #21
              Originally posted by tashtego View Post
              Tonka, if there's so much wrong with it, it could become expensive...have you thought about putting the cash towards a newer surf? Maybe a 3.0L?...live dangerously...

              Yeah, you're probably right, but I have a terrible track record for buying cars that then go wrong, at least I know this one! It won't be such an issue when I get my everyday car back on the road (an old Golf - diesel engine + water ) as I use my Surf for the rough stuff, but at the moment it's had a daily 70mile hammering for months...


              • #22
                Fuel primer - heated or not?

                Hi there, do I need a heated fuel primer or non heated? I'm at work, don't have my car and wanted to order this today and didn't realise there was a choice! Or maybe I'm better off going for the heated one? Millners have them both listed for the same price here(You'll need to scroll down)

                Many thanks!


                • #23
                  Update ????????????


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by woodwarm View Post
                    Update ????????????

                    Good point!! The weirdest thing has happened - somehow the problem seems to have gone away! For now at least, the thing starts first time every morning. God knows why this should be the case and no doubt it won't stay that way, but as I'm now spending all my time getting my Golf back on the road I'm really grateful that the Surf is being a good Surf.

                    EDIT: Just reviewed the whole thread, which made me realise that I have done some good work on the old girl over the last few months - replaced the rear drums and fixed the rear window - maybe she's just showing her gratitude!!
                    Last edited by Tonka; 12 October 2014, 00:42.

