So, a wee while ago I promised to write up the fabrication of a cheap as chips air/oil seperator to reduce the amount of oil laden smoke going to the turbo inlet and thus reducing your emmissions and stopping that side of the turbo getting all bunged up with black sludge...7 yrs later here it is!
I made this for NZ$30...or about 10 of your english pounds
You will need: A length of 38mm waste pipe (like you find under your sink, just don't tell the missus)
2 end caps for same
2 spigots
A handful of stainless scouring pads (Think I used 8)
A small quantity of fine mesh
Silicone sealant
60 minutes of free time (some might find that one harder to get than anything else!)
I made this for NZ$30...or about 10 of your english pounds
You will need: A length of 38mm waste pipe (like you find under your sink, just don't tell the missus)
2 end caps for same
2 spigots
A handful of stainless scouring pads (Think I used 8)
A small quantity of fine mesh
Silicone sealant
60 minutes of free time (some might find that one harder to get than anything else!)