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Cracked head, new head, but still won't start

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  • #16
    There is no pump in the tank. First thing to check in any diesel that wont start is the stop solenoid. Its in the main fuel pump.
    Put you hand on the side of the pump and get someone to turn the ignition on but not turn the engine over. You will feel a strong click from the pump if its working ok, you will probably hear it as well.
    You may be getting fuel from the injectors but if its not opening ok there will not be enough to lift the spring in the injector.
    If its not clicking ok check all you wiring connections in paticular the large grey connector cliped to the side of the pump and the 2 earth wires near the back of the inlet manifold, brown wire as fare as i remember.
    If it is clicking ok you could try a bit of easy start up the pipe to the throttle body but only use a very little bit to see if it fires or it might run away on you, brake cleaner works as well if you dont have any easy start.
    If thats not it check the vavle timing there isnt much else that will stop it firing .


    • #17
      If youre getting fuel up to the injectors then you can rule out any fault with the solenoid on the pump.The fuel doesnt squirt alot from the open pipe,but it will/should send it out in small 'spurts'.Are you sure the 4 pipes are on the pump in the correct order,its possible to fit them incorrectly which would mean you are firing fuel at the wrong time.
      Also,if thats ok,you could take out an injector and fit it on the pipe upside down(pointing upwards)crank the engine and see if the injector is spraying.But I'd say if you have fuel at the injectors,your problem lies elsewhere and your next step will need to be a compression test.


      • #18
        We're getting there... I think!

        Thanks again for all your help guys. Here is more...

        Ok, we think it is something to do with the stop solenoid. It was not clicking when ingnition was switced on. There maybe a wiring problem so we stripped back the earth and live on the grey plug on side of fuel pump and fed straight off the battery. We then get a very faint click as if it is trying. Maybe it has seazed? Can you change just the stop solenoid or is it a new pump? If so how do you get the solenoid out?

        The weird thing is that there is some fuel getting up to the injectors and through. We took an injector off and screwed it to the injector pipe and there is fuel squirting out. Could it be that the stop solenoid is half open and allowing some fuel up? The injector is squirting rather than spraying if you get my meaning.

        Oh by the way, we checked the timing on the fuel pump - all good.

        Last question - Am I fighting a losing battle here? Is it time to give up and go see the scrap man? I only had my Surf for about a year and loved it. I want to keep on trying but is it time to turn the life support machines off??
        Last edited by Gecko; 24 January 2010, 21:56.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Gecko View Post
          Thanks again for all your help guys. Here is more...

          Ok, we think it is something to do with the stop solenoid. It was not clicking when ingnition was switced on. There maybe a wiring problem so we stripped back the earth and live on the grey plug on side of fuel pump and fed straight off the battery. We then get a very faint click as if it is trying. Maybe it has seazed?

          The weird thing is that there is some fuel getting up to the injectors and through. We took an injector off and screwed it to the injector pipe and there is fuel squirting out. Could it be that the stop solenoid is half open and allowing some fuel up? The injector is squirting rather than spraying if you get my meaning.

          Oh by the way, we checked the timing on the fuel pump - all good.

          Last question - Am I fighting a losing battle here? Is it time to give up and go see the scrap man? I only had my Surf for about a year and loved it. I want to keep on trying but is it time to turn the life support machines off??
          i got a 2.4 fuel pump here for £100 delivered if you want it.If not and you decide to get rid then let me know as i may have it if the price is right


          • #20
            Originally posted by stormforce View Post
            i got a 2.4 fuel pump here for £100 delivered if you want it.If not and you decide to get rid then let me know as i may have it if the price is right
            Hold that thought. Can you change the solenoid or is it a new pump? Is your pump used? Do you have a magic wand I could borrow?


            • #21
              I've never taken a pump apart so i couldn't say but hopefully someone will say yes or no tho


              • #22
                Only Me!!!

                Originally posted by jpinhorn View Post
                There is no pump in the tank. First thing to check in any diesel that wont start is the stop solenoid. Its in the main fuel pump.
                Put you hand on the side of the pump and get someone to turn the ignition on but not turn the engine over. You will feel a strong click from the pump if its working ok, you will probably hear it as well.
                You may be getting fuel from the injectors but if its not opening ok there will not be enough to lift the spring in the injector.
                If its not clicking ok check all you wiring connections in paticular the large grey connector cliped to the side of the pump and the 2 earth wires near the back of the inlet manifold, brown wire as fare as i remember.
                If it is clicking ok you could try a bit of easy start up the pipe to the throttle body but only use a very little bit to see if it fires or it might run away on you, brake cleaner works as well if you dont have any easy start.
                If thats not it check the vavle timing there isnt much else that will stop it firing .
                Ok. We may be getting somewhere here. I have taken the stop solenoid out. Not easy when pump is still attached. Decided for the sake of a few quid i'll just buy a new one. Has anyone tried to get a new stop solenoid? Toyota only supply it with the pump and no one else seems to sell them new.

                So we then thought maybe a good idea to check it. When the solenoid is out of the pump it is clicking. The further we screw it back into the pump the weeker the click get until it dissapears altogether when solenoid is screwed home. Any ideas guys or is it that my surf is haunted????

                I'm guessing that the problem lies with the solenoid and would love to replace it, anyone know anyone who might have a spare one?


                • #23
                  Why don't you just buy a known good pump? Would save a whole lot of arsing around.
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                  • #24
                    I really have buggered it.

                    Right, scrap all the bollox and clutching at straws i've been doing. Had a diesel expert look at it. He reckons it's the block! Could be the piston rings, could be the pistons, could be the block.

                    Anyone got any advice or any parts they want to sell? Do I replace the block or the entire engine? Haven't got much spare cash at the mo.


                    • #25
                      I have got a 2.4 bare block if you want it.make an offer for it and it will have to go on a pallet at £70


                      • #26
                        Scuse my stupidity. Bare block = no pistons etc??

                        I presume its from a working engine?


                        • #27
                          It came out a truck with the head gone.Bare block means no fuel pump,turbo etc but has all the pistons and stuff inside


                          • #28
                            I'll let you know. I'm worried though because thats what happened to mine and it would appear the block is knackered. Your knowledge would be appreciated.



                            • #29
                              How bad did yours over heat as it would have to be a bad overheat i should think to crack the block.
                              I know the engine i got here the garage i got the truck from thought checked the head originally and it was ok but it was still losing coolant.By the time they found the problem the head cracked and the owner told the garage to sell the truck to cover the bill.From what i was told it wasn't a bad overheat but enough to crack the head
                              The bottom end turns over ok by hand and i haven't noticed any slack in the pistons or anything.I will be happy if you want to cover the cost of the shipping and then if the engine is ok pay me after for the engine.I can't personally state the engine is 100% but the guy at the garage seemed genuine enough on what he told me


                              • #30
                                i know you bought the head complete but did you check valve clearances?? sounds daft but on my first surf i swapped heads and wouldnt start tried everything you did and more then someone suggested valve gaps??? hope it helps it did to me all mine were tight once i resized shims and gaps were right fired first time ...

